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TPS7 Deleted Session December 11, 1983 staff Kleenex fragile healing Cathy

Again, you receive further evidence of Ruburt’s recovery, and of the body’s ability to heal itself if only it be given the chance. [...]

[...] The body is enthused as it heals itself. [...]

The body’s energy has been largely into the healing of the bedsores, and into inner activity —the loosening of muscles and joints and ligaments. [...]

TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve

You have never seen what design is until you see a spider’s web when you are out of the body. [...] Your body is a very handy mechanism and I do not suggest that you step out of it too long. However, as the earth’s atmosphere hides the conditions in the universe from your scientists, so also do the conditions of the body blind you to true color and design. [...]

[...] Now I will tell you, you have never seen the colors of a rainbow unless you have seen them from an out-of-body state. If you want to see the colors of a flower, or my dear friends, of an apple, you must get out of your body to do so. [...]

[...] you had a body consciousness of a protective nature, but this was only one portion of an entire personality who has yet to appear. [...]

[...] He would also for continue his protective devices for your own physical body. [...]

TES6 Session 277 August 3, 1966 projections blunders control environment future

At your stage it is of course easier if the actual separation of consciousness from the physical body occurs without your awareness. [...]

[...] It might be of benefit if you concentrate before sleep upon a simple projection that involves leaving the body, walking out into this room, for example, (the living room) or perhaps strolling around the block.

[...] There is a benefit for the physical body also. [...]

These forms do exist, as your physical body does. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] Your own body grows naturally and easily from its time of birth, not expecting resistance but taking its miraculous unfolding for granted; using all of itself with great, gracious, creatively aggressive abandon.

[...] If you can sit quietly and realize that your body parts are replacing themselves constantly — if you turn your conscious mind into the consideration of such activity — then you can realize your own state of grace. [...]

Your body has within it the miraculous strength and creative energy with which, in your terms, it was born. [...]

(11:32.) Physically, your body must follow the nature into which you were born, and in that context the cycle of youth and age is highly important. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

[...] It even exists as radio waves, and to creatures who cannot perceive matter but can perceive radio waves, your physical body appears quite differently than it does to you. [...]

[...] It is because you conceive of the body as existing within one field only that you have not had more success in dealing with human illness.

There are automatic processes that are constantly carried out by the body, of which you are intellectually unaware. [...]

[...] The inner self is not so bound to such a formal alignment, and is thus free to travel in ways which the body, because of its formal molecular structure, finds impossible.

TPS3 Session 720 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1974 soreness muscles untwisting regains uncovering

It is paramount then that Ruburt trust his body now, and not be worried. [...]

[...] The body is clearing itself. [...]

TPS2 Session 664 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1973 plastoid wheeling impact plastic angles

[...] It is only with the impact of body and environment, of course, that he has difficulty. [...]

[...] It would help if at those levels he imagined his body as plastoid, always in a state of change, as fluid as his thoughts, and not so much a physical thing. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 14, 1984 Babs appointment dentist healing mustard

The official line does have its role, of course — but once again, by itself it must remain isolated from the deep, creative, healing functions of body consciousness. [...]

(To me:) You are in my attention also, of course, and these late sessions should also help you tone up your own body, and revive feelings of exuberance and understanding.

[...] It is as if you set up a small healing station, or platform and from that vantage point the body is then able to use its healing abilities far more effectively than usual.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

But in any case she decided that I had it, and since I had already shown some evidence in my body, the next thing was how to treat it. [...] (Persantine.) The more dangerous ones, for God’s sake, turned down the body’s own defense mechanisms and immunity, an effect that really seemed absolutely senseless to me. [...]

[...] Then we were to get together when the blood tests results came, to discuss treatment, even if the vasculitis showed no further appearance, she disclaimed, it very well could invisibly attack the body, affecting internal organs in the most disastrous fashion. [...] How could my body have gotten so bad again in one fucking week—or had it? [...]

(9:29.) It made good sense enough to take the artificial thyroid that my body obviously was demanding. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

[...] This in turn reminded me of something I’ve often noticed—that she seems to have lost that vital sense of how to manipulate her own physical body in its own best interests. [...] To me, her opacity toward her fantastic abuse of her own body speaks loudly and clearly of the dominance of the sinful self—the willingness to use the body for its own ends, regardless of the consequences, even if those consequences ultimately are self-defeating.)

[...] She was frightened, and to me displayed little trust in her body, and not much in anything else. [...]

[...] You are both able to deal with the situation, however—and remember that the great creative forces of your body and mind are actively protecting you even when you are perhaps most concerned. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 21, 1969 Rochelle brandy screen invite teacher

[...] You only inhabit a body and you presume that you are your body, but you are far more than the body that you know. [...]

Therefore I invite you to forget the bodies that you know, to set your inner selves free. [...]

