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TES8 Session 341 May 15, 1967 Crosson thermal welm Massachusetts condensed

[...] These are all phases of constant creativity within your system. [...] Each physical object has a psychic effect on all other objects, and a psychic existence that is independent of its physical existence.

All of these procedures are unnecessary to consciousness itself, however. [...]

All of the information of the inner self is highly condensed and codified, and exists in electromagnetic purity.

TES9 Session 448 November 13, 1968 Mischa dog astral succeed image

[...] Now there is unity in all. You have been told that there is a point where all dimensions and systems of reality merge. [...]

Now, with all you have been told about the nature of personality, and of the many of which you are a part, it would now be a help if you could find the center of your larger self.

All of it would not be translatable. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 707 July 1, 1974 cells probable components predictive goals

[...] The CU’s1 that are within all matter have a memory bank that would far surpass any computer’s. As cellular components, the atoms and molecules, therefore, carry memory of all the forms of which they have been part.

[...] When you want to walk across the room, the body must not only operate using hindsight and “prediction” as far as its own behavior is concerned, but it must take into consideration the predictive activity of all of the other elements in that room.

[...] “You” are the one who decides to walk across the floor, and then all of these inner calculations take place to help you achieve your goal. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 25, 1983 Godzilla Kong lifestyle mop flurry

[...] I explained to Jane some thoughts I’d had in bed last night—that her returning home in reasonably good shape would solve all of our major challenges at this time: her career, income, insurance problems, physical freedom, the ability to travel if we chose—all of them, freeing us to start leading some sort of more-or-less normal lifestyle. I added that we simply have to banish all negative thinking, and concentrate upon creative ends—we have no room or need for anything else. [...]

[...] “I just get impatient, thinking about all of it,” she said.)

[...] “I knew you could do it all along,” or, “I don’t know how you did it, but you did.” [...]

TPS4 Session 822 (Deleted Portion) February 22, 1978 feedback father expression Frank unseeming

[...] Ruburt simply identified with too-small a portion of himself, not realizing that left alone his abilities would draw from Framework 2 all that was required for their fulfillment—all of the impulses, desires, and circumstances. He thought, as you did, that artistic abilities were like alien flowers in an unfriendly land, that had to be force-fed and protected at all costs.

[...] Creativity is above all high play.

If you trust yourselves, and approve of yourselves, all of your problems literally dissolve, and playful creativity bursts into its full flower.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

(“All right,” she said finally. “I’ll just tell you this: The whole idea of reincarnation is all screwed up. [...] But if you tell people that, you’ll just get them all mixed up.”

In the systems in which evolution of consciousness has worked in that fashion, all faculties of body and mind in one “lifetime” are beautifully utilized. [...] The individual would say, for example, “I am Joe, and Jane, and Jim, and Bob.”6 There are physical variations of a sexual nature, so that on all levels identity includes the male and female. Shadows of all such probabilities appear within your own system, as oddities. [...]

[...] I really want to know all about it. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 860, June 13, 1979 impulses meditation luckily decisions tiny

[...] What tiny, spindly, threadlike, weak legs you all once had in your mother’s wombs! [...] And in terms that you do not understand, even those atoms and molecules made their own decisions as the result of recognizing and following those impulsive sparks toward action that are inherent in all consciousness, whatever their statuses in your terms (all with intensity and feeling).

[...] She’s been using it ever since, though — until late last night, that is, when she finally agreed that she did have the definitive and very original title that she’d been searching for all along: The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto. [...]

[...] All remain equally probable activities. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 687 March 4, 1974 hawk worm giblets wren brain

(“All right — ”)

[...] “Aha,” Jane told herself at last, when the information stopped flowing, “this time I got it all down.” [...]

1. Seth’s material here about dream solutions reminded me of a few lines just about all that were saved — from a poem Jane wrote when she was 17 years old:

WTH Epilogue by Robert F. Butts epilogue unfinished Yale eulogy gravesite

Also, copies of all of the Seth sessions — regular, private, and for ESP class — are in the collection of our papers at Yale. [...] Practically all of this is open to the public, free of charge, with but a few restrictions as to how much can be copied for personal use. [...]

[...] What wonderful signs of survival all of these things are!

[...] The 15 three-ring binders containing her poems, all neatly typed, for example; her essays and journals; other blocks of unpublished Seth material, one of which I mentioned in the Introduction; an unfinished autobiography that perhaps I could put into publishable shape; likewise, passages from an unfinished fourth Oversoul Seven novel, in which Jane dealt with Seven’s childhood; a book of her paintings, with commentary; several early novels that I still believe merit publishing. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 4 enzymes chlorophyll solidified Rob mental

[...] All I saw was what you could expect — lights and reflections and things. I guess you can’t win them all, as they say,” and I plunked myself down in our wooden rocker. [...]

[...] All this time I felt completely weightless, unable to function in the physical world. [...] When Rob felt my hand, it was wet and floppy, and my body seemed to have no physical resistance at all.

