Results 141 to 160 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
[...] The body combating the (in quotes) “new” symptoms is also creating antibodies that affect the old symptoms. [...] The body has been calling for more food and nourishment, and quite unconsciously he has been consuming a larger amount of peanut butter, which is giving him several nutriments that he needs.
[...] The feeling of being full through the body—heavy—has a connection with the full-head feeling, initially, of sinus origin physically.
[...] (Gestures to include the whole body.) A cold is something that comes and goes, and is not permanent, and he is to see his other symptoms in that same light—not as he saw them earlier, as a permanent-like situation.
All, then, a lesson in the nature of beliefs as he applies them to his own body and behavior. [...]
The thing pulled back for an instant, much like a huge startled animal, and I slipped from beneath it and shot fast as a rocket for my body, with it after me. [...] I hit my body so quickly that my physical head was spinning, but no matter. My body never felt so welcome.
This does not mean that we do not sometimes leave our bodies and travel in our dream or astral bodies to other physical locations. [...] Some of my students, for example, have frequent out-of-body experiences from both the waking and the dream states, and on several such occasions we seem to have met in my living room.
[...] I knew that I was out of my body, and I was overwhelmed with astonishment, as well as very frightened. [...] It was amazingly oppressive, and kept up its efforts to drag me farther away from my body into the bedroom closet.
[...] When the physical body lies in bed, it is separated by a vast distance from the dream location in which the dreaming self may dwell. But this distance has nothing to do with space, for the dream location can exist simultaneously with the room in which the body sleeps.
I wanted to add here that evidences for those other fields of actuality can be found even within the body itself; that is, within the physical body. [...]
These clues could lead to proper understanding, so that it would be known that the physical body does exist in many fields of actuality, and through the study of various portions of the body many glimmerings could be received concerning the various fields of actuality themselves.
To study the human body from only the physical standpoint, or to consider it as exclusively a physical phenomenon, is to severely limit your perception of it, and of reality as a whole. To study psychology exclusively in terms of the brain’s effect upon the physical body is likewise hampering and limiting, for the brain is merely that portion of, that very small portion, of the mind which is apparent within matter. [...]
I have until this point said very little about the so-called astral body. [...]
This allows the body to move and relax more, and provides a natural tranquilizing effect. [...] But this time the whole body structure is involved.
Ruburt’s body to some extent has tranquilized itself. [...]
Now ideally the body could at once heal itself, so that in the next moment he walked with perfect ease. [...]
The body mechanisms become highly disoriented. The signals to the body are very contradictory, so that after a while, if such conditions continue, you can no longer tell whether you are in actual danger or imagined danger. Your mind then forces your body to be in a state of constant alert — but more unfortunately, you train yourself to ignore your direct, sensual feedback in the present moment.
Now: Physically your body has a stance in space and time. [...] Let us call primary experience that which exists immediately in sense terms in your moment of time — the contact of body with environment. [...]
At the levels with which we are concerned, the body must primarily react to present, immediate, primary existence in space and time. [...] But the body depends on the conscious mind to give it a clear assessment of precise conditions of the space and time it occupies. [...]
Nevertheless, you can leave the physical body and reassemble it. I am sorry to say that if you have a bad gall bladder, the reassembled body will also have a bad gall bladder, since it is the consciousness who has caused the illness to begin with. Even if you leave the body momentarily you do not leave your problems behind, or at least you must come back to them.
[...] It is the inner ego, and the inner vitality and the inner ego’s determination, along with the cooperation of all the cells that compose the physical body, that enables such a particular structure as the human body to exist as a separate construction, and to maintain the necessary sense of identity.
[...] You will learn that it is possible, through no physical act (and underline that, through no physical act), to relinquish the physical body, expand the self, using atoms and molecules as stepping stones to a given destination, and reforming the physical body at the other end.
This seems strange because you do not fully comprehend that the energy, the vitality that is individualized into consciousness forms the physical body; and once it appears on your plane it can leave the body and reassemble itself. [...]
The soreness then does not last, but in your terms the muscles must then build strength, and as this happens other muscles are also being released in their own kind of orderly fashion, so that body balance is maintained. [...]
[...] It is very important, again, that he follow his inclinations—for overall, when he feels like doing nothing but relaxing, this is what body and mind both need at that point. [...]
[...] Still, it meant that the body was regaining balance, and was an important development.
(11:10.) There should be considerable improved functioning noticeable in Ruburt’s body—some considerable lack of habitual restraint in motion occurring, say, as affairs now stand, anywhere from now to a week or ten days.
[...] Probabilities always operate, and your intents, but this is the prognosis now, with what has happened physically so far, and has already begun in the body.
[...] He must be encouraged however to realize that his body can indeed perform better. [...] It is extremely important that this be done, and that each of you do realize that the body can indeed improve, and is not at the mercy of old beliefs. [...] The body’s ability now to cure itself is the important point, however.
(At 3:05–3:20, Jane began moving several parts of her body at once—shoulders, both feet, rotating both arms and hands. [...]
[...] When she began moving her left foot again, she could feel the motion travel up her leg, through the knee, into the hip and the groin, then on toward the shoulder on that side of her body. [...]
(“It looks like the body is trying itself out,” I said. [...]
[...] If she did them all at once her body would be moving as though it had the tremors throughout, except for the still motionless area around her right knee and the break just above it. [...]
