1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 2 1969" AND stemmed:what AND stemmed:realiti)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 23/50 (46%) kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I have told you time and time again, in class, and I tell you all again—and Ruburt has told you: you form your own reality. You form the world that you know and you form your own images. And there is no justification for violence. Now, the words sound simple. None of you has fully accepted them except as they apply to others. You must apply them to yourself. You must look within yourself and then apply these truths and learn from them. They are not theoretical ideas. They are realities.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Do you want to know what freedom is? Then I will tell you. Freedom is the inner realization that you are an individual. That you do create your reality, that you do have the freedom and the joy and the responsibility of forming the physical reality in which you live. Then you can change the reality. Then you are free to move. Then you are free to misplace violence and you are free from it. You are not free when you say: “The idea works for everyone but me—but my symptoms are caused by something else—and when I am violent, different rules apply. Everyone else forms their own physical reality but not me—my reality is caused by heredity or environment. Every other nation, every other people form their own violence and is responsible for their own miserable condition, but my people—they are right! Any problems that they have are caused by other agencies beyond them.” Then you are not facing yourselves individually or as a people.

You are meant to look at your physical condition—to compare it against what you want and what is good—and change the inner self accordingly. Any evils in the world are symptoms of you own inner disorders and are meant to lead you to cure them.

There is a beauty and a strength and a joy in looking within yourselves and a freedom from bondage. And I hope that when I am finished with you all, you will taste some of that joy and freedom. You will not get it from a book. You will not get it like your chocolates (indicating the box on the table) wrapped up in a merry box. You will not get it by making exceptions. You will not get it by saying: “I am the exception to the rule!” You will not get it by running away from yourself. You will find this joy and this freedom by learning to look inward and by realizing that you create the reality that you know.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. I will say this over and over again—I will say it simply—and I will repeat it time and time again, until you understand intuitively what I mean. And I will say it in many ways. And again I will tell you: the energy that is behind and within me now, that energy is available to all of you and it resides within the selves of which you are composed. You have access to it. It is you who have denied the knowledge and it is you who close your eyes.

Now, I speak to you somewhat harshly, and yet all of you know that what I say is true. You must look inward and apply these truths. It does no good to look outward and apply them to others. You must take the first step and take the responsibility for yourself and then you have the freedom to change it. If you do not accept the responsibility, then you do not have the power to change. And the power to change is within you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I would prefer to be jolly with you. And my invisible and nonexistent heart goes out to you in understanding. But this does not mean that you are not doing yourselves a grave disservice—for you are not utilizing what you know. And each of you, in your heart, thinks you are an exception to the rule. And there are no exceptions to the rule. And I was no exception to the rule. And Ruburt is no exception to the rule.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Remember that you only perceive a portion of your own reality. And remember that you only perceive a portion of my reality. Do you realize the implications if you make no effort to realize your own reality and to probe into it and to explore it and understand it? Then how do you think you can understand the nature of reality if you do not make an attempt to see the truths that are within yourself? Then why do you expect other truths to be given to you?

Words are but symbols! Words are not truths. You must seek through the words for the reality that they represent. And you must seek within yourselves for the reality that you represent. There is no security in ignorance—there is only fear.

Now I come to you often with playful characteristics—like a benign bishop who comes for a cup of tea and discusses realities with you. I come complete with characteristics that you can understand. I come complete with human characteristics to which you can relate and you can smile usually when I am here and smile when I am gone. But you must understand that they are the characteristics that I show you—there are other realities of personality and identity that are mine—just as there are other realities within your own personalities and you cannot laugh these away. You are but symbols of yourselves. I can tell you how to meet your own identities, and I have told you, but no one can make you look into yourselves. I can look within you and beyond you into the selves that you really are. I can see your potentials and your abilities and your promise—and you could see your own potentials and promise if you would open your inner eyes, if you would look within yourselves.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Brad) You have no idea of the discovery that is possible for you. You can change your physical existence as you know it. And you can do it tomorrow morning. You have the ability to do this. Until you realize that you have this ability, you are powerless. When you realize and accept the fact that you form your physical reality, you can change it instantly—and that is your freedom. I cannot give it to you, but you can take it and I challenge you to do so. It is yours for the taking—freedom of action—it is yours, accept it. It brings with it not only responsibility, but joy such as you have never known. It is yours in this instant—you have only to accept it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When the child does not understand what you are saying, you tell him again and again and you tell him in different ways. You realize that the child must understand the truths. You explain the truths as you know them, the best that you can. You tell stories and parables. And you speak in words that are familiar and you use baby talk when necessary. Baby talk in that you do not speak exactly as you would speak to an adult. And the baby talk is not obvious.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now the truck (the sound of one can be heard outside on the street) pauses at the corner. It is a method of communication—a vehicle. And in many ways I am a vehicle, for I am the means by which information is given to you. You are yourselves vehicles—as you move through experience and through moment points. Now you do not know what moment points are because I have not explained them in class and you have not read the material. But now it is time for you to be challenged. It is time for you to challenge your own mind and your own intuition. I shall cease speaking to you as kindergarten children, and I shall expect that you will cease thinking like kindergarten children.

We have been playing games for you, using pretty colors. The pretty colors that we have used have been good, they have caught your attention—as my personality captures your attention. But reality is far more than the children’s blocks and the houses that they build in kindergarten.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Think of all the techniques that you use when you are teaching—the visual aids, the play principles. And then try to understand what I have been doing in this class. For we are taking, now, some steps forward. And you must take steps forward.

Now, imagine this: Within you, there are sounds, colors, sights that stretch backward into infinity. Your faces face this room, your eyes look out upon physical reality. Imagine, however, that you have innumerable faces, for our analogy. And that these faces look out into other realities quite as varied and quite as real. For this is indeed the cause. You can close your physical eyes and focus upon these other realities in which you also have your existence. And you can learn to manipulate in physical reality the better, because you understand your full potential. I challenge you to use all of your abilities and all of your senses. I challenge you to open your inner eyes, to use your minds, to use your inner intuitions. I challenge you to be yourselves and it is the greatest challenge that could be given you, and it is the only way that you will learn.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I can only begin to hint at the freedoms available to you if you will but open your eyes. You must act. You can easily open within yourselves those channels to creativity. You can use these. You can attain a true sense of identity. You have only a shadowy understanding of what the world means.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now. You do not understand. In many ways, Ruburt does not understand. And so now when I speak, I speak to him as well as to you. What I have been telling you, and what I will tell you, has been said before through the centuries. It is being said now again and those of you who come here will have reason to remember it well.

In many ways you do not understand what you are doing. And you do not understand that in which you are involved here. You do not comprehend its true meaning to you or to others. It may be as well for now that you do not.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My purpose was to be here, and to say what I must say.

You must begin to change the reality that you know. Theses ideas must go through you and outward to others. You cannot take yourselves as exceptions.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now, I do not want any of you drifting. You cannot afford to drift. You cannot afford to come here and see me as a fine old fellow either. For these characteristics by which you know me are but one portion of my personality and my reality. And I come to you from distances that you cannot evaluate.

Truths must be translated so that you can understand them. And I must appear to you, then, as a translation of what I am.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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