[...] A variant exists in all other planes. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

[...] Not all of it is so used. However, all ideas and all energy is constructed in one way or another. [...]

We will go into them all, in detail, but they will also be grouped.

I do suggest merely that your friend and landlord look at it, but merely because this will set your own feelings; and that is all.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

Now, I will say goodnight to you all. I did not want to keep you all up too late, and there are those of you who are anxious to go home. [...] On all of your parts, ideally speaking. [...]

Once you accept, you see, that idea then you must, if you follow your thought completely through, accept the idea of a random accidental universe in which you are at the mercy of any accident; in which mind or purpose have little meaning; in which you are at the mercy of all random happenings; in which 300,000 human beings can be swept off the face of the planet without reason, without cause, simply at the whim of an accidental happening. [...]

[...] All of this can be related to ordinary, daily life. [...]

TPS4 Rob’s suggestions about Framework 2 profound Framework everything faith simple

(I have the simple, profound faith that anything I desire in this life can come to me from Framework 2. There are no impediments in Framework 2. Framework 2 can creatively produce everything I desire to have in Framework 1—my excellent health, painting, and writing, my excellent relationship with Jane, Jane’s own spontaneous and glowing physical flexibility and creativity, the greater and greater sales of all of her books. I knew that all of these positive goals are worked out in Framework 2, regardless of their seeming complexity, and that they can then show themselves in Framework 1. I have the simple, profound faith that everything I desire in life can come to me from the miraculous workings of Framework 2. I do not need to be concerned with details of any kind, knowing that Framework 2 possesses the infinite creative capacity to handle and produce everything I can possibly ask of it. My simple, profound faith in the creative goodness of Framework 2 is all that is necessary.)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

[...] I just hope we’ll get all that great stuff when we do have sessions….” [...]

All of this can be avoided through the realization that your point of power is in the present, as stated earlier (in the 657th session in Chapter Fifteen). [...]

[...] You are making all preparations in the present for a future of illness. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

[...] All right, all right,” Jane said to the invisible Seth. [...]

It is important that you feel free to move in all areas, and see the connection between all kinds of mobility, and face Ruburt’s practical considerations about turning down one contract while thinking about purchasing a house—and that is it for this evening.

(“All right, all right....” [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

[...] There are great parallel existences now occurring, always occurring, all taking place within the area of physical activity. [...] Others dwell in a world that is filled with all kinds of abundance. [...]

If you began a practice of following all reports of such crimes, you would soon find yourself experiencing the fact of thievery, drawing to you those people because of your own concentration. The same applies to all areas of activity.

In all of these areas expectations bring about physical reality.

TES4 Session 149 April 26, 1965 action dots universe field apex

We mentioned that there are always actions within actions, and made it clear that all action does not necessarily involve motion that is apparent as motion to you. [...] To one extent or another all actions involve unfoldings. [...]

[...] There is, between the physical field and the dream universe, an interdependence that is not at all unusual, for all fields are indeed dependent one upon the other.

[...] As I have mentioned however, all dream symbols have meanings to all portions of the personality.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

[...] The incident upset Jane, signifying as it did people’s urges to ask her all kinds of questions for all kinds of psychic help—taking it for granted that she was able and willing to offer that help. [...]

(Long pause at 9:38.) All of this should be considered along with the natural uncertainties that exist in creative ventures—his desire for inspiration and so forth. [...] All of these issues added to increased tension, so that he did not know what direction to move in (underlined), and felt his motion blocked. [...]

(We’ve begun getting letters mentioning Mass Eventsall laudatory—and these have helped, as Seth mentioned they would.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

You asked the question about the subconscious this evening, before the session, and Ruburt immediately interpreted it in the light of the following: the weight of the responsibility it carried for all those psychologists, and all of their patients, and his responsibility to obtain, in capitals, the answer, not only for himself but for all those other people. [...]

[...] I told Jane before the session that all day I’d been thinking that there was still a cause or causes for the symptoms that we didn’t know, or hadn’t uncovered yet. [...]

[...] Those fears are then not admitted, for he thinks that they must indeed be beneath a person whose entire life work is devoted to a search for the nature of reality, and therefore a person who must possess, or try to possess, the answers to all of the questions.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 10, 1979 shovel sports driveway plowed sexual

(9:50.) The entire premise is highly faulty, for the species deals with value fulfillment and quality, as do all forms of life, and not with mere physical reproduction. The sexual aspects of men and women do not exist apart from their individual psychological make-ups, but connected with all of the other unique individual characteristics.

[...] In all cases, overexaggerations are involved. [...] If you paint or write steadily, that does not mean you will let all chores go. [...]

(“Home, sex, power, you and the driveway, hay fever, the impulsive selves that we were talking about earlier tonight”—these are all words dictated to me by Jane abruptly as we sat waiting for the session to begin. [...]

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