Results 1 to 20 of 44 for stemmed:bend

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

(“The impression of two people. One bending down or over… Now these may be objects, or representations, rather than persons, but I have the impression of two persons… In any case these two objects seem to be together, toward the lower center of the object perhaps, holding the object this way.” These are excerpts from succeeding impressions as a group, and are given here because Jane thinks the bending over idea here derived from the way the wings of the eagle bend in and down toward each other; they are together, or close, at the base, and in the center of the object.

(“…impression of a woman and a shorter woman… The impression has to do with shapes. They seem to be bending down or over.” This in answer to my first question, concerning the two people. Jane said, again, that she believed the bending over idea expressed here stemmed from the bending of the eagle wings.

The impression of two people. One bending down or over, perhaps a woman, and another smaller person, facing each other. One slightly taller, or tall in any case.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 23, 1981 pk target microscopic displacement micro

(At 9:00 she told me she thought Seth would discuss my questions #5 and 6, about black-and-white thinking, and touch upon “that article” about micro metal-bending, or psychokinetic metal bending. [...] I’m attaching a copy of the article to this session, for Seth came through with some unique insights concerning healing and micro metal-bending, or PKMB.)

[...] This in particular applies to events like metal bending of silverware or whatever. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 28, 1983 diet nightshade recovery knuckle Steve

[...] Jane had a cigarette: She said she’d meant to tell me today: For the first time in a very long while, she had pain in the first knuckle of her forefinger on her left hand—and the finger is starting to bend at that knuckle. I saw it bend a little after she told me. [...]

TES9 Notes by RFB July 20, 1969 Aldrin Armstrong moon module rfb

[...] Aldrin was standing close by—a few feet away, & approaching and/or bending over Armstrong. [...]

ECS1 May 22, 1968 [Wednesday—Notes by Jane Roberts] Notes on Class Events of May 21, 1968 aura Sally Theodore Rose ectoplasm

Watching the hand in transition, changes apparent as they happened, joints and knuckles becoming very thick and large, flesh seeming to disappear so that hand became thinner otherwise,hand taking on the look of a very old woman’s, exceedingly bony, with the large, they said, exceptionally large, joints obvious; Rose frightened; Sally said the hand looked so stiff that it was here she asked me if I could bend the fingers, it was here I couldn’t answer her but did try to bend the hand; and at this point decided to give myself suggestions to come out of trance and for hand to return to normal. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

On many of those occasions Ruburt’s back would bend over in the usual fashion as the knees continued their activity, because that was necessary as the adjustments at that time were made. [...]

[...] He had to bend over, but the elasticized back was simply holding itself in abeyance. [...]

TPS3 Session 742 (Deleted Portion) April 23, 1975 strand debris healthwise untried feeders

[...] He does not have to bend over more at certain stages to maintain balance, as has been suggested, and he has followed those suggestions except for the back. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

[...] Even her knees seem to be unlocking; her wrists are bending somewhat, etc. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] Jane’s forearms are still “soft,” and the index finger on her left hand still bends a little. [...]

TES7 Session 323 March 1, 1967 symptoms should rids housecleaning flexibility

[...] He is in a habit, for example, now, of not bending down deeply and when he catches himself, he must move as he used to.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 confounds Framework reason universe predisposed

[...] The intuitions know that the universe bends in your direction. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] It bends with the wind. It does not bend when there is no wind, nor does it stiffen, stopping the flow of sap to the treetop for fear that the dumb tree, not knowing what it was up to, would bump its head against the sky.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

[...] But a little later the big toes began to bend by themselves. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 11, 1971 rituals negative symptoms habitual stairs

[...] You did more good by telling him he bent over well from the front this evening (while we were exercising), that simple statement, than you ever could by any remark, however well-meaning, that he is not bending his leg when he walks for example.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

[...] The head tensions and those ligaments, however, are keys that before locked the shoulders, arms, and chest in a given position, forcing the knees to bend for the sake of balance.

TPS1 Session 476 (Deleted) April 16, 1969 abundance negative spool rejection prayer

[...] I am free to bend. [...]

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

[...] They will fall into place—a bend in the stream (smile) and disconnected patterns will meet again. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

[...] With my inner sight I felt that one of those forms, sturdy and impossibly massive, might bend down and with his gigantic face peek into my kitchen window … though I was also aware that all of this was my interpretation of what I was receiving.

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Forgive me if this is a trite analogy, I almost hate to say it, but it bends with the wind. It does not bend when there is no wind. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 25, 1981 insight relax volition lax paranoid

[...] Somehow we got totally off that subject when Seth went into the interesting topic of PKMB, or psychokinetic metal bending. [...]

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