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TMA Session Seven August 28, 1980 intellect charcoal cultural beliefs weather

[...] (Pause.) Your own relationship, your private beliefs about the sort of persons you wanted individually for mates, brought about incalculable actions that led finally to your meeting — yet it all happened “quite naturally,” of course. [...] They draw from Framework 2 all of the necessary ingredients. [...]

[...] Those same people, for example, all have, as you do, beliefs in people’s trustworthiness, and so forth — but under those conditions, at that time, you each — or rather you all — were in correspondence at many levels. [...]

[...] Nor am I discussing living in an “ideal” environment all the time.

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

[...] They can be better equated with colors—some dark, some light, but all in all beyond such classifications as morality.

[...] If you did not have some trust in yourselves, some appreciation of your own characteristics, you would not have allowed yourselves to develop and use your abilities at all—or, for that matter, you would not have been able to form a vital long-term relationship with another person.

You felt that you must to some extent at least protect yourselves against your neighbors—who as both of you said often “Would take up all of your time without a qualm”—neighbors or friends who you felt would not understand your goals, however good their intent. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 solve compounds defects perfectionism problem

[...] 3. What part have all the delays involving Volume 2 of “Uknown” Reality played in all of this?)

[...] You felt too sorry for him, and yet angry and embarrassed, and all of that was caused by concentrating upon the problem, projecting it in the future, in the definite belief, for all I have said, that that method of problem-solving works.

[...] I will give you the answers to your questions, but they are not the way to solve your problem—and against all conventional knowledge, reviewing the mistakes of the past does not lead to wisdom.

TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966 apparitions constructed tumor precognitive perceive

[...] But all apparitions are not of this nature. All apparitions however, to appear as or within the physical system, must be constructed by the perceiver in the same manner that all physical objects are constructed.

All systems of reality are created, or constructed, by those who perceive the system. [...] There is nothing at all unusual in precognitive experiences. [...]

All of these matters, you see, and many more, from the considerations of health and the formation of destructive ulcers and tumors, to the construction of any simple physical object, to the construction of an apparition—all of these are in one way or another connected with inner focus and concentration.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

Many people, not all, do “not see the world as others see it,” and so there are social and medical explanations. [...] When Ruburt’s body began its regeneration lately, it began to correct all conditions from scratch. [...]

[...] And she’s had many signs of rather profound changes initiating themselves throughout her body—all good things for which we’re very grateful. [...]

[...] Despite all misinterpretations, therefore, the universe is caring, and so is nature.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] All of these connections therefore are open. All psychological events affect all others.

The answers to the nature of reality, the intimate knowledge of All That Is that you all seek, is within your present experience. [...]

[...] All That Is speaks to all of its parts, not with sounds, trumpets, and fanfare from without, but communicates its messages through the living soul-stuff of each consciousness.

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 5, 1971 nonintervals Janice spices nonmoments pulses

[...] He also contains those portions of himself that are less developed, for they all exist as one. All the parts of himself are aware of this correspondence. [...]

There are, and the whole self is aware of all of these realities. With no unkindness meant, you all know yourselves and your weaknesses and failures, so why should you suppose that the self you know is the only self that you are? [...]

[...] Time has open ends in all directions or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 780, June 22, 1976 language implies psyche identity Cézanne

[...] They obviously gain their meaning also because of the sounds not used, so that any one language also implies the existence of all others. To that extent, all other languages reside silently within any given spoken language. [...]

I have said that all events occur at once — a difficult statement to understand. All identities occur at once also. [...]

In certain very definite terms the existence of one person implies the existence of all others who have lived or will live. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

Behind all of this is the feeling that exposure is dangerous, that your true feelings must be hidden, and that the world is unsafe—hence your need for defenses. Read this session also over together, and follow all the suggestions I have given you.

That is all for this evening—but hardly all.

