3 results for (book:ss AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:reader)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

I will tell the reader how he sees what he sees, or hears what he hears, and why. I hope to show through the entire book that the reader himself is independent of his physical image, and I hope, myself, to give him some methods that will prove my thesis to him.

There will be a final chapter in which I will ask the reader to close his eyes and become aware of the reality in which I exist, and of his own inner reality. I will give the methods. In this chapter I will invite the reader to use his “inner senses,” to see me in his own way.

My message to the reader will be: “Basically, you are no more of a physical personality than I am, and in telling you of my reality I tell you of your own.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

[...] The introduction applies to each reader, for I hope that you will now be able to meet yourself face to face with a greater understanding of who and what you are.

Certainly most of my readers, however, will have success with some of the suggested exercises. [...]

Each reader, however, should in one way or another sense his own vitality in a way quite new to him, and find avenues of expansion opening within himself of which he was earlier unaware. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

The same applies to each reader of this book. [...]

(To me, louder): If you do not understand something clearly, mention it — because if you do not, then the reader will not.