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NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 11/46 (24%) cells memory twenty reborn body
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Where You and the World Meet
– Chapter 7: The Living Flesh
– Session 632, January 15, 1973 9:00 P.M. Monday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

So is your own identity secure in the midst of all these births and deaths of which your conscious self is unaware. The memory of all of its experiences is retained. Each cell remembers its past though all of its parts have been and are being continually replaced.3

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Each physical cell is in its way a miniature brain, with memory of all of its personal experiences and of its relationship with other cells, and with the body as a whole. In your terms this means that each cell operates with an innate picture of the body’s entire history — past, present, and future.

Now this picture is ever-changing and mobile. An alteration in just one cell is instantly noted by the body consciousness (the combined consciousnesses of the cells), and the future effect perceived. This information is used together with all other data from the body, and a prediction made.

(9:21.) This body prediction is then assessed, and on more levels than it is possible for me to explain. Briefly, the picture is “shown” in the invisible arena where flesh and spirit meet. This arena is not a place, of course, but an inner state of gestalt consciousness. The state is brought about through certain interactions that occur deep within the body. Magnetic structures are formed. They are created on a physical level through certain activations of the nerves in which the normal patterns are jumped, so to speak, and images are formed. The nerves and the cellular structures at their tips take pictures. These are all assembled and used to form the larger picture of the body’s condition.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(9:35. “Seth gave us a break just to give us a break,” Jane said. “He’s got a lot more there, all ready. I think he might talk about that book we bought last week, too — at least a little.”

(The book Jane referred to is a compendium of experiments with animal and human biological rhythms. We haven’t read all of it yet, but from our points of view we’re already questioning some of the conclusions drawn within it. We think Seth is continually offering larger insights into such rhythms. Resume at 9:42.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Say that at the age of four you were severely injured. An accident took place at 3:20 in the afternoon. It was snowing. Your mother was roasting a turkey. Imagine that you burned a hand severely. Though all of the tissue in that hand has often been completely replaced by the time you are twenty-seven, for example, the identity within each of those present cells remembers that injury.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

At times of course both can be highly beneficial. A conscious realization of danger, for example, will call up all information dealing with similar situations, so that the body can deal with it at once from the vast bank of its living memory. But constant unpleasant thoughts put the body into a state of turmoil that is “unrealistic,” and, in turn, force it to reactivate such old patterns.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

In all cases when you are concerned about your health, there is a choice of directions for you to follow. The living flesh is yours. It is the materialization of your soul, and through the body the soul will provide you with those answers you require. In the next chapter we will begin to discuss those methods that can be used to refresh and heal the body, and that will help you arouse from within the physical form those memories and experiences most to your advantage. For best results, you must remember that ideas are as alive as the cells within your hand.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(When she read the first page of this session after I’d typed it, Jane said, “It looks like I distorted that bit about atoms ‘dying.’ I don’t think it should be put that way, I guess. Seth must have a lot on that. All I remember is that matter can’t be created or destroyed. And those particles that break off atoms and are released as radiation don’t ‘die’ as far as I know — although they might evolve….?”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(At the same time, Jane and I read these days that physicists are beginning to question the immutability of such rigid “laws” as those applying to thermodynamics, causality, etc., saying that they are either in error after all or need to be modified….

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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