2 results for (book:deavf1 AND session:884 AND stemmed:was)
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Yesterday morning I heard geese flying south for the first time this season, but they were invisible above a heavy overcast. This afternoon I both heard and saw them, and called them to Jane’s attention—a wide, straggling, shifting, V-shaped flight vanishing over the valley holding the city just below us. The geese looked very vulnerable against the massive roll of the earth beneath them, but this was an illusion: Like every other entity on earth, each one of those birds knew very well what it was doing. Each was well equipped to seek out its individual value fulfillment.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
In those terms, then, there was in the beginning an almost unimaginable time in which energized consciousness, using its own creative abilities, its own imagination (underlined), experimented with triumphant rambunctiousness, trying out one form after another. In the terms you are used to thinking of, nothing was stable. Consciousness as you think of it turned into matter, and then into pure energy and back again.
(Pause at 9:56.) Subjectivity still largely ruled. Like an adolescent leaving home for the first time, individualized consciousness was also somewhat homesick, and returned often to the family homestead—but gradually gained confidence and left finally to form a [universe].
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
We will for now, however, confine ourselves to a discussion of consciousness in the beginning of the world, stressing that the first basis of physical life was largely subjective, and that the state of dreaming not only helped shape the consciousness of your species, but also in those terms served to provide a steady source of information to man about his physical environment, and served as an inner web of communication among all species. End of dictation.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
I laughed. It was easy to tell that Jane was happy working on Seth’s latest. I gladly told her the session was just as good, just as inspiring, as her last one—the 883rd: Once again her delivery had been intent, often impassioned, given with many gestures. She’s been picking up from Seth on Dreams quite often. Sometimes she tells me as soon as she’s done this. At other times she may forget to mention it for a while, or the session material itself may remind her that she already knew what Seth was going to talk about.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
She began to refer to the eccentricities of consciousness in October 1974, following her first conscious experience with her “psychic library,” and a subsequent transcendental experience in which she suddenly began to see, with an astonishing clear vision, the great “model” of each portion of the world about her—each person, each building, each blade of grass, each bird, for example; our ordinary world suddenly appeared quite shabby by contrast. Jane wrote that “everyone was a classic model, yet each was also a fantastic eccentric…. I saw that each of us is a beloved eccentric not only because we have inner models of the self, but also the freedom to deviate from them, all of which makes the model living and creative in our time.” In Psychic Politics, see chapters 2 and 3.
3. Now what, I wondered, as I typed this session from my notes, does Seth mean here, and in the paragraph above? Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint just what he’s saying. His material usually generates more questions than answers, but this time he’d outdone himself. I try to avoid reading too much into such brief passages, but I felt that if Seth answered all of the questions I could ask based upon this session, a book would result. Was he referring to another big-bang type of “momentous explosion”? I doubted it. Without going into a lot of speculative detail, such an event would imply the obliteration of our probable physical universe as we know it. Instead, I thought, by “another form” he may mean an explosion of ideas or knowledge in our reality, with the tremendous objective results that would follow. Such results would stem even from “just” a spiritual explosion. (I could also see correlations here between Seth’s ideas about the primary nature of All That Is and the inflationary model of the universe. See Note 2 for Session 883.)
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