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ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] This does not mean you cannot use all your resolution, all your courage to solve those problems that you have set. [...]

Now, I cannot sing along with Mitch, but I do have something to say to this one (Sue) and that one (Joel) and, to some extent, to all of you and it is this. [...]

[...] And so I must think constantly to myself, oh, yes, our Lady from Florence thinks that she sits in this specific room at this specific hour and is wearing a blue outfit but I am aware of a Lady of Florence you see, in several different manifestations in various existences all occurring at once. [...]

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

First of all, let me make it plain that while I speak of separate fields and systems, you must remember that they are all one. [...]

They are closed enough to retain identity and separateness of characteristic natures, but because they are all formed from inner vitality, they are actually interrelated; and when I describe fields or systems I describe many portions of one reality, many faces of one reality.

In such a manner a simplicity is given which is helpful in explanations, but it must be kept in mind that all these explanations are extremely simplified. [...]

ECS4 Jane Roberts’ ESP Class, August 31, 1971 helper class Alright appendage gal

[...] We all have some to various degrees. But you can work through them, and I’d really like all of you to do this. I’m sorry to say that Florence will not be able to come to class next week, so I suggest that we take Sue, instead of Ron or Florence, and all work on Sue this week. [...] And try, ‘cause I know you can all do it, to take your conscious awareness into the dream state. [...]

[...] And I found out on building up this helper, you’re all building up also your own helpers in those terms, that you can use.  I think that before we finish all the regular class members will be having dream experiences that are as vivid as what goes on in regular class. [...]

The effect leads to all kinds of things. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 781, June 28, 1976 language unstated God archaic tenses

[...] People are always searching for master languages, or for one in particular out of which all others emerged. [...] In the same manner people search for gods, or a God, out of which all psyches emerged. [...] All of the earth’s languages, however, are united because of characteristic pauses and hesitations upon which the different sounds ride.

[...] “At any given time,” all of its tenses are present tense. In other words, it has multitudinous tenses, all in the present, or it has multitudinous present tenses. [...]

[...] Otherwise you would know that language is dependent upon other implied ones; and that the two, or all of them, are themselves and yet inseparable, so closely connected that it is impossible to separate them even though your focus may be upon one language alone.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

The expansions of consciousness on Ruburt’s part did involve some natural feelings of disorientation with his body and the world, that all in all were handled supremely well.

For him emphasis on potatoes in all forms except deep fried, and greens—spinach, turnip greens and the like. [...] All other fruits however should be better utilized in his diet. [...]

[...] Malted milk is all right, good, but never more than two glasses a day. [...] Some beef is all right, but not as a steady diet. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

The CU’s form all systems simultaneously. Having formed yours, and from their energy diversifying themselves into physical forms, they were aware of all of the probable variations from any given biological strain. [...] There were animal-men and man-animals, using your terms, that shared both time and space for many centuries.6 This is, as you all well know, a physical system in time. [...] Knowing their own indestructibility, the CU’s within them simply change form, retaining however the identity of all the cells that they have been. [...]

[...] They possess the greatest adaptability, and a profound “inborn” propensity for organization of all kinds. They act as individuals, and yet each carries within it a knowledge of all other kinds of activity that is happening in any other given unit or group of units.

[...] The experience of forward time and the appearance of physical matter in space and time, and all the phenomenal world, results. [...] Within the system en masse, however, through their great and small organizational structures, the CU’s are aware of everything happening — not only on the top of the moment (gesturing), but within it in all of its probabilities.

DEaVF1 Essay 7 Friday, May 7, 1982 reincarnational redemption essay serf magical

So if Jane undergoes illness in this reality, in another she does not—but in between those extremes she also explores all stages of her illness in a series of probable universes, flashing among them in “no time at all,” basically…. [...] And although Seth hasn’t said so yet (that I remember), I also think that within the spontaneous plan of probable realities each of us—anyone, that is—explores all aspects of sexuality and parenthood at the same time.

[...] Beyond Framework 1, however, exists Framework 2, and it represents the great timeless or simultaneous spacious present that’s so dearly a manifestation of All That Is. All of our dreams, plans, thoughts, actions, and choices live in Framework 2; all flow from Framework 2 into Framework 1 according to our beliefs.