[...] That belief built up a body of habits so that even when he made headway in changing the basic belief at least, he was left with beliefs about the body that were secondary but habitual; beliefs shared by each of you about his body, so that the evidence was always present.
Those beliefs formed a body stance. [...]
[...] He allowed himself no leeway, or very little, and in that framework the body was limited but predictable.
[...] Ruburt’s new and more ambitious movement about the house, using the chair, has activated the body’s motion, of course, so that massaging-like effects occur. In his particular case, as mentioned, the knees and legs are allowed far greater exercise than before, while the body is in a more or less normal position.
That activation has indeed begun now the highly important release of the upper portions of the body. [...] All portions of the body are now being stretched.
Before, relatively speaking, each portion of the body reinforced the position of each other portion in such a manner that little leeway was possible. Ruburt now is at the stage where each portion of the body takes a more positive, active position, and gently nudges each other part to greater freedom. [...]
Ruburt has done very well in understanding these body changes, and has been aided by your support there. [...] That intent to move further activates the body, and sends impulses through it, for it knows it is meant to move about on two feet. [...]
(10:05.) In those terms, the so-called subconscious has your own concept of the body. There is however a body consciousness that carries on more or less automatically, seeking health, expression, and the full vitality. [...]
You must understand that basically—basically—both body and mind are mental. [...] The body and mind are one, and in that unity, regardless of appearances, one is the materialization of the other.
[...] Ruburt’s body is making a valiant effort to readjust and to strengthen itself. [...] As Ruburt’s muscles exert themselves they often also hurt, but there is no one for him to compare his situation to—and because he has not trusted the body he becomes alarmed.
[...] Fears should not he inhibited, but encountered, and yet behind all of them, in your time at least, lies the feeling that the individual is powerless against the conditions of his body or the events of the world.
[...] In a manner of speaking the universe as you understand it, with all the events that it includes, functions “automatically” in its important processes, as your own body does. Your individual desires and intents direct that activity of your body’s spontaneous processes — that is, your body walks across the floor at your command as a result of your wishes, even though the processes involved must happen “by themselves.”
Your intents have a great effect upon your body’s health. [...] Other species have a hand in this also, however, and in one way or another all of you direct the activity of the physical body of the world in much the same way that you [each] direct your own bodily behavior.
[...] His consciousness left his body — an event not even considered possible by many educated people. [...]
To that extent then the physical universe, like each physical body, is “magical.” [...]
[...] Any physical ailment, then, can be perceived in this state by looking inward into the body and discovering it; then by changing what you see you may find yourself entering your body or another’s as a very small miniature, or as a point of light, or simply without any substance, yet aware of the inner body environment.
[...] You then become aware in whatever way you choose of the physical effects within your body. You enter the body as you did in the way I gave earlier for healing. With great sensitivity you are able to see what physical effect the decision will have — whether the state of the body remains the same, whether there is a great sense of health within it, or the incipient beginning of great difficulties.
[...] In your normal state you see the body. In A-l your consciousness can enter the body of another, and heal it. [...]
[...] When requested to, she has been able to enter the bodies of others with this miniature self, to check on various maladies, their causes, etc. [...]
(Then suddenly my own body and the room and John and Rob, the whole bit, began to get larger and larger, really massive, my body along with everything else, and at the same time, eyes closed of course, I felt the shapes doing this. [...]
(After coming out, kept feeling inclined to go right; as if partially moving out of my body but not nearly that strong or vivid; merely a feeling that I wasn’t entirely inside body but half out to the right in a shadowy rather than substantial fashion. [...]
***All afternoon, right side of head and body get “lighter”. Almost impossible to describe but it’s as if a million tiny things in my head were just off enough, so that the rest of the body didn’t work right, walk right; as if the body wasn’t synchronized and as if this afternoon it was fitting together again correctly; all the parts lining up or something. [...]
You could not afford to identify too completely with such bodies until you learned how to survive within them, so in the dream state (pause) the true processes of life began as these new bodies and earth-tuned consciousnesses saw themselves mentally exercising all portions of the body. Behind all that was the brilliant comprehension and cooperation of all of the units of consciousness that go to compose the body, each adding its own information and specific knowledge to the overall bodily organizations, and each involved in the most intricate fields of relationships, for the miracle of the body’s efficiency is the result of relationships that exist among all of its parts, connecting it to other levels of existence that do not physically appear.
While you and all of the other species were what I have called sleepwalkers, your bodies by then were physically capable. [...] Now, from a waking state, you do not understand how your dream bodies can seem to fly through the air, defy space and even time, converse with strangers and so forth. [...]
Each unit of consciousness inherently possesses within itself all of the information available to the whole, and its specific nature when it operates as a particle rests upon that great “body” of inner knowledge. [...]
The physical body can only react in the present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment.
(I told Jane that we have to follow it — that we simply must dump all else and trust the body, that nothing else makes any sense any more, that it’s the key to our futures. [...] She said she’s going to start with Day One tomorrow, and take it from there, trusting the body, not dwelling upon the past, and leaving the future open. [...]
You can, and must, trust the body’s activity. [...]
(Long pause.) He was reactivating old beliefs with their physical representation in the body. [...] (Long pause.) It was an excellent decision to trust the body’s activities, to take the opportunity to use the episode as a case in point, a change of heart. [...]