Allow yourselves to listen to the inner voice, the inner voice that gives vitality and existence to the physical bodies that you know. [...]

TSM Chapter Two fragment Rob images Beach playmate

“In the same way that the body’s proteins and chemicals can be used to form various kinds of images, they may also be utilized to form an ulcer, goiter, or to affect other changes [in the body itself]. [...] Instead of projecting them outward as you did in the York Beach images, they are directed to a specific area of the body, or in other cases allowed to wander, traveling troublemakers, so to speak, through the body’s physical system.”

[...] According to the extent of physical reality to be achieved, the physical body of the originator transfers or transposes portions of its own chemical structure. [...]

[...] The psyche attempts to get rid of them by projecting them into a specific area of the body; in the case of ulcers, the diverted energy goes into the actual production of the ulcer itself. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

Now: Churchmen of the Middle Ages could draw diagrams of various portions of the human body that were afflicted as the result of indulging in particular sins. Logical minds at one time found those diagrams quite convincing, and patients with certain afflictions in certain areas of the body would confess to having committed the various sins that were involved. [...]

You affect the structure of your body through your thoughts. If you believe in heredity, heredity itself becomes a strong suggestive factor in your life, and can help bring about the precise malady in the body that you believed was there all along, until finally your scientific instruments uncover the “faulty mechanism,” or whatever, and there is the evidence for all to see.

Illness was suffered, was sent by God to purge the soul, to cleanse the body, to punish the sinner, or simply to teach man his place by keeping him from the sins of pride. [...]

Science, however, seeing the body as a mechanism, has promoted the idea that consciousness is trapped within a mechanical model, that man’s suffering is mechanically caused in that regard: You simply give the machine some better parts and all will be well (amused). Science also operates as magic, of course, so on some occasions the belief in science itself will seemingly work miracles: The new heart will give a man new heart, for example.

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

[...] The physical body that you imagine consists of some sort of separate consciousness, controlling a framework of completely unconscious parts, is quite farfetched.

All the cells in the body are individual, and have a separate consciousness. [...]

[...] The cooperative nature of the physical body could be no mere result of your chemicals, and chemical reactions.

[...] The physical body is truly a more wondrous phenomenon than is supposed, but here I hope I do not push you too far, for this combination of consciousness continues, and its results can be seen in the consciousness of the physical brain.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 18, 1983 violet Rembrandt enhanced stared hurrying

[...] I talked to her body once more in my process of dehypnosis. [...] I told her that her body knew perfectly well how to repair and regenerate her hands, just as it did every other part of her body. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 17, 1984 suffering heaven fatalistic Bumbalos sent

(2:54.) You may therefore be trying out many different kinds of experiences, sometimes endowing yourself with super attributes and strength, relying upon the body’s powers above all other considerations, while at the same time in another life you use and develop unusual mental abilities, enjoying the triumphs of creative thought, while largely ignoring the body’s agility and strength.

[...] Once again I do activate those coordinates that quicken your own peace of mind and body, and accelerate your healing processes.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 5, 1973 status unremittingly badminton money poverty

[...] Otherwise too much strain is thrown upon other areas of the body, which then must compensate.

The area of concentration now however should be not upon the body but upon daily living, his writing and your plans. [...]

A concentration upon your plans, daily life, writing, and free psychic activity, will best now allow the body to continue its improvements without being watched at every moment. [...]

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

[...] Upon giving myself the usual suggestions in the beginning, I felt a definite and rather surprising surge of lightness, of a rising up, course through my body.

[...] As usual this vision was over before I realized I had seen it, yet during the sighting I was for the first time unaware of my body lying on the bed.

[...] The sensation continued strongly through my body for perhaps a minute or two. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 26, 1984 nirvana grass flagellation imprudent mulch

The ideas of penance, fasting to excess, the personal abuse of the body, such as self-flagellation — all of those practices are conducted in the belief that suffering is something to be sought in itself. [...]

Once again, I accelerate those coordinates that activate your peace of body and mind, and encourage your own healing processes.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

[...] I discover that I can do a peculiar thing to my brain by somehow tightening the muscles on my scalp and then doing something intense with a sound I can ‘hear.’ The sound holds, and I can feel my astral body shudder inside my physical one. [...] I get out of my body this way, float above the couch and go back in. I try the same technique, tightening the scalp muscles and feel my astral body stir. This time I get out of my physical body and stand staring at it. [...] I know quite clearly that I am out of my body, experimenting and in no difficulty. So I turn, leave my body behind on the couch and walk out the door and down to the dock outside our house.

[...] Both also involve projections or out-of-body states, a matter that will be discussed in the next section of this book. [...]

[...] I’m in my physical body now, yet somehow the physical world around me is incomplete with enormous pieces missing. [...]

[...] He has no conscious knowledge of wanting to be a doctor as a child, but in painting he always emphasized body structure and form.

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