[...] In some cases there will be a great fear of becoming lost among all of those realities. [...] But that must happen all of the time!) The uncertainty perceived here by the conscious self, however, can act as a great restraint toward knowing a future life or lives—just as much as might the fear of tuning into one’s physical death ahead of time in this life. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

As you wonder, more astonished still, you discover other coral paths extending from you in all directions. [...] “They are all me,” you think, though each is very different. One may have no trees at all, and another be the home of a volcano. [...]

[...] It is, if you will forgive me, too well-tamed — yet all in all you’ve done wonders. [...] (Whispering:) This is, after all, me, and my land.”

So the spirit of Island Four journeys to that other reality, where all kinds of life swarm over shore and mountain, and the spirit of the third island visits a world of such peace that all motion seems stilled.

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

There are here also thrusts in all directions, with certain identifying pulsations that underlie all, and that have their origins within the inner self. As the vitality of the universe forms, of itself, the boundaries of the various fields of activity, and as vitality itself takes on the coloration of the various fields and forms the camouflage patterns within them, so also vitality, in the form of emotions that the camouflage patterns of the personality, even while this vitality forms both emotions and personality for every individual, every consciousness, may be thought of as a separate field of activity; and all the data relating to fields of activity may be seen to apply to any consciousness as well.

[...] Consciousness-of-self is an attribute then of all physical species, regardless of their classification. [...] Personality changes and acts upon all other action. [...]

[...] For all its attempts at stability and control, ego itself constantly changes. Ego most of all resents and fights against time as you know it, yet ego is to a large extent responsible for your conception of time. [...]

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

Fields, or p-l-a-n-e-s (spelled) of interrelatedness connect all kinds of life, supporting it not through, say, just one system — a biological one or a spiritual one — but at every conceivable point of its existence. [...] There are constant communications between all portions of your body and all portions of the environment.

When the intellect is improperly used, however, it is as if the intellect feels required to somehow know or personally direct all of those inner processes. When the erroneous belief systems and negativity connected with so-called rational reason apply, then it is as if our person sees the target, but instead of directing his attention to it he concentrates upon all of the different ways that his arrow could go wrong: It could fall to the left or the right, go too far or not far enough, break in the air, fall from his hand, or in multitudinous other ways betray his intent.

That is all for this evening. I bid you a magical good evening again — and remember to look for hints and clues at all levels of your existence.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

So is your own identity secure in the midst of all these births and deaths of which your conscious self is unaware. The memory of all of its experiences is retained. Each cell remembers its past though all of its parts have been and are being continually replaced.3

Each physical cell is in its way a miniature brain, with memory of all of its personal experiences and of its relationship with other cells, and with the body as a whole. [...]

[...] This information is used together with all other data from the body, and a prediction made.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] Then a bit later she spontaneously announced she’d hold it after all — early, even. [...] “I’m getting great bursts of stuff from Seth about all kinds of things….” [...]

The President at the time, and through all of his life before (pause), was at heart a stern, repressed idealist of a rather conventionally religious kind. [...] He believed in the absolute necessity of power, while convinced at the same time that he did not possess it; and further, he believed that in the most basic terms the individual was powerless to alter the devastating march of evil and corruption that he saw within the country, and in all the other countries of the world. [...]

(9:03.) Through your mundane conscious choices, you affect all of the events of your world, so that the mass world is the result of multitudinous individual choices. You could not make choices at all if you did not feel impulses to do this or that, so that choices usually involve you in making decisions between various impulses. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 3 Friday, April 16, 1982 sinful thyroid superhuman gland hospital

[...] We were pleased to get it for, as I told Jane, if ever we’re to understand all of the events in our lives that led to the hospital experience, we must call upon every ability at our service. And even though this is a personal session, still I think it contains clues that apply to all of us. [...]

[...] The arthritis diagnosis, Jane said, was the only one the medical profession could offer, given its insights and viewpoints—but after all those years would she be able “to set it aside”? Seth has insisted all along that she doesn’t have arthritis per se. [...]

