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DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 898, January 30, 1980 7/20 (35%) computer divine unspoken animals inheritors
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 4: The Ancient Dreamers
– Session 898, January 30, 1980 9:28 P.M. Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(“All right.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The waking state, then, has its source in the dream state, and all of the objects, environment, and experience that are familiar to you in the waking state also originate in that inner dimension.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Also, in a manner of speaking, you are yourselves the ancient dreamers who dreamed your world into being. You must understand that I am not saying that you are passive, fleeting dreamers, lost in some divine mind, but that you are the unique creative manifestations of a divine intelligence whose creativity is responsible for all realities, which are themselves endowed with creative abilities of their own, with the potential and desire for fulfillment—inheritors indeed of the divine processes themselves. Spontaneity knows its own order.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Computers, however grand and complicated, cannot dream, and so for all of their incredible banks of information, they must lack the kind of unspoken knowing knowledge that the smallest plant or seed possesses. Nor can any amount of information “possessed” or processed by any computer compare with the unspoken knowing knowledge that is possessed by the atoms and molecules that compose such an instrument. The computer is not equipped to perceive that kind of knowing. It is not equipped for such an endeavor because it cannot dream. In dreams the innate knowledge of the atoms and molecules is combined and translated. It serves as the bed of perceptual information and knowledge from which the dreaming state arises in its physical form.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

1. We called those three very penetrating sessions private, or deleted, because they grew out of our own reactions to David Yoder’s challenges, to the illness of our cat Billy, to the playful antics of Billy’s littermate Mitzi, and to several other personal matters. All of that material has a general appeal, however, and I wish I could show in a few words the variety and depth of Seth’s information.

“Your body consciousness is like the consciousness of any animal,” he told us on January 23, for example. “Mitzi, running up and down the [cellar] stairs, is an example of the love of excitement and activity with which man and animals are innately endowed. Animals enjoy being petted, stroked, and loved. They react in their own ways to suggestion, and in that regard your body consciousness responds to your conscious treatment of it. Think of your body, for the purpose of this discussion, as a healthy animal…. Animals and your own body consciousnesses have little concept of age. In a fashion almost impossible to describe, [those] consciousnesses—of the body and the animals—are ‘young’ in each moment of their existences. I am taking it for granted that you understand that I am referring to the ‘mental attitude’ of animals and of the body consciousness, for they do possess their own mental attributes—psychological colorations—and above all, emotional ‘states.’”

Seth’s material largely opposes science’s mechanistic model of the body wearing down within certain age limits, abetted as that model is by the power of the beliefs that say it will. He had much to say about how the out-of-place stresses we impose upon ourselves through our fearful projections into the future adversely affect our body consciousnesses, which are focused in the present. Telepathy, “molecular mentality,” and cellular consciousness are deeply involved in all of this.

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