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TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 19/126 (15%) Jews starlings gulping killing reverence
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 32 March 4, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

First, naturally, I have a few comments to make that will not only tie in Ruburt’s smoking habits with his present personality, but also to some extent tie in his present personality with past personalities.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt even has a latent gluttonous desire for rich foods that he has conquered. Nevertheless although the cigarette habit satisfies these basic old habits, he will be able to let it go. He is a gobbler, that is all. A gobbler of ideas, of emotions, of atmosphere, in some ways a veritable sponge soaking up whatever he can, but he has learned discipline and he is learning a certain amount of patience, which is difficult for him.

There is also here connected only with his present personality an ego image of the writer with a cigarette. In this case the cigarette represents independence and even individuality, and even female emancipation. So it is all bound up together in a rather mazelike web. I hope that when Ruburt understands this it will make the situation easier for him.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

The panic itself will not be as severe as Ruburt faces it and realizes the connection with a gulping of air. I know about the book on autohypnosis, and believe that this will be a big help to Ruburt along these lines, as it will enable him to bypass many of the ego’s objections. This habit for various reasons then is deeply rooted, and seemed to be a harmless answer to a number of past and present needs and problems.

It aggravates a certain amount of nervousness however and is not beneficial. In this also a definite but not bullying attitude is important. The panicky feeling is already lessening and Ruburt’s discipline is catching up with and conquering his emotional attitudes so that the problem will be worked out, that is he will stop smoking.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

His circumstances of birth made it difficult for him to overindulge in the rich things of life, although his present mother used rich foods as compensation for other things, and this example opened Ruburt’s eyes and actually started him on the road to self-discipline.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

In the present personality we have abilities developed in past lives, and ability to paint for example that should be made more use of now. What you call Ruburt’s sales ability is also a result of past experiences, and certain other latent abilities such as a facility with growing plants. He was at one time an excellent farmer.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

His temper when aroused was very great however and he retaliated instantly. He had never known hatred however. This time he has had to deal with it in a most intimate manner. The old stormy temper is now seen in Ruburt’s deep grudges. The personality of Ruburt’s mother was not close to him in any other life. The circumstances of birth were chosen at the last minute on his part and was made for two reasons.

One, the personality of the mother offered needed experience for Ruburt; and two, the paganistic personality of the father was in some degree like his own past personalities though in a much more vague and watered-down way. A miscarriage later on the part of Ruburt’s mother represented an entity who changed his mind so to speak. He was at one time a brother. Ruburt’s present shape is something he has been working for. He was often tall, hardy and stout.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt’s miscarriage was a result of something else entirely. This time you are both on your last reincarnation cycle on your plane, and as a rule no personality fragments are left behind.

[... 32 paragraphs ...]

You are beginning to learn the lesson. Ruburt’s vehement anger over something that seems perhaps much more trivial, the death by shooting of the starlings, is a case in point.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

I would suggest Ruburt that you do not smoke tomorrow. Keep the pack you already have for periods of panic. Also use a hot cloth on your face when your sinuses bother you, and do not use the drops as they aggravate your condition.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

This should be of benefit. Also the slow breathing habits you began to acquire with your yoga exercises will be beneficial. Giving up the smoking habit will also help you in this respect. You are strongly intuitive and very quick, but you can learn to have a more relaxed body. A fear has been developed by the present personality resulting directly from early circumstances. Ruburt is afraid that if he does not operate quickly he will be symbolically caught and crippled as is the case with his present mother.

The disability of the present mother is a result of that personality’s own problems, and Ruburt does not have to fear such a circumstance in his own condition. However a relaxed attitude is extremely important to counteract other tendencies. His fear of relaxation is actually rather simply based and superficial, in that it does not have its source in a past life but in this one.

The fear is the result of the mother’s mockery of the father, and I believe this will make sense to Ruburt even consciously. The two of you are well equipped to help each other, which should make things easier. And Joseph, we will go into the inner senses shortly. I have given you some other general material somewhat in outline form as preparation for further sessions.

And you have done well this week, working out some challenges concerning your paintings. Our sessions will of course vary in many respects and this is to be expected. I did incidentally watch Ruburt write one of his poems about the starlings, and though poetry was never one of my lines I have to admit that I was quite impressed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It was the poem that Ruburt sent to the paper.

Incidentally Ruburt always felt a strong bond with every living thing, and even as a man was not cruel. He was only a Christian once, the last time, and otherwise was paganistic but always in ways that enabled him to feel close to the earth. This is of course one of the main reasons for his particular reaction with the starling incident, and this quality has been a saving one in the past.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I haven’t had the opportunity to use my sense of humor lately but it is still here as you will discover. This is one of those nights when I dislike saying goodbye for now, but I will. And Ruburt please heed my advice, all of it.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

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