[...] But instead: “Well, I guess I’ll do a Seth thing tonight,” she announced, rather to my surprise, “but it won’t be long at all….” [...] [Not that I’m the innocent bystander in all of this, of course. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

All That Is creates its reality as it goes along. Each world has its own impetus, yet all are ultimately connected. The true dimensions of a divine creativity would be unendurable for any one consciousness of whatever import, and so that splendor is infinitely dimensionalized (most intensely throughout), worlds spiraling outward with each ‘moment’ of a cosmic breath; with the separation of worlds a necessity, and with individual and mass comprehension always growing at such a rate that All That Is multiplies itself at microseconds, building both pasts and futures and other time scales you do not recognize. [...]

[...] I’ve lost all track of whatever sense of continuity it’s got,” she amended. “When I come out of trance I don’t know what the thing’s all about….” [...]

[...] At any given “time,” depending on whatever information he’s given previously, Jane could just as easily quote Seth as placing Atlantis in our historic past, or in a probable past, present, or future — or all four “places” at once, for that matter. Any or all of these views would simply be repatterning other dimensions of time from our “present point of power.”

NotP Chapter 1: Session 752, July 28, 1975 psyche birth barest history television

Though caught up in a life of seeming frustration, obsessed with family problems, uneasy in sickness, defeated it seems for all practical purposes, some portion of each individual rouses against all disasters, all discouragements, and now and then at least glimpses a sense of enduring validity that cannot be denied. [...]

In private life and on the world stage, action is occurring all the time. It is easy to look at yourselves or at the world, comma, to see yourself and become so hypnotized by your present state that all change or growth seems impossible, or to see the world in the same manner.

[...] I said that if she preferred no notes, that was all right with me too.

TES4 Session 151 May 3, 1965 action limitless moment ego points

For to the whole self all personalities that compose it exist simultaneously, and personalities that would appear to you as future personalities are experienced by the whole self in the same dimension as it experiences personalities that you would call past personalities. For all your ideas of time are illusion, not merely philosophical illusions, but delusions as far as any basic reality is concerned.

[...] For this, value fulfillment, is the reason behind the existence of all systems, and of all experience within your field. [...]

There is much to be explained along many lines which we have only begun to touch upon, for all things are correlated; and there is indeed a correlation between our moment points of which we have spoken, the spacious present, and that portion of the whole self which you call the subconscious.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973 violation guilt aggressiveness mouse killing

Normal aggressiveness flows with strong patterns of energy, giving motive power to all of your thoughts whether you consciously regard them as positive or negative, good or bad. (Very definitely:) The same thrusting creative surge brings them all forth. [...]

It is very possible to “see” such information and not see it at the same time, simply because you do not add all of the data together. [...] To do it you must have a sense of courage and adventuresomeness; and tell yourself that you refuse to be cowed by ideas that after all belong to you, but are not you.

[...] The balance of life sustains all. He must learn on a conscious level then what he knew all along. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

This is a difficult procedure, and in all cases and in all developments of this nature, there must be no attempt made to browbeat the ego, for in this way lies schizophrenia and disorientation. [...]

Energy moves through all fields and all systems. [...]

(The session was again held in our front room, with all of us sitting in a circle. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 20, 1975 pendulum distress Leahys money equivocate

(However, by late in the week I could see patterns emerging through my use of the pendulum, all concerning related feelings, doubts, etc., and was reassured that I was on the way to uncovering the source of my physical distress. [...] At the same time, through it all I could eat what I wanted, drink, etc., and the painting was going very well. [...]

[...] Now for once you should rationally feel free in your painting time to paint, released from all requirements of buying or selling. Yet perversely now, of all times, you feel as if your painting must bring money. [...]

[...] I then told Jane that I’d been feeling poorly all week—to such an extent, even, that I’d wondered if I was developing an ulcer. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

I suggest that you take a break; and one of these nights I will break you all up, but we shall certainly save the pieces. Perhaps between us we can all put them together again, in a most splendid fashion.

[...] Nevertheless, I have said that these laws are reflected and followed through all camouflage planes, and in all manifestations, and this also applies to your dream world. [...]

[...] I will at all times demand integrity, and perhaps when all is said and done that is my only requirement.

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