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ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

Now I come to you often with playful characteristics—like a benign bishop who comes for a cup of tea and discusses realities with you. I come complete with characteristics that you can understand. I come complete with human characteristics to which you can relate and you can smile usually when I am here and smile when I am gone. But you must understand that they are the characteristics that I show you—there are other realities of personality and identity that are mine—just as there are other realities within your own personalities and you cannot laugh these away. You are but symbols of yourselves. I can tell you how to meet your own identities, and I have told you, but no one can make you look into yourselves. I can look within you and beyond you into the selves that you really are. I can see your potentials and your abilities and your promise—and you could see your own potentials and promise if you would open your inner eyes, if you would look within yourselves.

You are playing games with yourselves. You are using your mind, but you are not using it correctly. You are using it to mask the true questions. You are setting up a game of checkers—one part of you is playing one game and another is playing another game. And I will have more to say to you.

Do you want to know what freedom is? Then I will tell you. Freedom is the inner realization that you are an individual. That you do create your reality, that you do have the freedom and the joy and the responsibility of forming the physical reality in which you live. Then you can change the reality. Then you are free to move. Then you are free to misplace violence and you are free from it. You are not free when you say: “The idea works for everyone but me—but my symptoms are caused by something else—and when I am violent, different rules apply. Everyone else forms their own physical reality but not me—my reality is caused by heredity or environment. Every other nation, every other people form their own violence and is responsible for their own miserable condition, but my people—they are right! Any problems that they have are caused by other agencies beyond them.” Then you are not facing yourselves individually or as a people.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

[...] For when you understand the symbolism behind your own actions, then you begin to understand yourselves and you know the reasons behind your actions. And when you act you do not deceive yourselves, you know quite clearly I am acting for thus and thus reasons. Oftentimes you fool yourselves. [...]

[...] When you take from others, you take from yourselves. When you give to others, you give to yourselves. [...]

[...] You have given them the gift of existence, they will learn how to use it and develop their own abilities in their own way, for you have also given them individuality which means they are not yourselves, but variations on yourselves. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

[...] As you have projected yourselves here, then give yourselves the freedom to project yourselves elsewhere. You may close your eyes or leave them open, as you prefer, but sense within yourselves your own inner identity. [...] Get a hold of this energy within yourselves and feel it as your own for you are this energy, and you are within it and a part of it. [...]

[...] You belong in this room at this moment of your time because you have projected yourselves into it. [...]

[...] A reality in which you are intimately concerned and feel within yourselves the inner identity recognizing that which it now sees and perceives. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 31, 1971 installment Muing Let Edgar Ellen

[...] Allow yourselves the freedom not to follow me if you do not feel like it. [...] I want you to open yourselves to the realization that you are multidimensional and to experience this multidimensionality in personal terms, not theoretically. [...] Now even as this voice grows stronger let the feelings within yourselves grow stronger and let you feel your own energy from the inner self fill your consciousness and your physical being with vitality and knowledge and the joy of existence. Let the sound of the voice, therefore, bring out in yourselves the power of your own identity and independence, the integrity of your own being. Let it bring within you the memory of all yourselves. [...] And now with a whisper I leave you to yourselves. [...]

[...] You are supporting yourselves in the dream state. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

(Much louder and forcefully:) As far as your trip is concerned, concentrate upon the pleasures that are possible within it, so that neither of you manage to overstrain yourselves and forget the condition for one minute. I should not need to tell you this: see yourselves enjoying yourselves, having a good time, even within the horrendous conditions as they exist. You should each be ashamed of yourselves for ignoring the abilities, the freedoms and the pleasures that you have, and instead concentrating on the one area in which lacks are apparent, while at the same time not utilizing the methods I have given you to fully help yourselves in that area—and instead focusing your imagination to continue the situation.

[...] You are each concentrating on negatives when you ignore the freedom that does exist, and denying yourselves pleasures that could help enlarge that freedom. [...]

[...] You allow yourselves little freedom in which to operate by ignoring, belittling, and denying the freedoms that are available.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] You honor yourselves. You see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality, and you honor it and you treat yourselves in that manner as gods. [...]

[...] I have told you that if you look around you and do not like the world that you see, then it is yourselves individually and en masse that you must change. [...]

When you curse another you curse yourselves and the curse comes back to you. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 21, 1969 Rochelle brandy screen invite teacher

[...] You have simply to allow yourselves to be yourselves. [...]

[...] Allow yourselves to feel the strength and vitality that is your own. Allow yourselves to recognize the energy of the universe as it flows through your still-physical frames. [...]

[...] But he is not aware of you as you know yourselves, and he is scarcely aware of me as I know myself. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

[...] You would call yourselves fantasies. [...] You do not physically recall those journeys that you have yourselves made and are now making. [...]

If you want to enter and understand the realities you will not do so, while at the same time you are telling yourselves they do not exist. [...] If you honestly listen to your thoughts when you think in these areas and catch yourselves with the limited concepts that you hold. [...]

[...] You see yourselves from the inside but through a glass darkly. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

Now you can open yourselves to this reality or you can deny it. You can open yourselves in dreams and if you prefer, reveries, to these realities or close yourselves to them. [...]

[...] You must become your own vehicle and travel through the realities that lie within yourselves. [...] The answers never lie outside of yourselves. [...]

[...] It is time for you to feel independent enough to launch yourselves from your own subjective reality into others; to emerge, to drop the paraphernalia of all dogma. [...] Not to substitute one authority for another, but to allow yourselves the freedom to recognize that the prime authority is All That Is that resides within you and that speaks with your own voice. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

[...] Let yourselves go in feeling with these questions. You sit here feeling isolated within your skins and for no reason for you, yourselves, enclose yourselves. [...]

