Results 41 to 60 of 250 for stemmed:atom

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 525, April 22, 1970 coordinate emanations Coast Utah revamping

[...] These coordinate points themselves activate the behavior of atoms and molecules as, say for example, the sun aids the growth of plants. The coordinates activate the generating behavior of atoms and molecules, and greatly encourage their cooperative abilities; their tendency to swarm, so to speak, into organizations and structural groupings.

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

[...] In your (underlined) terms, there are also, of course, descending selves, in that each atom and molecule has its own consciousness and contains all the characteristics inherent in consciousness itself. [...]

[...] The consciousness that ordinarily projects in an out-of-body experience could not practically project into one atom. [...]

[...] A fragment may project, you see, but one atom could not contain the full projecting consciousness of an adult human mind.

TSM Appendix: Session 505, October 13, 1969 units rock emanations tones scientists

[...] The rock is composed of atoms and molecules, each with their own consciousness. [...] These units are sent out indiscriminately by the various atoms and molecules, but portions of them are also directed by the overall rock consciousness. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 520, March 25, 1970 permanent form environment constant thought

[...] Using atoms and molecules, you build your body, forming basic elements into a form that you call your own.

[...] The atoms and molecules that compose it — any object — have their own identities that color and qualify any object that they form.

(10:12.) Within the flesh, atoms and molecules constantly die and are replaced. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 860, June 13, 1979 impulses meditation luckily decisions tiny

[...] Even the atoms and molecules within them sought out their own most favorable probabilities. And in terms that you do not understand, even those atoms and molecules made their own decisions as the result of recognizing and following those impulsive sparks toward action that are inherent in all consciousness, whatever their statuses in your terms (all with intensity and feeling).

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

6. Seth, in the 681st session: “Atoms can move in more directions than one at once.” In Note 7 for that session I wrote that as an artist my intuitional reaction to that statement was to associate the multidirectional ability of the atom with Seth’s notions of simultaneous time and probabilities. Since electrons are the particles or processes moving about the nucleus of the atom, I now make the same association for them. [...]

There were sketches of atoms and molecules, also drawn after trained men and women learned the art of identifying with such phenomena. [...]

5. In the last session see the material, with notes 1 and 7, on Einstein, as well as Note 5; in the 684th session the material on the multidimensional activities and fluctuations of Seth’s CU’s (or units of consciousness), electrons, and other such phenomena; and in the 681st session the material, with Note 7 especially, on science, probable atoms, and the basic unpredictability behind all systems of reality. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 591, August 11, 1971 engineer highlighted sixth minister biblical

[...] To an engineer he gives an explanation of the pulsations of atoms, discusses mental health with a nurse and aggression with a minister — all class members. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 626, November 8, 1972 involuntary brain Bach deride functions

[...] Electrons are negatively charged particles circling a nucleus on which there are an equal number of positive charges; together these make up an atom; groups of atoms combine to form molecules.

[...] For example, it would have to keep conscious track of all the muscles, nerves, organs, cells, molecules and atoms, while manipulating the body in space and time.

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] Atoms and molecules build blocks of matter, in your terms, even while the atoms and molecules remain separate. [...] For that matter (amused), if you will forgive me for that old pun, the atoms and molecules that form the table today did not have anything to do with the table five years ago — though the table appeared the same then as now.

[...] Atoms and molecules will sometimes form trees; sometimes they will become parts of couches. [...]

[...] These mix psychically with other strands, as physically atoms and molecules are interchanged. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 784, July 19, 1976 cordellas alphabet sentence Chinese language

[...] The atoms and molecules within your vocal cords, and lungs and lips, do not understand one word of the language they allow you to speak so liquidly. [...]

(11:15.) Yet each of those nameless atoms and molecules cooperates in a vast venture, incomprehensible to you, that makes your speech possible, and your reality of events is built up from a cordella of activity in which each spoken word has a history that stretches further back into the annals of time than the most ancient of fossils could remember. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 898, January 30, 1980 computer divine unspoken animals inheritors

[...] Nor can any amount of information “possessed” or processed by any computer compare with the unspoken knowing knowledge that is possessed by the atoms and molecules that compose such an instrument. [...] In dreams the innate knowledge of the atoms and molecules is combined and translated. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 610, June 7, 1972 soul rises unconscious psyche Oversoul

[...] Each living being possesses it, and the living world consists of a spontaneous cooperation that exists between the smallest and the highest, the greatest and the lowly, between the atoms and the molecules and the conscious, reasoning mind.

