1 result for (book:nome AND session:827 AND stemmed:constant)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 827, March 13, 1978 3/35 (9%) heredity council Emir character counsel
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 4: The Characteristics of Framework 2. A Creative Analysis of the Medium in Which Physically-Oriented Consciousness Resides, and the Source of Events
– Session 827, March 13, 1978 9:59 P.M. Monday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Because of this, large organized patterns behind human activity often escape your notice almost completely. You read constantly of people who seem to have been most affected by fictional characters, for example, or by personalities from the past, or by complete strangers, more than they have been affected by their own families. Such situations are considered oddities.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Consciousness forms the genes, and not the other way around, and the about-to-be-born infant is the agency that adds new material through the chromosomal structure.2 The child is from birth far more aware of all kinds of physical events than is realized also. But beside that, the child uses the early years to explore — particularly in the dream state — other kinds of material that suit its own fancies and intents, and it constantly receives a stream of information that is not at all dependent upon its heredity or environment.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

3. Seth’s material on individual creativity at once reminded me of a certain passage of his in the private, or deleted, portion of the 580th session for April 12, 1971. I came across it recently while looking for some other references he’d made to Jane, or Ruburt. (The regular part of the 580th session, incidentally, was for a book, too: Chapter 20 of Seth Speaks.) I like the following quotation so much that I’ve made copies of it for us to keep where we can refer to them — in my case, pinned up on a wall in my studio. This little affair is a typical example of how something good can get lost in the constantly growing mass of Seth material; even with our attempts at indexing, it’s very difficult to keep track of single paragraphs like this:

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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