(I added that I doubt if they really do, but that the views need integration for us to understand it all clearly as a unified theory—sort of like field theory in physics, perhaps. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

[...] All of this reflects black or white thinking, of course. [...] All else in life would flow from that balanced creative free state of being. All portions of the personality will automatically integrate themselves with the others to the benefit of all. [...]

[...] Behind all that you have earlier aspects of Ruburt’s life, involving habits of secrecy developed in childhood, the need for protection and so forth, that simply served to help build the framework. [...] She could be expected to have some difficulties when presented with the thought that she should speak to gatherings of perhaps a thousand people or more, and that this was indeed her responsibility, all other feelings to the contrary. [...]

[...] The intellect wouldn’t dare give too much leeway to the psychic expression, while at the same time being fascinated by the affair and wanting to study it all. But the intellect would insist upon keeping rigid control, fearing that if Jane let her spontaneous self hold sway that it would go whole hog psychically, in the worst way, and destroy all other elements and activities of the personality.”

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: Third Sequence Untermeyer girl poetry brown til

I run ahead of the other girl, and around her, really hunting her down, yelling again dramatically and accusingly: “I ask myself, where are all my friends who were going to write no matter what, to work no matter what happened. Where are they all and now I work alone?" I almost chanted this, and more that I’ve forgotten. [...]

[...] She has light brown hair, rather dark circles under her eyes and is somewhat younger than I. I say that you can’t just decide consciously to give up writing poetry, you’d write it anyhow, though you could subconsciously make such a decision and never know about it at all. [...]

Then we were all going back to our apartment, Rob’s and mine. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 10, 1984 drugs suicide abandon roulette therapist

Such realizations have their own biological effects, stimulating all of the healing properties of the body — and also easily propelling the mind toward “higher” organizations, in which all of life’s seeming inadequacies are understood to be redeemed.

[...] Communication between several people, all of whom have contemplated suicide, can also set up an excellent supportive situation, particularly with some direction set by a therapist. All would-be suicides do not follow through, and many end up leading long and productive lives, so that even when negative ideas are present in their most severe forms, there is still hope for improvement and accomplishment.

(Long pause at 3:26.) The will to live is also inbred into each element of nature, and if you trust your own spontaneity, then that will to be is joyfully released and expressed through all of your activities. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

(9:38.) First of all, you clear your wires by trying to clear your mind, and simply by trying to understand how Framework 2 works. [...] All of those other people are connected to that event in Framework 2 on a nonphysical level, as they are connected on a physical level. Framework 2’s communication system is at once simpler and more complex that Framework 1’s. Just as, say, your intent to paint a picture automatically has your fingers all moving in the proper directions, and your body manipulating properly, so that the desired painting results, so in a larger fashion your clear intent is communicated to each of the people involved—at a level without static—yours or theirs. [...]

[...] The same kinds of reactions, however, are involved in all activities, and it is sometimes frustrating for me that you cannot perceive the fascinating facets of any event. All group interactions of course are involved here. [...]

[...] I have been very careful in my use of the word love, because it is so bandied about and distorted—but all creativity, and any work of art, and any life, springs from love—a love that automatically brings all things into their own kinds of order. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, September 29, 1970 Jason Yvette Aloysious Buddha Ian

(To Jason.) Now, first of all, your enthusiasm and your energy, these qualities are good. [...] You do not have all of your reincarnational backgrounds and one life in particular may surprise you considerably. [...]

I will bid you all good evening. I expect you all to bring me some good dreams to interpret and expect a good interpretation. [...]

Good evening to you all and welcome to our new friends here and to our visitors. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974 writer personhood success artist inhibit

[...] Then all of a sudden you say, Joseph, “You are not any better. What good does it do to go out?” before you have allowed enough time, and without even acknowledging that Ruburt has lost his fear, which is the most important point of all (and which I haven’t realized)—for from that all else will follow.

You withdraw your support at that point, you find all kinds of reasons, rationalizations, and you withdraw all enthusiasm, so that you effectively inhibit his enthusiasm, so hard won. [...]

