1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 29 1970" AND stemmed:live)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(To Jason.) Now, first of all, your enthusiasm and your energy, these qualities are good. I would like you, however, to realize the strong emotional content within your own mind and you in yours. You do not have all of your reincarnational backgrounds and one life in particular may surprise you considerably. There is a reason why you were in the particular spiritual predicament in which you found yourself for there are always reasons. Those who set up laws and rules and regulations often find themselves confronted with those laws and rules and regulations in other lives and through their own struggle then, to escape from these, then they learn that the laws and rules and regulations were not beneficial. If you have a strong emotional feeling of this nature, then ask yourself for the reason behind it.
Now, I will give you the information now or later, or you may find out the information for yourself using your own abilities and sources. But those who have been princes in the Church in the past often find themselves confronted in later lives with the laws and regulations that they themselves helped form.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]
Her mother was not the Mother Superior. Her mother was a poor young woman who lived and came from the same town that you did, thirteen miles from Dublin. She had an illegitimate child, a female, which she deposited at the nunnery for the nuns to care for. The child was brought up there and served in her younger years as a housekeeper doing kitchen chores and later took her vows. They were indeed enforced vows but there was no place else for her to go.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]