Results 1 to 20 of 564 for stemmed:aspect

TPS1 Session 560 (Deleted) November 11, 1970 feminine masculine intellectual precipitated male

You, being a male, he felt, would be most alarmed at any undue emotionalisms. This aside from your own reaction to your mother’s emotionalism. So there was a good division set up between his intellectual-respectable-to-him masculine aspects, and his intuitive, feminine, private aspects.

All of the time of course these feminine aspects were being used as the intuitive, mystical thresholds of psychic activity. I told you once that Ruburt would not have allowed a feminine counterpart of myself to speak, but neither would you have. You would have been afraid of the “unpredictable” in quotes feminine aspects.

Now all of this is highly important. To some extent it was inevitable, considering your backgrounds. The feminine aspects in any case, culturally speaking, were being denied since you did not want children. Reincarnationally this you set ahead of time. If the psychic developments that represented your greatest fulfillment, with all their ramifications in your art and life, had not occurred, then you would have had two children, and continued a reincarnational cycle. There are other aspects here, in that in your last reincarnational life you had somewhat greater freedom within the sexual framework. You can come closer to the ideal identity that gives greater rein within one individual to both male and female characteristics.

Your allowing the longer hair is a sign that of late you have become less frightened of the symbolically creative and feminine aspects of the artist. Your refusal in the past to look the part of an artist, per se, reflected your determination to insist upon, to you, the contrasting masculine aspects. As you allowed yourself somewhat more freedom in this regard, you both saw to it that in compensation Ruburt in his appearance allowed himself less.

TPS3 Session 705 (Deleted Portion) June 24,1974 marshland overimpatience inclination flexibility concentration

(Pause.) It will be beneficial for you to plan to move when Aspects is finished. Now he is free to work joyfully on Aspects, without the old “poisoned drive”—that is, he will be working because he wants to, and not because he feels his existence is dependent upon it.

[...] Now he is free to concentrate on Aspects, and with a joyful goal also in physical terms at the end. [...]

A concentration upon Aspects, freely, as one part of his life. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 704 June 17, 1974 oracle physician predict disease psyche

4. A note added later: Jane dealt with her “own” ideas of the inner multidimensional self in Part 2 of her Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology. [...] Seth’s private oracle is analogous to her basic nonphysical source self, from which numerous Aspect selves simultaneously emerge into various realities. All Aspects of a source self are in communication with each other, even if unconsciously. The Aspect self that appears in our reality is the focus personality, “earthized” in physical form. I made a number of diagrams to illustrate Jane’s material in Part 2 of Adventures, and several of these show a schematic source self with its attendant Aspects.

In very simplified terms, then, Jane regards Seth as a personagram, “a multidimensional personification of another Aspect of the entity or source self, as expressed through the medium.” Aspects like Seth, she wrote in Chapter 11, “would have to communicate through the psychic fabric of the focus personality. [...]

Such a journey will illuminate not only the private aspects of reality, but the experience of the species as well. [...]

TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966 oriented survival nightmare Catherine ego

[...] As you create a painting, and the painting is still an aspect of yourself, so it creates the whole personality, which is an aspect of itself. [...] It is more knowledgeable than any one aspect of the personality. It is more knowledgeable than all other aspects of the personality, for it forms them together into a cohesive whole.

[...] It prevents unconstructed aspects from gaining control, unless of course there are strong reasons why such control is necessary in the long run.

[...] The outer ego no longer shows its outside face, so to speak, (again Jane struck the tabletop) but takes its place with the other aspects of the personality. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

[...] When you ponder upon the aspects of God, you unthinkingly speak of the creator of that one light. [...]

[...] Now I have been speaking of earthly developments, realities therefore clustered about earthly aspects as you know them.

I am speaking now, in this chapter, mainly about your own planet and solar system, but the same applies to all aspects of your physical universe. [...]

[...] For if you are intensely preoccupied with what may seem to be one infinitesimally minute aspect of reality, and while you seem to be completely embedded within it, only the most “surface” elements of the self are so entranced. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

[...] Now, you are all different aspects of whole selves or entities. You are different aspects. Now think you are different aspects. [...] The various pieces are aspects of a whole but in this the puzzle is always changing and never the same. You have various aspects of consciousness. [...]

TES4 Session 177 August 11, 1965 Jesuit multiple exchange study aspects

[...] It should also be borne in mind that all aspects of the personality are part of the whole self. As such there is an overall communication between the various aspects of the self, although the separate aspects of the self may not be aware of the communications.

[...] In a brief communication one afternoon I explained to him the similarity between multiple personalities and the various aspects of the personality as it appeared in the dreaming and trance states.

[...] With this in mind, consider once more the various aspects of the self in the waking and the dream states. [...]

[...] These separate states of consciousness, these multiple levels of awareness, these seemingly unrelated personality aspects, are not unnatural artificial productions, brought about through hypnosis. [...]

TPS2 Session 660 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1973 hypnotized notations omitted programs journal

[...] When he does not do so therefore, this is a sign of acquiescence to present conditions, or being hypnotized by the unpleasant current aspects.

