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TPS7 Deleted Session October 22, 1982 Sheri England news Nancy Edwards

[...] As it is, I don’t understand how I’m to get any work done, help Jane, handle business affairs, change even my driver’s license, and move all at the same time. This, all after we’ve found a suitable place and have sold our house in Elmira on 1730 Pinnacle Road. [...]

[...] This was all new to us. [...]

[...] Jane has slept in her chair now practically all day for several days. [...]

TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn

[...] Some of these events would have been trivial, but all would have led him toward that predicted big win. [...]

[...] She had been “way out”, she said, and felt there had been no blocking on her part at all. [...]

[...] The location was near water, or the street had water in it, or there was a connection with swans—all of this applying to that episode.

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 578, April 5, 1971 Speakers ten training number Christ

[...] In your terms it would be as if you saw a series of quickly moving pictures, all representing various poses of one personality. I must remember, in all communications with those in the room, to limit my remarks and focus to the specific reincarnated “present self.”

[...] All of the questions, we thought, had a timeless quality.

(“All right, question number two: Was the statement given by Jane, while speaking for you, correct, that there have been millions of Speakers? [...]

TES5 Session 228 January 31, 1966 shoe weather storm blizzard excesses

[...] It will take longer before it is at all realized that the individual also affects the weather.

Now I shall tell you that physical weather is also caused in part by psychic energy, rushing through the human system and through the systems of all living creatures, and also by an excess, a chemical excess, beyond that which the individual organism can handle.

[...] Now the physical organism simply cannot handle all of the energy that is available to it. [...]

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] On some occasions the totality of probabilities all point in one main direction. These tend to form a more or less definite future, all psychic forces rushing toward it. [...]

Now, good evening to you all. [...]

Now, the love that binds you all is a close, sometimes open… (words missed again)…that which is too much for him at this time… (and again.)… This sort of session is not primarily to tell you what you should do, Stephen. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 retarded technology species values council

The trouble with most ideas concerning evolution is that they are all one-sided—all loaded, of course, at man’s end at the expense of the other species, and [with] all thinking in terms of progress along very narrow consecutive lines. [...]

[...] First had come her reactions to a group of upsetting letters she’d received this noon: One is a 20-page missive from a mental patient who wants returned to him all of the notes, objects, manuscripts, and books of poetry he’s sent her over the years: another is from a woman who informed us that she’s writing a book dictated by Seth: a third is a long letter from a man who’s claiming us as his counterparts, for reasons we can’t agree with. [...]

[...] I asked her just how one could go about speaking for a personality like Seth, yet remain aloof from all of the psychic playing going on around us. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] Your own are obviously not limited to art, per se, or art would have satisfied you so completely, and taken your attention so completely, that you would not have looked in other areas at all, so there is a place meant for you, in which your artistic—meaning painting—writing, and intellectual capacities form a synthesis in which all those abilities take part, and are fulfilled. [...]

[...] Protestant work ethics do not produce great art, and they can finally undo the good that they have done, by turning all work into a meaningless performance in which the product itself becomes a means to an end, and loses any esthetic value.

There are variations, and actually James has explained the natural background there, for it is all tied in with religious, psychological, and scientific beliefs.

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 parking Halliday sell landlord painting

Be careful of the suggestion “I will sell all the paintings that I want to sell,” for you are setting up conditions and limitations. Either say “I will sell all my paintings,” or “I will sell these paintings,” referring to specificness. [...]

[...] The imagination is all important. [...]

[...] In this period let the conscious suggestions be given with emotion and feeling, and then have him forget all about them. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

[...] But all of the symptoms now represent aspects of your lives that you have not faced in a normal above-the-board fashion. [...]

It naturally reflected all of your own attitudes, the similar and various ways the both of you have of facing reality. [...]

[...] All of this serves to clear the air, opening the channels of communication, so that you do not have to be wondering what the other one is up to now.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 536, June 22, 1970 Moses Allah hallucinations Arab guide

(9:32.) Again, as mentioned earlier, an individual can be so certain that death is the end of all, that oblivion, though temporary, results. [...]

[...] Others have to learn all over again about certain laws of behavior, for they do not realize the creative potency of their thoughts or emotions.

