Results 161 to 180 of 441 for stemmed:attent

TPS7 Deleted Session November 5, 1983 pillow noises left unconscious ginger

(In answering my question, Jane said she knows what motions she’s making, but often pays no attention—which is good, since it means she’s letting the body do its thing in its own way. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

[...] Once again, her Seth voice was quiet, and I had to pay close attention to hear it competing with other hospital sounds. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

Framework 2 involves all of those spontaneous processes that go on beneath your conscious attention. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

When he ceases activity however, he has a tendency to activate the symptoms rather than direct his attention elsewhere. [...]

TMA Session Nine September 8, 1980 stomach Hall Prentice logic medical

My present uncomfortable state isn’t drastic, by any means, but it is getting my attention — which, after all, is the reason I’m creating it to begin with. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

[...] He kept trying to get your attention with the symptoms while using them to protect himself at the same time, unless he saw signs of the particular warmth and acceptance he needed. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972 beliefs unexamined assess coughing power

[...] You will begin to use the faculty less and less, unconsciously transfer your attention to the other senses to compensate, and rely less and less upon your ears until the functions themselves do atrophy. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 5, 1978 distractions Hoyle crashes Ed beset

[...] It got his attention. [...]

TES1 Session 4 December 8, 1963 Gratis wall Watts ha humility

Such a thing takes more attention on my part.

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

[...] This automatically concentrates his attention upon health, which is what you want.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

Now I ring the bell—and I will clear up a slight issue that has come to my attention. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

I was totally alert and critical at the time, focused at a high point of concentration, though, in that all of my attention was pivoted expectantly. [...]

Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust — a sideling off of

Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust, a sideling off of focus, if the mind can get over its fear of dying to itself.

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

(Here, I would like to call attention to my dream of September 18, 1964. [...]

[...] This announcement did not mean much to us, and we paid little attention. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

For example: Many of you believe in the basis of Freudian psychology — that the son naturally wants to displace the father in his mother’s attentions, and that beneath the son’s love for his father, there rages the murderous intent to kill. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] In your system of beliefs, however, those athletes must train and focus all of their attention in that direction, often at the expense of other portions of their own experience. [...]

You can hold within your conscious attention far more data than you realize. [...]

At first, doing this will take all of your attention. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 27, 1971 attitudes de ne ra vacation

[...] He goes inward then with great applied focus, but held the body in such tight reins that he denied it both energy and attention.

Ruburt put his body on a strict survival level, giving it the barest of attention. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

She also feels that because he has been so busy he has been away from home more often, and because of his worries, less attentive. [...] I need your care and attention also.” [...]

TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

[...] But the point is that you are not paying enough attention to this type of man. [...]

[...] You should pay more attention to the basis on which the company ultimately rests, or the company will be outstripped. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 24, 1980 Leonard Crestwood deer thermometer message

(According to this material, I told her, if one paid attention to this sort of thing, good evidence for telepathy could be achieved. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 8, 1984 Helen Bowman Park Danny strings

[...] I’m quite aware of the contradictions in our own behavior, too, as I told Jane after the half-hour conversation was over: We put our work out into the arena where it’s available to anyone, and hope they’ll pay attention to it. [...]

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