[...] The negative aspects are usually not there—not because he omitted them: the book itself helps bring the positive experiences about, because, again, it represents conscious attempts to alter experience.

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

[...] You picked up the idea of work but frowned upon certain aspects of creativity as not safe or profitable—as your father’s creative, inventive aspects did not produce financially in your family, and in terms of work did not pay off in social or family terms.

Working on his book today (Aspects), Ruburt made some important connections. [...]

Seven came precisely because it was free of all contract connotations, and so at the time did Aspects. [...]

When he felt you both needed money, the work aspects were magnified. [...]

TPS2 Session 617 (Deleted Portion) September 25, 1972 negative harbored underlined concentrate thumbnail

[...] You begin to concentrate upon the negative (underlined three times) aspects of the news in the paper. [...]

[...] There are negative aspects, but you concentrate upon them. [...]

[...] You concentrate (underlined) upon the negative aspects.

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

You realize that in order to speak of action it is necessary that it be discussed as though some aspects were isolated from others. [...]

In very important aspects it always escapes you, though you are partially what it is. [...]

[...] The personality is an excellent example of action in one aspect. [...]

The peculiar and individualistic aspects of personality are the result of those camouflaging abilities of which we have spoken earlier. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

[...] But all of the symptoms now represent aspects of your lives that you have not faced in a normal above-the-board fashion. [...]

The sexual aspect is but a symptom of this. [...]

[...] That aspect of your life would simply be another challenge for the two of you to face together if you admitted this deeper disappointment and did something about it.

[...] The basic disappointment with each other colors your perspective when you consider the Artistic Card aspect.

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 561, November 25, 1970 Carl multidimensional regular disquietude class

As there are portions of reality that you do not consciously perceive, and other systems of probability of which you are not consciously aware, so also are there aspects of primary godhood that you cannot at this moment comprehend. There are, therefore, probable gods, each one reflecting in its way the multidimensional aspects of a prime identity so great and dazzling that no one reality form or particular kind of existence could contain it.

[...] Now, however, I am concerned with the multidimensional aspects of All That Is. [...]

[...] They will not, therefore, isolate the individual involved, but instead will enlarge his perceptions until he will experience the reality and uniqueness of as many other aspects of reality of which he is capable.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 10, 1973 adrenaline overproduction tension abnormal lovemaking

[...] It focuses your attentions individually and jointly, and acts as a psychological set that initiates proper help from other aspects of your beings.

[...] Your lovemaking joyfully reinforces both of your healthy aspected body images.

Ruburt’s latest poetry is a way of encountering beliefs, and also of evoking the most deeply creative aspects of himself and bringing these to the surface of experience.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 841, March 14, 1979 viruses immunity thoughts Jonestown autopsies

[...] You should know that thoughts also have their physical aspects in the body, and that viruses have their mental aspects in the body. [...]

[...] It is not that your thoughts just trigger chemical reactions in the body, but that your thoughts have a chemical reality besides their recognizable mental aspects. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

[...] Now you should have a series of dreams representing other aspects of the entire situation. [...] You have only taken one aspect and dramatized it for yourself. You will take other aspects and dramatize those also. [...]

[...] You should also have a series of dreams that work out various aspects of the same problem for this is but one isolated point of your feelings. [...]

[...] It is a built in safety system upon which both of you have subconsciously agreed and again this applies to other aspects of your life as well. [...]

Now she also has a great inner interest and so for her and for both of you, you are traveling these inward roads for both of you and she is carrying on the critical aspects for both of you. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 24, 1973 dance mountaintop tours restraint loyalty

(Seth’s reference to Jane’s book idea, Aspect Psychology, touches on one of our other questions. Her editor, Tam Mossman, has offered her the prospect of a contract for a book on Adventures in Consciousness combined with Aspects. [...] At this time we think it’s probably okay for her to work on Aspects, though.)

[...] It seemed to him that if he spontaneously felt happy about a book that you would remind him of less favorable aspects. [...]

Aspects is free, by the way.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 2, 1972 compliments concentration perform worrying dancing

[...] He is onto something with his theory of Aspects, but the theory is not as yet fully developed. [...]

(Jane received the material on Aspects, as she calls it, during two days just before the disastrous flood that swept Elmira on June 21—23, 1972.)

[...] At break I asked Jane some questions about her Aspect theories. [...]

I am not going to tell him where Aspects will lead. [...]

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

The inner ego however is always aware of both aspects of its reality. In the deepest sense (pause), this inner self is organized about its primary aspect, which is creativity. [...]

[...] Creativity is one of the most important attributes and aspects of consciousness. [...]

[...] In their faces you should see aspects of their past personalities.

The powers of consciousness are clearly not understood then, nor its multidimensional aspects. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 618, September 28, 1972 core Seagull Dick unstructured belief

(To Jane, these states are all aspects of the same kind of highly accelerated creativity that finally “goes beyond itself” into levels — or aspects — of reality that we don’t understand clearly yet. [...]

[...] There are indeed ‘aspects’ of your own consciousness that operate in completely different environments. [...] There are aspects of you, therefore, that know many other kinds of information than those available to you at the conscious level now….”

(Note that Seth endorsed Jane’s theory of Aspects. [...]

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