[...] All along the way there were many choices that each of you made, leading to your present position. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

This inner and yet physical transmigration of consciousness has always been extremely important, and represents a natural method of communication, uniting all species and all physical life. Inside all physical organisms, therefore, there is a thrust for development and change, even as there is also a pattern of stability within which such alterations can take place.

All of this presented a quite erroneous picture. [...] Even then, remember that those kingdoms are not so separate after all. [...]

[...] In their own ways, they “yearn” toward all probable developments. [...] They contain within themselves memory of all the “previous” forms they have been a part of.

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [I really enjoyed letting someone else do all the work for a change!] Later that week, Sue transcribed Seth’s material, wrote all of the notes for the session, and prepared mimeographed copies for everyone. [...]

[...] Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

(Warren: “But isn’t this stuff all about the development of ego consciousness?”)

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

Reading these private sessions, one can legitimately ask: “Well, if Jane Roberts was so smart and Seth was so great with all of that personal stuff, why did she come down with the symptoms to begin with? [...] These sessions will detail in many ways and times why my beloved wife, even with all of her creative dedication to her chosen path, ended up with what finally came to be her intractable physical impairments. Part of the answer, as I’ve already noted, is that because of her strong fears from early childhood on, Jane did not allow Seth to tell us all he could have. [...] And what about that influence from the “future,” since Seth maintained that all is now? [...] After all, here she was, speaking in trance for a personality who told us he’d last lived on Earth in Denmark 300 years ago—even if there is no such thing as time!

My goal, then, has come to be the publishing of all of Jane’s work, or at least as much of it as I can, including not only the Seth material but her poetry and fiction and notes and journals—to finally be able to offer it as a great whole for study in what we call the “future.” For if all of a person’s lifework isn’t known, how can its true worth in all of its human complexity ultimately be known? Sometimes I think I’m a slow learner: It took me a while to realize, for example, that the responses to the Seth material by mail and in person—and now electronically—are actually myriad extensions of that work, showing in all of their varieties the questions and answers it’s raised and the beneficial effects it’s had on the many who have communicated since Jane held her first real session on December 2, 1963—and on those who still do. [...]

[...] But she didn’t ignore it at all, I learned along the way, for she created and explored a spontaneous and innocent reality that freed her from all other concerns. [...] It was, after all, an epitome of what our reality has led us to create and enjoy. [...] One of my goals is to see her art, all of it, reproduced in color in 81/2” x 11” portfolio style at a modest price. [...]

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

[...] And all of you have your guises and your masks that you wear and have worn. [...] And all of these guises are myself, and all of your guises are yourselves. [...] I am aware of all your activities. [...] We are all Sumari. [...] But we are all Sumari, and if you are all Sumari, and never forget that you are all Sumari, and you have always been Sumari. [...]

All in all he surprised himself by his performance with your parents. [...]

[...] Jane saw no flames, she said, but “it was all hazy, like smoke... [...] Maybe I’ve just translated all the mixed-up feelings about my father and the house there and everything into Midge. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 829, March 22, 1978 Christ resurrection ascension Gospels Luke

You do not understand this point clearly at all, but your social organizations, your governments — these are based upon imaginative principles. The basis of your most intimate experience, the framework behind all of your organized structures, rests upon a reality that is not considered valid by the very institutions that are formed through its auspices.

All of those religious and political structures that you certainly recognize as valid, arising from the “event” of Christ’s ascension, existed — and do exist — because of an idea. The idea was the result of a spectacular act of the imagination that then leapt upon the historical landscape, highlighting all of the events of the time, so that they became illuminated indeed with a blessed and unearthly light.

(All with much emphasis and irony:) The idea of a meaningless universe, however, is in itself a highly creative imaginative act. [...] Indeed, then, the theory actually says that the ordered universe magically emerged — and evolutionists must certainly believe in a God of Chance somewhere, or in Coincidence with a capital C, for their theories would make no sense at all otherwise.

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