1 result for (book:nopr AND session:610 AND stemmed:constant)

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 610, June 7, 1972 3/53 (6%) soul rises unconscious psyche Oversoul
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Where You and the World Meet
– Chapter 1: The Living Picture of the World
– Session 610, June 7, 1972 9:10 P.M. Wednesday

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

So does the human individual rise up in victorious distinctiveness from the ancient and yet ever-new fountains of its own soul. The self rises from unknowing into knowing, constantly surprising itself. As you read these sentences, for example, some of your knowledge is conscious knowing and is instantly available. Some is unconscious, but even the unconscious knowledge is knowing in its own unknowing.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(10:27.) You do not have the same ego now that you had five years ago, but you are not aware of the change. Ego rises out of what you are, in other words. It is a part of the action of your being and consciousness, but as the eye cannot see its own shifting colors and expressions, as it is not aware that it lives and dies constantly as its atomic structure changes, so you are not aware that the ego continually changes, dies, and is reborn.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

So psychological structures form to which various names are given. The names are meaningless, but the structures behind them are not. Such psychological structures also retain their identity, their pattern of uniqueness, even while they change constantly, die and are reborn.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

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