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NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

[...] We held it in her study for a change, with all the doors and windows open.

[...] In miniature form each day contains, in its own way, clues to all of your own simultaneous existences. [...]

Within any given twenty-four hour period, then, traces and aspects of all of your other experiences appear in their own way. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

[...] It includes other interweaving physical relationships that bind you with all others upon your planet at the same adjacent level of time. That is, to some extent or another you are related to all of those alive upon the planet. [...]

[...] Ideas of cause and effect can hold you back here, because it seems to you that the leaves of next year come as an effect caused by this year’s leaves.10 To the plant and its innate creative pattern, however, all of its manifestations are one — an expression of itself, each portion different. [...] In that greater realm of reality there is creative interplay, and interrelationships between all aspects of selfhood.

[...] A completely different kind of focus was presented, in which the ancestors were understood to contribute to the “new” experience of the living; one in which the physically focused consciousness clearly saw itself as perceiving the world for itself, but also for all of those who had gone before — (gradually louder for emphasis:) while realizing that in those terms he or she would contribute as well as the generations past.

TPS4 Session 824 (Deleted Portion) March 1, 1978 Cinderella pretending terminology affectionate session

[...] And above all remember that pretending is not a lie (re Cinderella). He can pretend to be well and flexible if he remembers that, without feeling any contradictions at all.

[...] That is all I will say for now—but apply the book dictation tonight to your own lives. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 540, July 6, 1970 reincarnation choose reenter cycle intermediary

All necessary explanations are given to those who are disoriented. Those who do not realize that they are dead are here told of their true condition, and all efforts are made to refresh the energies and spirits. [...]

There are unlimited varieties of experience open to you after death, all possible, but some less probable than others, according to your development. [...]

[...] You will be leaving all thoughts of continuity of time behind you in such a case.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, January 6, 1970 kinship Rachel Vera incapacitating Theodore

[...] If I told you that I would sing for you, then I do believe you would all be here “en force.” [...]

[...] You will find, and I hope you are finding your kinship with All That Is. [...]

[...] It is there all the time whether or not you realize it and it sustains you whether or not you realize it. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 21, 1971 revelations scrambled labels Florence Sumari

[...] After a few minutes, Florence drew a geometric design on a notepad and explained that she had been doodling this for years, and that it seemed important to all of us. Thereupon, with Sumari’s help, class got up and walked around in a circle, all of us chanting along with the Sumari, who indicated to several of us to do certain motions. When it was over, we all sat down and Florence remarked that she felt she still hadn’t done what she was “supposed” to do with the symbol.

Is it all right for me to speak now? [...]

[...] All delightful trickery. [...]

UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690) Sumari sexuality song passivity female

Each of you must discover what sexuality is, in all of its aspects, and connect it with the nature of your consciousness and your being. [...] And all of you who look upon me as a sign of great logical thinking (humorously), and therefore male-oriented, in your terms, then listen:

All time is simultaneous (Seth told the members of class), and so you are male and female at once.

In all religions, those that you did not officially adopt in your society, what you would think of as the female religions predominated. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

(All in all, of course, the two episodes cited above only reinforce my feeling—and Jane’s too, I presume, that the only sure way to avoid such mishandlings and limited thinking is to get the hell out of the place. [...]

[...] All in all, Ruburt handled this morning’s blues well—and with your help, since he told you about them, though he had considered not doing so. [...]

[...] In spite of it all things went well, Jane said, though “they” ran the water more heavily than the old staff members did, and Jane said she couldn’t try to move her feet as easily with the increased pressure of the water. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 860, June 13, 1979 laws ideals criminals avenues impulses

[...] (Pause.) If you were all “perfect beings,” would you need laws at all? [...]

(Pause at 9:45.) “The Ideal, the Individual, Religion, Science, and the Law” (all with some humor and emphasis). [...]

As the body wants to grow from childhood on, so all of the personality’s abilities want to grow and develop. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 862, June 25, 1979 born therapy crime law proven

(9:29.) All of these qualities and attributes are given you by natural law. [...] Your societies, governments, educational systems, are all built around a firm belief in the unreliability of human nature. [...]

[...] Volume 2 is a massive book, yet I still couldn’t believe all the time — almost exactly five years — that had passed since Jane, Seth, and I began work on it. [...]

[...] He’s given all he can — or wants to — on the negative beliefs we hold as individuals and societies; he wants to start his next book [my emphasis] on how to positively work our way out of our challenges and create a much better world…. [...]

UR1 Preface by Seth preface Roberts unknown n.y metaphysics

[...] It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus (very intently). When you don’t realize this, then you project upon life after death all of the old misconceptions. You expect the dead to be little different from the living — if you believe in afterlife at all — but perhaps more at peace, more understanding, and, hopefully, wiser.

