Results 721 to 740 of 751 for stemmed:belief

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

[...] Now, this has to do in some regard to work you did in the past when it was highly dangerous to speak of your beliefs or to remember this code of ethics. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

[...] Not the destruction alone, but the entire pattern seen through the framework of your beliefs. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

[...] Through all of his recorded history, man has created that fear, that belief, with the greatest tenacity imaginable.

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

[...] They did not saddle the body with negative beliefs of disease or limitation. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

It is composed of a conglomeration of quite conscious but unexamined, or rather unassembled, beliefs about yourselves, some quite contradictory, and your “place” in the world.

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

[...] Only your beliefs, training, and neurological indoctrination prevent you from recognizing the true nature of your consciousness while you sleep. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] Jane’s fear of being out in the center of the rug, away from a table she could lean on for support, could also represent her fears of abandonment, the casting away of old beliefs and fears. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

[...] This is extremely important, for this is a strong belief with him now; and he did not see the humor when he heard what I said—it made perfect sense to him. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974 Linden selves inventor birth hysterectomy

[...] Consciously, however, I knew nothing then about probable realities or the power of belief; I was just acutely aware of the unending differences of opinion between my mother and father, and of my unformed questions about the reasons for their behavior; at the same time I saw them struggling to live like others I knew. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 flute Louise music tale wink

[...] These things you take for granted but you form your own image, and you form them in consistent belief with those ideas that you have. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] Nevertheless, your consciousness and your beliefs are what direct this neurological recognition. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

[...] All of these ideas were completely new to me and quite contrary to my own beliefs. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

(“I did believe implicitly in the God in which I was brought up, and in that belief. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975 astrology charts violets birthdate ant

[...] Now: As soon as you label yourself you are setting limitations, putting up boundaries and defining the reality of your psyche — usually according to quite limited beliefs.

TES4 Session 166 June 30, 1965 Philip reorganization John company deluded

[...] Though they may not agree with his political beliefs, they will on the other hand trust his integrity because the movement is conservative. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] As a result of all this the social and governmental structures will change, for they are based upon your current beliefs.

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

There are no basic dangers involved in alterations of consciousness without drugs, but artificial dangers can occur because of your cultural beliefs. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

[...] Great Britain was in many respects a special place in that many of those personalities who had been resting were born there at fairly regular intervals, and you had a more consistent belief in liberty that did not necessitate such bloody and unfortunate revolutions as those that occurred elsewhere.

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

[...] You can for a while fake the sort of disbelieving belief required, but your ability to sell is based upon your own confidence as an integrated and principled personality. [...]

SDPC Preface Sonja Jack program television camera

[...] In fact, I sometimes amuse myself by imagining a situation in which Seth wonders if Jane is a secondary personality with an obsessive belief in some improbable physical reality. [...]

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