[...] The atoms and molecules that compose all objects, whether it be the body of a person, a table, a stone or a frog, know the great passive thrust of creativity that lies beneath their own existence, and upon which their individuality floats, distinct, clear and unassailable.

[...] It is a part of the action of your being and consciousness, but as the eye cannot see its own shifting colors and expressions, as it is not aware that it lives and dies constantly as its atomic structure changes, so you are not aware that the ego continually changes, dies, and is reborn.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 peace space banter solve sorrowful

[...] In waking reality, subconsciously you manipulate atoms and molecules so that they result in physical images that appear to you as permanent. [...] The atoms and molecules as you know, constantly change. [...]

[...] The dream locations that you visit you form in precisely the same manner as atoms and molecules, but they are of briefer duration, for you do not focus your energy upon them for the same amount of physical time. [...]

TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

[...] The world is built up in other terms of atoms and molecules.

Atoms and molecules can be heard, though not by your perceptive apparatus. [...]

The same applies however to light, for the atoms and molecules also exist as patterns of light that are unperceived by you. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

[...] Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe, or scattered by chance through many universes. [...]

[...] It is instead composed of atoms and molecules that you do not perceive, both above and below the physical range of intensities — and all of these in their own way possess consciousness.

[...] They form what appears as time to you, as atoms and molecules form what appears as space to you. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 27, 1984 inbred infant garage cancer Maude

[...] The program dealt with the atom-bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, and the after-effects, such as cancer. [...]

Those attitudes are inbred in the smallest microscopic portions of the body — a part of each atom and cell and organ, and they serve to trigger all of the body’s responses that promote growth and fulfillment. [...]

UR2 Appendix 20: (For Session 713) plane saucer science craft flying

[...] Occasionally he’ll mention them in connection with another subject; as an example, see the two paragraphs about “saucers” and the pulsating nature of atoms and molecules in the ESP class session for January 12, 1971, in the Appendix of Seth Speaks.

[...] Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what you have here in your flying object is something that is actually, as you view it, not of your plane or of [whatever] plane of its origin … The atoms and molecules that structurally compose the UFO, and which are themselves formed by vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern of its own territory. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

In your terms, obviously, atoms do not dream of cats chasing dogs, yet (intently) there are indeed “lapses” from physical focus that are analogous to your dreaming state. Give us a moment … In those conditions the atoms pursue their own probable activities, and indeed make astounding calculations, bringing into your actuality the necessary probable actions to insure official life forms. [...]

[...] There are minute variations of electrical discharge, not now perceivable, that could pinpoint this kind of fluctuation on the part of cells, and also on the part of atoms and molecules.

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

I have mentioned that each physical construction is composed of atoms and molecules, which also possess a generalized consciousness and capsule comprehension. [...]

[...] The pulsations inherent in the atoms and molecules of the constructions are, of course, picked up by others. [...]

These constructions exist definitely in terms of atomic structure, but of such different densities and speeds that you are unaware of them though they are perceived by the inner senses, and utilized by the subconscious and inner self as a very important reality.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

“Returning to the material on perception, there are changes in the positive and negative atomic charges, alterations of movement inside the atoms in the smaller particles, a change in pulsation rate. The activity of atoms is actually caused by perceptive qualities. To begin with, atoms do not just move within themselves because they are atoms. [...]

Seth continued: “Each of the particles within the atom is perceptively aware of all of the other particles within that same atom. They move in response to stimuli received from each other, and to stimuli that come from other atoms … Each atom within a cell, for example, is aware of the activity of each of the other atoms there, and to some extent of the stimuli that come to the cell itself from outside it.

(To go into modern knowledge of the components of the atom can be a very complicated task, so I’ll note only that such particles are regarded as actually being packets of energy, or “probability patterns,” that can also manifest themselves as waves; both the particle and the wave aspects are legitimate in space-time. An atom, then, is composed of a “heavy” positively charged nucleus orbited by “lighter” negatively charged electrons. [...]

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