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DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 12/40 (30%) particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 8: When You Are Who You Are. The Worlds of Imagination and Reason, and the Implied Universe
– Session 915, May 12, 1980 9:10 P.M. Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(As she enthusiastically noted in her journal recently, Jane has had “loosenings all over” of her physical symptoms. What a pleasure it is to see her walk more easily, if only for a few steps at a time—and even if she leans upon a table for support, or whatever else may be handy.

She’s just as enthusiastic over having organized the rest of her God of Jane. She finished Chapter 17 today, and wrote in her journal after supper: “Very very very good on Chapter 17—oodles of new insights! Pleased!” She envisions at least another half dozen chapters for the book, but at the same time she’s leaving final decisions up to her creative self. And her book of poetry, If We Live Again, hovers in the background of her consciousness. She’s done little with it since late February. I last mentioned it a month ago; in Chapter 6 for Volume 1 of Dreams, see the opening notes for the 907th session.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Jane was so much at ease tonight that she thought of skipping the session, but she decided to try for it because she’d picked up material on it from Seth today, and made a few notes. “I’m sort of confused,” she said now, “because the stuff I got from him is kind of difficult, and I don’t know whether I’m up to it or not…. But I feel him around. I guess I’ll start in a minute, but it’s amazing to me….”

And Billy and Mitzi, who had been racing through the house, came as if on signal to play beneath Jane’s rocker when she began speaking for Seth. Even as I took notes I couldn’t help noticing how amazingly quick the cats’ reflexes were—how joyously they operated within their chosen physical realities.)

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(9:52. Jane’s delivery for Seth had become quite fast by break time. “Wow,” she exclaimed as she put on her glasses, “I was so far out of it, and the material got so complicated, that I didn’t know what was going on. I remember the stuff on particles, but I don’t even know if I got it all. I do know there’s a certain amount I’m supposed to get through tonight. I got confused….”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

“I think Seth’s just going to come back briefly,” Jane said as she removed her glasses. Resume at 9:59.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

10:07 P.M. Once Jane was out of trance, I told her that most of Seth’s material since break can also be considered book work, including his hint about his own reality. He’d alluded to her notes a little more, but I was disappointed that he hadn’t developed two particular thoughts Jane had picked up from him today. I could almost hear his amused elaborations upon: “Alone, reason finally becomes unreasonable. Alone, the imagination becomes less imaginative over time.”

I had several other questions concerning Seth’s use of the term “invisible particles,” but decided to discuss them with Jane later.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

That note makes a handy reference for related concepts, for in it I also briefly discussed subatomic “particles”; the components of atoms; molecules; supposed faster-than-light particles (tachyons); Seth’s CU’s, or units of consciousness; his assertion that consciousness can travel faster than light in out-of-body states; Jane’s scientific vocabulary; and Einstein’s special theory of relativity. In addition, I gave references to other material, including some by Seth, on several of those topics.

2. Just for my own study, I later inserted “[almost]” in Seth’s sentence because I hadn’t been quick enough to ask him to elaborate upon “the end result of an infinite series of sequences” when Jane delivered his material for him. After the session I began to wonder if Seth hadn’t contradicted himself by saying there could be an end result of something infinite. Yet I also felt that he meant just what he’d said—and that even from our human positions alone the ramifications of our individual and joint realities are enormously greater than we ordinarily conceive them to be. Seth had indicated in the preceding paragraph of the session that such faltering of the reasoning abilities may occur. I also thought my intellectual hang-up over the concept of infinity was inevitably mixed up with the limitations of meaning that we usually assign to words.

3. Seth’s material in this paragraph reminded me at once of Jane’s own early, intuitive concept of the moment point. In Volume 1 of “UnknownReality, see Note 5 for the 681st session, which was held on February 11, 1974. I wrote that at the age of 25, nine years before initiating the sessions, Jane expressed the moment point in her poem, “More Than Men.” I still think these lines are most evocative:

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In the very next session for Volume 1, which Jane gave two days later, Seth stated: “There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible within a moment become realities within that framework.”

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