Results 21 to 40 of 120 for stemmed:attack

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

[...] Now psychologically you can see vestiges of this in certain individuals, who will faint, or even attack their own physical system, before allowing themselves to do what they think of as violence to another.

[...] If attacked, they had to flee. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight

I couldn’t have known about the attack through any normal information, of course, and there was no talk around the base about rockets or anything in the past to suggest the dream — except that such a possibility existed. We’ve only had two such attacks in the nine months I’ve been here, though, so they are hardly everyday occurrences.

[...] As I did so, I wondered what would happen if we had an incoming rocket attack in camp while I was out walking. [...]

[...] At 10:00 A.M., we had an incoming rocket attack. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 21, 1984 urine feverish vitamins temperature wouldn

(And no matter what Seth says, I’d still like some material on the extremes of Jane’s behavior to her fears of ridicule, guilt, being attacked — the whole bit. [...]

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

Ruburt indeed felt attacked, but he would not fight against you, you see. [...]

[...] He felt particularly poor at your parents because there he felt under combined attack. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 5, 1984 yesterday divided ploy exhibits nurse

[...] They are afraid that left alone their energy might strike out against others, and so they short-circuit its use, having attacks that momentarily render themselves helpless.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 660, May 2, 1973 underweight weight eat transference Seventeen

[...] Unfortunately, weight is attacked as ‘bad’ or ‘evil’; symbolic moral judgments enter the act. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 8, 1983 dessert news healing ulcers congressional

(Just before the session, we saw a newscast of a congressional committee in Washington, with some well-known scientists testifying as to the probable aftereffects of nuclear war—how the instigator would also eventually destroy itself even if the attacked never fired a retaliatory strike at all. [...]

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

The thing was actually then a rather clumsy lower-dimensional animal, a provoked dumb dog of other dimensions who then attacked him symbolically enough, by biting. Any “thing” in quotes so created entirely of fears, would be frightened, and particularly angry at its creator, and it could do nothing else but attack; in one way to protect what reality it had, for it knew Ruburt created it only to slay it if possible.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 805, May 16, 1977 hunter species biological animals prey

[...] But even the natural prey of another animal does not fear the “hunter” when the hunter animal is full of belly, nor will the hunter then attack.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 13, 1984 patient rain anger treatment fondle

[...] The patient may also feel abandoned by God or the universe, and may feel unjustly attacked by the disease, thus arousing a whole new tumult of anger, and it is most important that the anger be expressed, and not repressed.

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] I don’t know whether they were preparing for an attack, or had some other reason to be assembled there. [...]

[...] Or I was the sentry’s enemy, who came up the steps and attacked him. [...]

As best I can interpret the objective information at hand, the physical locale of my subjective experience is a precarious one, since outside the eastern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem the terrain quickly drops away into valleys close and steep enough to protect the city from large-scale attack — with hardly enough room there for the “hordes” of Roman soldiers I saw on the “flat ground.” [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 14, 1984 diseases homosexuals aids techniques contagions

Unfortunately, the entire picture surrounding health and disease is a largely negative one, in which even so-called preventative medicine can have severe drawbacks, since it often recommends drugs or techniques to attack a problem not only before the problems emerges, but simply in case it may emerge.

DEaVF1 Introductory Essays by Robert F. Butts essays wrenching addenda delve Lumsden

[...] We quickly agreed that we’d been setting up the illness syndrome for years, yet the deep emotional shocks accompanying its physical developments seemed to come at us like attacking dark birds zooming in from another probable reality. [...]

TES1 Session 3 December 6, 1963 Gratis Watts Frank China incarnation


WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 10, 1984 insects traps hibernating Karina creatures

[...] There is no competition between them and animals, for example, and they are not basically aggressive, though they could be extremely dangerous if they were cornered, or if their young were attacked.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

In intent, however, again, no attack was made upon the body itself, as far as, for example, an organ is literally destroyed or badly damaged.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 1, 1979 list accomplishments ingratitude lightheartedness miracles

[...] However, the call evidently helped trigger a “panic” attack, as I call them, on my part, involving palpitations in the chest. [...]

TES2 Session 52 May 11, 1964 neck arthritis punishment wry infantile

(Willy by now had made Jane cry out in vexation at his attacks; his claws were sharp upon her bare feet. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

(Long pause at 3:49.) Instead of the drama I just outlined, you may instead see invading armies, attacking home troops. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

It seems unnatural to some people to hear of animals’ mothers who refuse to nurse one offspring, or sometimes even attack it — but in those instances the animal mother is instinctively aware of the situation, and acts to save the offspring from future suffering.

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