1 result for (book:deavf2 AND session:922 AND stemmed:form)

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 8/45 (18%) Helper knower protection dams artistry
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 9: Master Events and Reality Overlays
– Session 922, October 13, 1980 9:14 P.M. Monday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Pause.) Some years ago, Ruburt had an experience in which he glimpsed in the center of the living room a strange form. He sensed that the form was composed of energy that was definitely predisposed to come to his assistance, or to do his bidding.

He also realized that at least to some extent this energy had accumulated as a result of his own good intentions, and his desire to help others. He called this “Helper,”1 and he never saw the form clearly again. The form represented (long pause) the personified, accumulated positive energies that were working to his advantage at that time, that provided him protection, but that also automatically worked to the benefit of his life and projects.

The very idea of protection, however, as you know, implies a threat—so if you believe in threats you had better have protection. It was not necessary for Ruburt to see the form again—merely to sense the reality of that powerful energy, and realize that it worked on his behalf. In a fashion the form also represented the innocent and powerful inner self, or spontaneous self, or naturally magical self—the terms are synonymous.

Ruburt knew that Helper could be sent out to others, to their advantage, and in that regard the form stood for the great power of natural, positive desire and thought patterns. (To me:) You have the same kind of “form.” These represent the greater source-selves out of which your present persons spring. I told you that you possessed far more knowledge about your own lives, and the lives of others, than you were intellectually aware of.2 You act on that knowledge, for one thing, when you are born physically, when you grow. The squirrel acts on that kind of knowledge when it buries nuts—as you saw, again, on a recent TV program—and the squirrel’s greater knowledge includes the knowledge of its species as well.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your work is protected, not only because it is one of your projects, but also because in a fashion it becomes its own kind of entity—a well-intended one that exists in a rather concentrated form, distilled from your own best aspirations. Hence it is also filled with energy, and also becomes a collector of it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:40.) That k-n-o-w-e-r (spelled) is instantly aware of all your needs, and is the portion of the universe that is personally disposed in your direction, because its energies form your own person. That protection always couches your existence. It means that you live “in a state of grace.”3 You can be unaware of that state. You can deny it or refuse it, but you are within it regardless. It forms the very fabric of your individual beings. Value fulfillment means that each individual, each entity, of whatever nature, spontaneously, automatically seeks those conditions that are suited to its own fulfillment, and to the fulfillment of others.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause at 10:18.) In a fashion—and forgive me for using one of my favorite qualifications again—but in a fashion, cultures do not evolve in the kind of straightforward manner that is usually supposed. Of course, cultures change, but man instantly began to fashion culture, as for example beavers instantly began to form dams. They did not learn how to form dams through trial and error (humorously). They did not for untold centuries build faulty dams, for example. They were born, or created, dam makers.

Man automatically began to form culture. He did not start with the rudiments of culture, as is thought. He did not learn (pause) through trial and error to think clear thoughts. He thought quite clearly from the beginning. He did learn through trial and error various ways of best translating those thoughts into physical action. The first cultures were as rich as your own. In your terms, reading and writing are great advantages, but it is also true that in the past the mind was also used to record information, and transmit it with an artistry that you do not now use.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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