1 result for (book:ss AND session:547 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(9:26.) The entity might well be exploring several probable systems too, and these personalities would also have to be reached and contacted. The amount of knowledge and training necessary makes such a teaching communicator-career extremely demanding, but it is one of the courses available. The process of learning such information necessarily adds to the development and abilities of the teacher. A delicate manipulation of energy is required, and a constant travel through dimensions. Once such a choice is made, training immediately begins, always under the leadership of a practical expert. The vocation, for it is a vocation, leads such a teacher even into other realms of reality than those he previously knew existed.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
(10:15. Willy had begun to act up again, so I deposited him in another room and closed the door. Jane said she had been bothered by him, and by my sneezing. She had a vague memory of the near-shout I’d directed at Willy. My own energies, she said, were very scattered this evening; she had picked this up. It was certainly true that I wasn’t at my best. I continued to sneeze after she resumed at 10:25.)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]