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ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 7/18 (39%) peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Seth II:) Fantasies are the realities your intellect does not perceive in other fantasies, therefore, those others who watch you and who watch without any awareness of the intellect as you understand it. They and we perceive you then in our place. You would call yourselves fantasies. Our perception allows us to tune into the particular fantasies that you perceive as one indivisible reality. We can perceive it, but we cannot participate, only observe that which, in your terms...  eons ago we helped create as you are now continuing in what you might call dreams our fantasies now do create. As we peer into your room, so do you peer into other realities all unknowing. You do not physically recall those journeys that you have yourselves made and are now making. You leave from any moment of your time and you are gone sometimes for centuries of physical time. You leave in the middle of a day and return the day before yesterday or a thousand years hence. Now, that is reality .... The small portion that you perceive is but one letter on a page. You cannot comprehend its meaning for the entire word is hidden. Not because it must be, but because you are becoming. At this stage you are only perceiving a portion of your own becoming. We perceive your present room, understanding that you consider it this indivisible reality and yet our presence was sensed. You should therefore understand the very air and breath is in a state of becoming. The air that carries the voice and moves the lungs is itself a method of communication and itself becoming aware.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You have all been exercising your inner sense to one degree or another. You are to forget the idea that what you see physically is the only reality, and that what only one perceived must be an hallucination if it is not perceived by the others. A reality is a reality regardless of how many perceive it. It is only at your present point of comprehension that you judge reality according to the number of people who perceive the same thing. You do this simply because you are afraid of standing on your own two feet, figuratively speaking. You are afraid of going off into your own realities afar from your fellows ...and yet to a large degree you do so all of the time in the daily life that you know.

Now, I’ve said this before, you concentrate very nicely upon the similarities that exist in the phenomena of the physical world, and you ignore what is not similar of a large field of available data. Therefore, you focus upon only certain points and accept these as real and ignore others. When some of you then begin to focus upon different points, then there is great confusion ...for it seems to you that one set of data must be right, and if this set is right then all other sets must be wrong or fantasy.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

To understand what the larger self is, you must try to imagine yourself in an environment that is not physical... not only without physical environment in terms of space and objects but without the intimate physical environment of the body that now you take so for granted. Many personalities do not operate in such a manner, and I am not speaking merely of survival personalities in your terms. I am speaking in terms of personality gestalts that simply do not operate through matter at all, in your terms, and whose components are of a psychological variety unknown to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now when your read what I have said, you should have some good ideas for experiments of your own. Think in terms not only of other personalities, but of your own personality as it might operate in completely different environments both physical and nonphysical. As other personalities then have looked into this room, then imagine yourself looking into other environments. Open up your imaginations in this regard ...throw off the shells of habit ...all kinds of habits (pun to Gert, a former nun).

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

If you want to enter and understand the realities you will not do so, while at the same time you are telling yourselves they do not exist. You will be amazed. It will be like turning in to an alien system of communication. If you honestly listen to your thoughts when you think in these areas and catch yourselves with the limited concepts that you hold. Now recognizing these mental limitations will help free your consciousness and this is after all, I hope, what we all want here.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And now I will flap off like the kindly old seagull in your story and I wish you all a hearty good evening and a fond good night.

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