[...] He will see no continuity at all, and feel himself flung without rhyme or reason from one experience to another, never realizing that his own thoughts are propelling him quite literally.

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity connotations prostitute

[...] “Here you won’t go to the marketplace, but you think of saving all of these private sessions for posterity, to give them to the world. [...] Instead, I see us when I’m 80 and you’re 90, out in the backyard, burning it all.” [...]

[...] “But the publisher would want it organized according to subject matter, or presented in some orderly way,” I replied, whereupon she wrinkled her face at the work this might involve: “But you could do all that after we got the material....”

[...] Here I was all set to go earlier.” [...]

TES7 Session 286 September 14, 1966 root assumptions stony item charges

The world as you know it is mankind’s creation, and his abilities and limitations are all in evidence there. Within the dream state all mankind knows the outcome of any given dilemma. [...]

[...] I identify first of all with the emotional realities, for these are the only basic realities to me. [...]

[...] To call this telepathy tells you nothing however, for all such information is the result of emotional force.

TES9 Session 506 October 27, 1969 units polarity poles intensity ee

[...] There is a rhythm that underlies all of this changing polarity and changing intensities that occur constantly. [...]

[...] (Gestures.) The “nucleus,” in quotes—now using a cell analogy—if these units were cells, which they are not, then it would be as if the nucleus were constantly changing position, flying off in all directions, dragging the rest of the cell along with it. [...]

The units obviously are within the reality of all cells. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 569, February 24, 1971 Speakers dreamers eeg rules foods

[...] In all periods of your time they went about their duties both in the waking and sleep state. [...] For example, conventional images of the Christian God and the saints may be utilized by the Speakers, with all of this highly vivid. [...]

[...] In some incarnations, the abilities might be used so powerfully that all other aspects of the personality remained in the background. [...]

[...] It is true that in the dream state and in some other levels of existence close to your own, there is strong individual play in the creation of images, and a magnificent use of symbolism, but all of this takes place, again, in an “objective” definite environment, an environment whose characteristics make such phenomena possible — a field of activity, then, with its own rules. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

[...] Here you won’t go to the marketplace, but you think of saving all of these private sessions for posterity, to give them to the world some day. [...] Instead, I see us when I’m 80 and you’re 90, out in the back yard, burning it all.”

[...] Here I was all set to go earlier….” [...]

[...] It wants to ignore the creative aspects of the universe, however, which are everywhere apparent, and it first of all believes that it must divorce itself from any evidence of feeling. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 19, 1984 Norma Joe segments schizophrenic chocolate

(The hospital was hardly a quiet place, what with fire trucks and police cars pulling up beneath our window with sirens screeching and wailing, and with people in the hall outside 330 pushing carts that rattled and sounded like a bushel of pots and pans jouncing around — all of this as Jane was ready to begin the session. [...]

One portion of the personality will carry on conscious behavior — go to work, shop, or whatever, while the other portion of the personality will not remember performing those acts at all.

Her trend of memory will go back to the last time that she was in charge of consciousness, and she will have — or may not have — any idea of the existence of Norma A at all. [...]

TPS5 Session 841 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1979 regenerated marathon overnight Enquirer Runner

[...] Overnight—almost—he managed to completely change his picture of himself—and all of the physical evidence that before had confirmed his condition vanished. [...]

The old man changed probabilities, you see, moving into another, and your thought patterns deal with probabilities all the time, at one level, as your c-e-l-l-s (spelled) do at another—so perhaps that will help you see more clearly the connections between health and illness, and the directions that your thoughts take.

All probabilities exist first in the imagination.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Monday, July 18 moveable ok softer jaw ligament

All of above continues & left jaw & ligament begins. All moveable parts, softer. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1979 taxes groin paying kitty hassles

As I mentioned, the creative spontaneous self knows of your entire situation, so that its unimpeded production will automatically meet all of your needs.

I believe I have answered all of your questions. [...]

4. I do resent paying the taxes.
[All of these contribute to the physical effects.]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] The midplane or semiplane contains a conglomeration of fragments at all stages of development, except that they have not attained sufficient knowledge or manipulability to progress further at this point. [...]

[...] I gather all sorts of weird projectiles thrown at me with vibrant force. [...]

[...] If you are worried about water dripping in your room by all means investigate. [...]

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