[...] But in finding the answers for yourselves you should have experiences that you may not be able to verbalize. And you should sense within yourselves the energy that resides within your own identity and sense to some extent the unique vitality of every living organism. [...]

[...] Experience as directly as you can within yourselves your own living reality, then go from that, if you can, to other living realities. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971 bull pasture listen Gert silence

I want you to settle yourselves within the moment as it exists for you. [...] Simply watch the experience that you have and try not to transpose old concepts upon it, but leave yourselves open for the fresh experience of what is now. [...]

[...] It will help you all to get out of yourselves to some extent and for the following week for regular students there is something that I want you to do, and it is this. [...]

[...] I can verbalize some answers for you, and I try to do so, but through direct experience and through opening yourselves up you will receive direct knowledge even though you may not be able to verbalize it later. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 6, 1971 listen labor Alpha gloss platitudes

[...] And if you lie to yourselves about your feelings or gloss them over, then you cannot begin to understand the spiritual reality for you will use it instead as an aspirin to cover up the symptoms of disease both mental, spiritual and psychic. [...]

[...] We will be doing more work—labor, hard labor, in which you look into yourselves and discover what you really feel and from then on we can proceed. [...]

Listen to the silence between words and feel the feelings that are between your own thoughts and recognize the difference between what you feel and what you tell yourselves you feel and then you can begin to proceed. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 27, 1973 childless buying lest transitory railing

Both of you have kept yourselves uneasy in your environment lest you become too comfortable. [...] At the same time you stay where you are so you can work, while denying yourselves the sense of ease that you could otherwise enjoy.

You have never allowed yourselves creative decorating freedom here, for example, and thus denied yourselves considerable satisfaction. [...]

[...] You were both loath to leave your work behind and to allow yourselves the “lax” freedom. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

[...] In Personal Reality I stressed many of these points for our readers, but you yourselves forget to apply them in that one important area of your lives. The last sessions managed to rearouse your faith, but you yourselves must tend it, as indeed, Joseph, you tend your plants. [...]

[...] All of the recent material I have given you has enabled you to see some considerable results because for a time you have managed to give yourselves some peace of mind—at least enough to move ahead.

[...] Agree to give yourselves a breathing spell from them. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

([Jane:] “The thing of it is see, you look for wonders from me when you should look for wonders from yourselves. [...] There’s all kinds of wonders from yourselves. [...]

When you listen, do not only listen but feel and within the energy of this voice feel, therefore, the energy within yourselves, within your spirits and your tissues, for you are now presently dwelling within tissue which you have also formed. [...] Feel within yourselves that confidence and power and draw upon it as you go about your daily way. [...]

([Jane:] “ ‘Cause you all have to come to terms with the divinity within yourselves, some with the demon aspect, but with the divinity. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

Now unless you come to terms with your own doubts about yourselves then you will have no idea what faith is and when I use the word faith, I am not speaking in religious terms. [...] Now your physical perceptions operating alone are often responsible for these doubts for you think you are all that you can see of yourselves, or you think your life is all that you presently perceive of it, and so if you trust in your physical senses alone then you must, indeed, be filled with doubts for you know, instinctively, that you are more than the self that you are presently able to materialize or to give expression to. [...]

[...] Now each of you in your own way, particularly in the dream state, are intimately acquainted with this invisible portion of yourselves. [...]

[...] You are driven to find the reality of yourselves beneath the reality that you know and to do this you must work through the reality that you know and a self that you know. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore

[...] I can only encourage you to open yourselves to them, to listen; to be, to experience your own being. Not to experience your being second-handed through the experience of others or through the opinions of  others, but through your own experience and so I hopefully expect that you will learn these methods as  you get them here and as you receive them for yourselves in your own ways. After all this time you still do not personally accept the fact that you are, in your terms at this moment, the sum of your own thoughts and emotions about yourselves and that whatever you want to fix you can fix, and that whatever you want to change you can change. [...]

[...] I suggest that you learn the sounds and say them to yourselves all alone. [...]

 The meaning will become apparent as you become aware of the melodies and vocalize them for yourselves. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 3, 1978 approval ommm calm misunderstandings berate

You expect yourselves to be different people than you are—not appreciating at all the abilities and characteristics that you do possess, but forever weighing them against other abilities and characteristics that you have told yourselves you should possess.

[...] You each have a tendency to over-idealize yourselves, and therefore to find yourselves wanting by contrast. [...]

Beneath all of the other issues and reasons at any given time, and perhaps the answer to your earlier voiced question, is the act that, more important than you realize, that for some time in vital areas you have not approved of yourselves. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 14, 1971 Sumari Rob language Femtori Grendah

[...] Start to make sounds and let yourselves go along with the sounds. [...] Now let yourselves go freely. [...] Allow yourselves that freedom, all of you, you need it. [...]

You have allowed yourselves some small freedoms this evening. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1980 overlook backgrounds sander disclaimer love

Your morning discussion, concerning Ruburt’s past, was also beneficial, for it is good to remind yourselves of your own (underlined) backgrounds, rather than ever comparing yourselves with other people whose own backgrounds may have little to do with yours. [...] When you seem to suffer in contrast to the development or situation of any other specific or generalized persons, it is when you are trying to live up to artificial pictures of yourselves—of people who should have been as knowledgeable years ago as they are now, and who therefore now should be at much greater stages of development. [...]

In others words, you often expect too much of yourselves. [...] (Pause.) Then you lack trust in yourselves because you try to live up to images that are not connected with your backgrounds, and often ignore them. [...]

Love-making, like dreams, returns you to yourselves, and initiates beneficial Framework-2 activity. [...]

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