1 result for (book:ecs4 AND heading:"jane robert esp class august 31 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
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.... With the Black Thing, those of you who remember the Seth Material and the Black Thing, which was representative of my fears at that time and that I had created them and reacted to them. Well, helper is the opposite, sort of. According to what we got last night and this is just a preliminary, the helper is sort of made up of a surplus of positive energy, the desire to help people and so forth; but the best, plus, parts of your personality.
According to what we got, both the Black Thing and the helper only exist when you have the kind of personality or the kind of abilities or something that draw a lot of energy where you got it to use. Otherwise the effects just aren’t that obvious, though they are there. That the helper is consciousness, that is it does have a consciousness that I have released. That it represent the best things I hope to do. That it is learning and that I have to train it. Okay about sending it out to Sue and showing it how to do things or telling it how to do things and it learns as it goes along. That it’s like an appendage, a psychic appendage that is highly beneficial that you build up and can use and so I’ve been trying to do this.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]