Results 101 to 120 of 265 for stemmed:bill

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

When you receive a bill do not automatically react as you have, instead as if you were contemplating a new painting. [...]

Whenever you mentioned a particular bill even in passing, he has immediately imagined it paid and given himself directions so that the needed funds would be obtained. [...]

(“I used to find it quite irritating when Jane passed it off when I mentioned bills.”)

TPS5 Deleted Session June 1, 1979 Ida Dick golf impulses brother

(Yesterday afternoon we were visited by my brother Bill and his wife, Ida, from Ontario, NY. [...] She realized that she was reacting to what she’d taken to be all of the negative suggestions and circumstances surrounding Bill and Ida’s lives and beliefs. [...]

(A note: Yet Bill told me of his troubles with golf this season, lamenting how he has problems getting any distance in his drives, speaking of taking some lessons and practice in an effort to improve his game. [...]

TES4 Session 180 August 23, 1965 test border plateau confidence clairvoyant

(Bill Macdonnel was present but I was working in my studio. [...] She was also not quite sure of how sympathetic Bill was to the attempt. [...]

[...] Peggy began to carry it about with her a week or so ago after Jane and I had asked if Peggy and Bill, her husband, would cooperate with us in some future tests.

[...] She had the feeling Seth wanted to say it was rock; the other day Jane had the conscious impression that it was tin or galvanized metal, of the sort Bill Gallagher uses in fashioning some of his modern sculpture.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 1, 1983 leg foot ankle mattress lifting

[...] I’d stopped at the post office to mail Tam the set of page proofs for Seven that Bill O’Hearn had sent us, along with a copy of Bill’s letter re bound copies of page proofs for Seven. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 17, 1983 spasms Christina bladder itchy itch

[...] Jane was eating supper when Peg and Bill Gallagher visited between 6:05 and 6:16 or so. Bill noticed that Jane had put on some weight. [...]

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

(Here Seth referred to Bill Macdonnel. Bill is a schoolteacher in his mid-twenties, and one of our friends who has known about these sessions from the beginning. [...] In past sessions Seth has given Bill the name of his entity, Mark, and answered for Bill several questions that we relayed. And of course we have been thinking lately that Bill would be an obvious choice for a witness.

(“Do you think Bill might interfere in some way with Jane’s ability?”)

TES3 Session 129 February 7, 1965 Lee Judy Wright forefinger debts

[...] This reminded me that Seth had given similar data for our friend Bill Macdonnel; he too had been a sailor in a Denmark contemporary existence, but as I recall I did not ask Seth whether Judy and Bill had known each other in that life. As it happens, Bill had been a guest also earlier tonight, leaving just before the session.

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

(How about that enormous cranium Bill drew on the sketches?)

(During this break Jane and I checked one point we had thought of since the last session, and this was the amount of light available in the room during the time Bill Macdonnel and I had noted the change in Jane’s features as she stood in the bathroom doorway.

(“Are you going to keep tabs on Bill Macdonnel on his trip?”

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

In the meantime we had told a friend of ours, Bill Macdonell, what we were doing. Bill in turn had told us about an apparition he’d seen a few years earlier when he was an art student. [...] Now Rob asked what Bill had seen.

“Was the image conscious of Bill’s presence?”

“When Bill saw the image and reocgnized its presence, the fragment itself seemed to have a dream. [...]

TES3 Session 113 December 7, 1964 December duration Christmas lighter gaunt

[...] Seth stated that this small symbol, with some initials, was on a rowboat at Provincetown, MA, and that Bill Macdonnel should have seen it while he spent some weeks there. Bill has no memory of it, however.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

(No sooner had we started than Bill Tolbert showed up to start mowing the grass and using his trimmer, which is even noisier than the mower, but Jane persevered after I shut doors and windows, depending on where Bill was working outside. [...]

[...] Bill was using his trimmer in the front lawn—a very noisy operation.)

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

(Also on Saturday evening Jane and I attended a set of Japanese Noh plays at Elmira College, at the invitation of Bill Macdonnel, who had a part in one of them. Bill has been a witness several times. After the play, at a party for the cast and friends, Bill was seized by severe chest and back pain; he left for home with his parents.

[...] On Sunday we learned that Bill was in the hospital with a collapsed lung that was also blistered, and would have to remain there for several days. [...]

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

(The above paragraph brings to mind the fact that Seth discussed a dream of Bill Macdonnel’s during the 84th session; Bill witnessed the session, and afterwards told us he had no conscious memory of the dream, which had taken place a few days before the session according to Seth. Yet Seth analyzed the symbolic content of the dream rather thoroughly, saying it was an important one for Bill since it bore upon his home and professional life. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 15, 1983 Andrew insurance Fife news bureaucratic

(This morning at about 11:15 I got a call from a girl in the billing department at the hospital. [...]

[...] At 2:30 I cleaned our glasses and called billing. [...]

TES5 Session 200 October 20, 1965 olive Rico Puerto car cafeteria

(Peggy’s sister had been married on the Saturday before Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico. The oddity here is that the sister and her new husband also went to Puerto Rico on their honeymoon; however they left for the island Saturday night, whereas Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico the next day, Sunday. [...]

[...] The four of us agreed not to exchange mail, leaving any communications up to Seth while Bill and Peggy are on vacation.

(Remembering her success in clairvoyantly tuning in on Bill Gallagher as he made his business errands on the evening of October 8, Jane decided to try the same thing with John on Tuesday. [...]

TES9 Session 495 August 13, 1969 glaze figure sell entrust character

[...] Bill’s (spelled), or run by a man named Bill. [...]

TES8 Session 391 January 13, 1968 Jerry Billie swearing Tony Vermont

[...] The furniture bill. [...] Seems to be important… A bill… Either due on Jerry’s house, or for Billie’s in the past that Jerry’s father didn’t meet, or something that wasn’t paid for. [...] (He has bills and just took out another loan—Jerry unhappy here.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 20, 1984 impatience repair typewriter cartridges darning

[...] While she was eating a good lunch I thought of telling her the typewriter repair service had called this morning, citing a bill for $90.00 for the repair and a box of a dozen cartridges, but I forgot to mention it as we talked about other things. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] You did not get that upset over Bill Gallagher. [...]

[...] I do want to emphasize that in many, many civilizations men were expected to improve almost all of their abilities with age, as per for example Bill Gallagher’s story of the old Indian who taught the young boys how to track animals in the forest. [...]

TES4 Session 185 September 6, 1965 chimney shadow photograph meats test

[...] For the test I used a color photograph of my brother Bill, his wife and two young children, taken in Webster, NY, in 1959. [...] Bill is 37 years old.

[...] The group of four sit on the edge of a concrete patio at the back of Bill’s house. [...]

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