1 result for (book:notp AND session:796 AND stemmed:recal)
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You could not physically handle anything like complete dream recall. (With a small laugh:) You are not consciously capable of dealing with the psychological depths and riches that activity reveals. For one thing, your concepts of time, realistically or practically speaking, as utilized, would become more difficult to maintain in normal life. This does not mean that far greater dream recall than you have is not to your advantage, because it certainly is. I merely want to explain why so many dreams are not recalled.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
The conscious mind, however, can only hold so much. Life as you know it could not exist if everything was conscious in those terms. The sweet parcel of physical existence, I have told you, exists as much by merit of what it does not include as it does by merit of your experience. In important ways your dreams make your life possible by ordering your psychological life automatically, as your physical body is ordered automatically for you. You can make great strides by understanding and recalling dreams, and by consciously participating in them to a far greater degree. But you cannot become completely aware of your dreams in their entirety, and maintain your normal physical stance.
As a civilization you fail to reap dreams’ greater benefit, and the conscious mind is able to handle much more dream recall than you allow. Such training would add immeasurably to the dimensions of your life. Dreams educate you even in spatial relationships, and are far more related to the organism’s stance in the environment than is realized. The child learns spatial relationships in dreams.
[... 35 paragraphs ...]