[...] In all of this there has been a purpose, and part of that purpose lies in this present book.

[...] All “times” exist at once. [...]

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

As you know, again, it is far easier for you not to have children, regardless of all strains. [...] You are determined not to have them at all cost. [...]

(“He can always work back here in the studio on mornings and all day Fridays. [...] I work all day Friday at Artistic.)

[...] All touch, to each of you now, was not innocent or joyful encounter; it meant “How far will this lead, and is the time of the month correct?” This applies to you both. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

This “gluttony,” and you may put that in quotes, actually represented a terrific capacity for all kinds of consumption, and the consumption of knowledge was no exception. An impatience was also important, and the capacity also showed itself in an ability for psychic knowledge and a thirst in all matters pertaining to intellect, emotions and the physical.

[...] You will all be taught the sacredness of all life, and in the most practical way.

This time and particularly since adolescence ended he was able to let go the other types of greediness, letting the cigarette take place of all the rest. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 8, 1984 Jeff hypothesis suggestions drown cognition

[...] Obviously, children who go into the water right after eating do not all drown. The suggestion itself can lead to all kinds of nervous symptoms, however — panics, or stomach cramps — that can persist well into adulthood.

[...] At first she didn’t want to tell me what he’d said until after lunch, but I persuaded her to tell all. [...]

[...] She had the same feeling I’d noticed when reading sessions one hadn’t seen for several years: that it was all brand new, and surprising, as though someone else had produced the work. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 18, 1984 fund swifter stick cavernous Newman

[...] It is also conscious, and is the director of all automatic interior activity (emphatically).

[...] Your ego and your ordinary consciousness bring into focus all of your physical experiences, and make possible the brilliant preciseness of physical experience.

[...] The conscious mind is one brilliant segment of your larger consciousness, but it is composed of the same universal energy and vitality that composes all consciousness. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] Also, Seth Two had usually expressed “itself” in the singular, whereas tonight’s material was coming through under the plural “we”:)All con-scious-ness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties. This is all we can clear-ly com-mun-i-cate with you now.”

In conventional terms, atoms are regarded as the submicroscopic entities making up all objects and substances in our world. Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. (An atom of hydrogen, however, is made up of but one proton and one electron.) All is in balance: The number of positive charges on the nucleus equals the number of negatively charged electrons. [...]

[...] In Volume 1, Seth devoted much of the 681st session to a discussion of probabilities, or, in sum, All That Is, and interwound Jane’s psychic and physical experiences with that material: “The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal … Part of Ruburt’s feeling of massiveness2 comes from the mass [life-to-death] experience of the body, existing all at once. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 509, November 24, 1969 Jung unconscious ego ee outer

Having determined upon physical reality as a dimension in which it will express itself, the inner self, first of all, takes care to form and maintain the physical basis upon which all else must depend—the properties of earth that can be called natural ones. [...] All kinds of choices are available, and the diversity of physical matter is a reflection of this deep source of variety.

Now: there is one large point, underestimated by all of your psychologists when they list the attributes or characteristics of consciousness. [...]

All the richly creative original work that is done by this inner self is not unconscious. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

[...] Now all of these probabilities are in the air about you, so to speak, and I describe them as faithfully as I can, but I must relate them with concepts with which you are somewhat familiar. To some extent, then, the “truth” must be sifted through your own conceptual patterns in order for you to comprehend it at all.

[...] But there are deep connections between yourself and all those individuals with whom you have had relationships, and with whom you were involved in deep decisions.

[...] The probable selves are to gain awareness of the other probable selves, and realize that all are various manifestations of the true identity.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 854, May 16, 1979 Fanatics Heroics war uncommon Jehovah

(10:08.) There are periods in which it certainly seems to some that all standards vanish, and so they yearn for old authorities. [...] Organizations cannot survive without individuals, and the most effective organizations are assemblies of individuals who assert their own private power in a group, and do not seek to hide within it (all very emphatically).

[...] It came about because of a seemingly innocuous accident — an event that could hardly have been accidental at all.

[...] “When I looked at those notes I knew all of a sudden that I was to do that book — Heroics — that I was to keep on looking for the heroic self I’d written about in Politics,” she told me as we ate lunch. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

Though you paid little taxes, the fire and police protection were not withdrawn, and all of the services continued. [...] So why should you so support it, when all that you had achieved was gained in spite of your society?

[...] There is no doubt that the very wealthy abuse the system, and yet all in all it is a good one, couching the young while they learn, and is so doing, providing a basis from which new beliefs can indeed emerge.

The sewer pipes carry away drainage from apartment houses and mansions and from trailers as well, eventually, and all of that must be paid for by the people.

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