1 result for (book:nome AND session:821 AND stemmed:energi)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 1/44 (2%) dna epidemics myths disasters Christ
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two: Framework 1 and Framework 2
– Chapter 3: Myths and Physical Events. The Interior Medium in Which Society Exists
– Session 821, February 20, 1978 9:30 P.M. Monday

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

You might say: “Of course, I realize that the weather affects my mood,” yet it will occur to very few of you that your moods have any effect upon the weather. You have so concentrated upon the categorization, delineation, and exploration of the objective world that it surely seems to be “the only real one.” It seems to exert force or pressure against you, or to impinge upon you, or at least almost to happen by itself, so that you sometimes feel powerless against it. Your myths have given great energy to the outsideness of things.

[... 27 paragraphs ...]

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