1 result for (book:deavf1 AND session:888 AND stemmed:bodi)

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 2/18 (11%) neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 3: Sleepwalkers. The World in Early Trance. The Awakening of the Species
– Session 888, December 10, 1979 9:04 P.M. Monday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Neurologically, you tune into only a portion of your body’s reality and are ignorant of the great, tiny but tumultuous communications that are ever flying back and forth in the microscopic but vital cellular world.

Electrons in your terms are precognitive, and so is your cellular consciousness. Your body’s relative permanence in time is dependent upon the electron’s magnificent behavior as it deals with probabilities. (Pause.) The cell’s stability, and its reliability in the bodily environment, is dependent upon its innate properties of instant communication and instant decision, for each cell is in communication with all others and is united with all others through fields of consciousness,3 in which each entity of whatever degree plays a part.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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