1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session august 18 1970" AND stemmed:yourselv)
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
And again, we will not look at anyone in particular but we can give clues, can we not? We have, therefore, a touch of rebellion. Now, rebellion can be a good thing if you know what you are rebelling against. And if you are rebelling, it behooves you to know what you are rebelling against. It is very important to understand the nature of your own inner self and symbolism behind action. For when you understand the symbolism behind your own actions, then you begin to understand yourselves and you know the reasons behind your actions. And when you act you do not deceive yourselves, you know quite clearly I am acting for thus and thus reasons. Oftentimes you fool yourselves. You think you are acting for a particular reason but the action is for an entirely different reason, and therefore, you must learn why you act as you do.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
All of those methods will allow you to do so. You are now dwelling in physical reality. It behooves you to help others. When you take from others, you take from yourselves. When you give to others, you give to yourselves.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
And I expect some progress on all your parts, and I do seriously expect you to read and reread the material in the book. Now, read it and let yourselves be, let your imagination follow where the material leads you. Let the material be as a launching pad to lead you into other realities, for even though you think you do not understand it intellectually, intuitively you will understand it, for I have written it in precisely that manner.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(To Sue after stating she had a headache.) You are simply upset over the implications of the probable selves and that caused the headache. Tell yourself that you are doing well in the reality, that you are using your abilities, that you are helping your husband use his and that you have brought to birth an individual who will use his very well. You do not need to feel guilty of the creation of any probable selves. They come into reality with problems, but all of you come into reality with challenges that you have set ahead of time, in your terms. You have given them the gift of existence, they will learn how to use it and develop their own abilities in their own way, for you have also given them individuality which means they are not yourselves, but variations on yourselves. They have many facets of reality and fulfill them often.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
All existence is vulnerable for vulnerability is the framework and the sensitivity that makes existence possible. All That Is is vulnerable to All That Is and the possibilities and probabilities of creation that dwell deeply within it. To close anyone off, any channel off, is to deny creativity and existence. The deep mystery of consciousness has to do with vulnerability. If the leaf were not vulnerable to the sun, it would not bloom. If it were not vulnerable to the winter and cold temperature, it would not die, and if it did not die, it could not, again, come back into the earth as a new blossom. It could not change its form. Therefore, each of you be free within yourselves and be without fear.
You want to create a perfect thing. If you want to create another personality then you think in terms of a perfect personality and the perfect personality does not exist, for perfection in your terms means death. When you think in terms of perfection, you think in terms of purposes already achieved, none coming after; but existence makes its own new purposes that arise of the joy and exaltation, as well as pain and challenge. Therefore, you have given birth in more terms than one. You see, because of the creative nature of your personalities, even when you thrust a pain apart from yourselves and give it as a heritage to a fragment personality, you give it, also, your creative power and your hopes. You cannot help but do it and so you do not set these personalities adrift without hopes, without potential.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
He is doing very well, but in the case of children, in most but not all, they are able to handle their fears. In a strange manner they are not afraid of their fears. They accept their fears as they accept a chair, or a rock, or a face and then they deal with them. But they are not afraid of their fears in the same manner that you are. Remember, consciousness has its own protection, its own vitality, and trust in the vitality of your own consciousness and of your own way and that is the answer. For you have a vitality within you and you have only to call upon it and it comes to your aid. This applies to each of you. It is only when you fear you do not have this vitality that it betrays you, and then it does not betray you, but you betray it. You have all the energy, all the ability, all the power and all the strength you will need within you to face each and every situation and be the selves you want to be. You have only to know and understand this and you can bring up from yourselves energy such as you never dreamed.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I will close our session. However, each of you are here because you realize you are shadows of your own true selves. You want to bring into physical actuality the true selves that you know are yours and as long as you have this desire, the desire will find a means to completion. It is only when you lose the desire that you are in deep trouble. There is no reason why, following the material and following your own individual ways, you cannot step out of the shadows of yourselves and become the inner selves that you know that you are. And this is what I expect of each of you, and this is what each of you expect of yourselves. Now, if you have any serious questions, I will answer them.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
And now with thoughts of peace I leave you, but sense within yourselves your own vitality and realize that the true source of peace and vitality is within each of you. You have only to be quiet and look within yourselves to discover it and you can do it making far less noise than I do.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now, I am not going to keep you. I have aroused sufficient energy in each of you so that you can use this when you sleep this evening and be thankful that I have human tendencies that are so obvious and noticeable. Then there is something else to consider and then personality as you do not understand it comes to the fore. Personality without those characteristics that you know and understand so well. In other words, consciousness without camouflage, for the characteristics that I use are camouflage, beloved camouflage perhaps; but without them you would not understand what I am saying, and without them in yourselves, you would not learn to recognize the self that you can be.
And now, I do indeed wish you good evening. We have generated much energy. Use it for your own benefit as you sleep and give yourselves suitable suggestions.