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NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 610, June 7, 1972 9/53 (17%) soul rises unconscious psyche Oversoul
– The Nature of Personal Reality
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Where You and the World Meet
– Chapter 1: The Living Picture of the World
– Session 610, June 7, 1972 9:10 P.M. Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Through it all, however, we looked forward to our daily participation in Seth’s new book. Jane hadn’t looked at Seth Speaks for long periods during its production in order to avoid conscious involvement with it — but, she said recently, smiling, she plans to read and use this work session by session as she delivers it. Whatever nervousness she’d felt about producing it was minimal by now. I encouraged her new free attitude.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

All manner of insects, birds and beasts cooperate in this venture, producing the natural environment. This is as normal and inevitable as the fact that your breath causes a mist to form on glass if you breathe upon it. All consciousness creates the world, rising out of feeling-tone. It is a natural product of what your consciousness is. Feelings and emotions emerge into reality in certain specific ways. Thoughts appear, growing on the bed already laid. The seasons spring up, formed by ancient feeling-tones, having deep and abiding rhythms. They are the result, again, of innate creative aspects that are a portion of all life.

These ancient aspects lie, now, deeply buried in the psyches of all species, and from them the individual patterns, the specific blueprints for new differentiations, emerge.

(9:29. Intently:) The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind (whichever term you prefer). Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The smallest blade of grass, or flower, is aware of this connection, and without reasoning comprehends its position, its uniqueness and its source of vitality. The atoms and molecules that compose all objects, whether it be the body of a person, a table, a stone or a frog, know the great passive thrust of creativity that lies beneath their own existence, and upon which their individuality floats, distinct, clear and unassailable.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: You are the living picture of yourself. You project what you think you are outward into flesh. Your feelings, your conscious and unconscious thoughts, all alter and form your physical image. This is fairly easy for you to understand.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

Now: I am, as I have told you often myself, independent of Ruburt. As you know there are connections between us.2  He does not understand as yet the true nature of his own creativity. Few people do. There are always psychological reasons for all such phenomena — for any phenomena at all. In some respects of course Ruburt’s children are his books. His psyche is enormously creative. Part of what I seem to be as I speak through him is as deeply and unconsciously a phenomenon as the birth of a child would be. In a different way so is Oversoul 7 as he thinks of it.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

If Ruburt would regard his problems as challenges then he would get much better results. That is all for now, and I bid you a fond good evening.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(This is very important, since all of our psychic work is done at night, after we’ve already put in a full day writing and painting, and carrying out all those other actions connected with just living in an organized way. [Yet I’ve had to modify my schedule in order to find the additional time required for the preparation of this manuscript: I paint in the mornings and do this work in the afternoons.]

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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