Results 421 to 440 of 751 for stemmed:belief

NotP Chapter 8: Session 786, August 16, 1976 contours intrusions bombarded events raindrops

[...] Your beliefs are like receptive areas — open basins — that you use to collect information. [...] Beliefs are ways of structuring reality. [...]

[...] Your own thoughts, dreams, intents, emotions, beliefs — these are the natural features of your mind, so that information, impinging upon your mental world, also follows those contours.

TPS3 Session 679 (Deleted Portion) February 4, 1974 photo compliance Amen modest smothers

This realization on both of your parts should lead you to see that reverse methods, plus the change in beliefs, can indeed work what seem to be miracles.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 14, 1978 polarized disapproval subjective exterior shoveling

[...] Only your beliefs impede it—so work with those beliefs before you shovel the drive. [...]

[...] As you matured you each to some degree carried beliefs that physical activity and subjective activity were somehow, and to varying degrees, opposed to the other—one being accepted by society, and the other frowned upon.

You have fallen for the same conventionalized beliefs that they have, only you chose the subjective side. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Tuesday, April 18, 1978 Eddie plots switch blemished didnt

[...] Not sure here, but that I hadn’t outgrown old religious beliefs and training or come to terms with my own energy or abilities.)

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1983 promptness home sling arbitrary snugly

Belief in thy love.... [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

Unfortunately, such a belief is promoted by many religions. Children who want to be good, therefore, can unfortunately strive for poor health, in the belief that it is a sign of God’s attention. [...]

One of the most disastrous ideas is the belief that illness is sent as a punishment by God.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 535, June 17, 1970 death alive dead gaps unaliveness

A belief in hell fires can cause you to hallucinate Hades’ conditions. A belief in a stereotyped heaven can result in a hallucination of heavenly conditions. [...]

The ideas that you have involving the nature of reality will strongly color your experiences, for you will interpret them in the light of your beliefs, even as now you interpret daily life according to your ideas of what is possible or not possible. [...]

TPS5 Session 832 (Deleted Portion) January 29, 1979 discomfort dentistry noisier knees prognosis

(10:35.) Ruburt has been responding to new beliefs, and his walking and exercises, beautifully. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

(I think the important thing today was that as we talked we saw how with each category Jane described negative beliefs and reactions — an excellent point. It’s a thought we’ve had before — but it seems that each thing we’ve accomplished has been in the face of, or in spite of, a barrage of negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

[...] Regardless of what he believes about himself, his complete belief in me will only be arrived at intuitively and emotionally.

This is the only basis for any belief, regardless of rationalization. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 828, March 15, 1978 imagination begrudge storms men early

[...] The lines between imaginative and physical experience have blurred for you, and of course they have also become tempered by other beliefs and the experiences that those beliefs then engender.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 22, 1983 Georgia leg crying shoulders moved

[...] The funeral parlor did indeed represent the death of old beliefs (as I’d speculated), but it also represented the negative arena that sometimes exists, it seems, in the world at large, as it impinges upon your own life and beliefs. [...]

Now: your own complete freedom as you painted the large portraits represents your own native ability, unimpeded by doubts or by false beliefs. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 18, 1979 soda contemplation Maalox stomach disapprove

[...] They represent your own opposing beliefs and feelings. [...]

The greater portion of your nature belongs to the first man, and the second set of characteristics has been overlaid, so that there is a rub between the two systems of belief and feeling.

[...] (Pause.) You have a lifetime of beliefs behind you that you are in the process of discarding. [...]

TPS5 Session 841 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1979 regenerated marathon overnight Enquirer Runner

[...] The social weight of other people’s beliefs about him and his impending death, dissolved.

TPS2 Session 657 (Deleted Portion) April 18, 1973 satisfactory ashes Cybernetics Psycho diverts

3. In one way or another, once a day have him do something to act upon the new beliefs. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 885, October 24, 1979 Ankh Hermes materialists Spreekt Mitzi

(9:33.) There is furthermore a deep, subjective, immaculately knowledgeable standard within man’s consciousness by which he ultimately judges all of the theories and the beliefs of his time, and even if his intellect is momentarily swamped by ignoble doctrines, still that point of integrity within him is never fooled.

[...] I thought they’d been [perhaps unwittingly] oriented in certain negative directions—that is, the one taking the test has to choose from a series of more or less negative possibilities, listing specific choices in an order that depends upon his or her personal belief systems—I think.

5. By now, a number of the world’s leading scientists in the physical disciplines have publicly stated their beliefs that basically consciousness plays the primary role in our world and/or universe. [...]

[...] That belief may well be a biological imperative. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970 Baal Ron Speaker Bael b.c

[...] According to orthodox Israelite belief, Baal or nature worship was idolatrous, a denial of any moral values.

[...] These sites, rejected as immoral and threatening to Israelite belief, contained objects of illegitimate worship — the sacred pillar of Baal being one such. [...]

UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

Illness and Neurological Prejudice
Thoughts and beliefs as stimulating and directing probable cell reactions.

The Body as a Planet
Its archaeology of ideas and beliefs. [...]

TPS5 Session 850 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1979 stress unpleasant reconcile affectionate potent

[...] I still read the deleted material for myself on most days, paint a little, do chores, work on the files, the yard, help Jane, record dreams—but I try to do all of these things at an easy pace while trusting that I’ll continue to reconcile opposing beliefs, and see more physical and creative improvements. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 669, June 11, 1973 comma punctuation landscape indicia peacock

[...] In waking reality, beliefs take time before their materialization is apparent. [...]

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