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TPS5 Deleted Session November 19, 1980 disclaimer legal processes department hips

All processes in nature are intelligent. [...] In a fashion, any one natural process carries within it the implied existence of all others. [...]

(Long pause.) It is as if bits and pieces of any and all probable events exist in a jigsaw-like fashion throughout the minds of men, throughout the consciousnesses of plants and all natural things, wanting to be put together—and each individual consciousness has its part to play in directing which of those events occur or do not occur—but the processes involved in the formation of those events are hidden from the conscious mind. [...]

[...] “But I can’t stand anything that’s all charged up about me,” she said several times.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic

At your level it is perfectly all right if you want to call those people nincompoops or asses. [...] It is not all right to imagine that their kind speaks for the hostile world, or that they represent the views of many people. [...]

We are trying to undermine all of the reasons behind the condition. [...] You have each been afraid to really exert all of your energies to rid yourselves of this problem.

Comment: now: for all of the fanatic’s display of energy, he feels basically powerless. [...]

TMA Session Eight September 3, 1980 government citizens caretaker paranoid magical

[...] Its citizens are all individuals, with their own lives and interests. [...] The government is composed of many people, of course, and really extends all the way down the line, even to its least citizen, but the government can direct the use of energies, of goods, commerce, power, and so forth.

[...] It therefore tells all of the citizens — or cells of the body — to mobilize for action, to be on the alert, to pare down all but necessary activities, and so forth.

[...] It is closer to the truth, however, to say — in that regard, at least — that nature is man’s caretaker; or that man exists, physically speaking, as the result of the graceful support of nature and all of its other species. [...]

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

All the cells in the body are individual, and have a separate consciousness. [...] There is conscious cooperation between the cells in all the organs, and between all the organs themselves.

[...] And another small but interesting point: On your own plane, there is a subconscious storehouse of knowledge, whereby it is known in a condensed fashion, by all molecules and atoms, exactly which variant or evolutionary attempts have been made, with what results—and always with an eye out, so to speak, for circumstances that might fit forms once adopted with failure, or to attempt other forms for which present circumstances may not be right. I have said that, first of all, molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, have a condensed consciousness.

[...] All were very brief, and over before I realized I had received them: April 30: Young woman with wide open mouth; full-face closeup. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1983 arthritis instep foot incurable sponges

[...] I want to emphasize that, without expecting her to jump out of bed tomorrow, or making any demands at all upon her. What I’m saying, of course, is that today’s session goes along with all of the others, in that it continues to offer renewed hope in a consistent way. [...]

[...] But I could see the foot moving, seemingly all by itself. [...] It seems to be a sign that the bodily changes reach all the way down the legs to the toes. [...]

(All in all, a most interesting, helpful and hopeful day.... [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll

All of that is known in Framework 2. There, personal and world associations form their own kinds of patterns. [...] They automatically pull to you what you need from Framework 2, drawing out all of the associations that you need in order to have certain events occur.

[...] Strange, it seems, on the surface at least, that events involving us and Spain should arise, seemingly without our conscious participation or awareness at all. [...] So what brings all this about? [...]

[...] She added that she hoped that in each session “he’ll just come up with something that I can use to blaze right through with, that’s all.” [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 flashlight channel shadowy penance psychologists

You have ten fingers and you use them all. [...] Your fingers are all fingers and these other portions of yourself are all conscious. [...] They are all part of your own identity. They are all portions of your abilities and personalities...that you are meant to use. [...]

All you have to do is swing the flashlight in other directions. [...] And when you learn what you are doing, when you learn what you are doing—then you will learn how to hold the flashlight stationary and still illuminate all these other areas. And these whole other areas represent human personality and all its potentials. [...]

Now I wish you all a fond good evening, so youcan all relax and not worry about our friend or about me vanishing in the superior mind of our superior friend. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

Now the one goal not only of my existence, and I feel this personally, but of all existence is creativity. I do not speak to you, in your terms, because you find it so difficult to understand or experience the reality of creativity and so all personalities, in whatever their sphere of activity, are involved in the nature of creativity. [...]

Now you all want to do fine and mighty spiritual things and many of you, as much as possible, want to do these things without facing the self that you know. [...] You will understand them all as legitimate experience and go on from there. [...]

I do, indeed, and all consciousness of whatever extent feels love though it may not know the verbal designation for that is the basis of all existence. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

All of this material applies to your lives in general and to Ruburt’s physical condition, because you must be clear in your minds as to your own status in that regard, and much of this material will clear the air and dissolve lingering doubts; doubts that cause both of you — but Ruburt in particular — to hold on to the rational approach in a misguided effort to maintain what he thinks of as a balanced viewpoint and open mind. It seems, because of the definitions you have been taught, that there is only one narrow kind of rationality, and that if you forsake the boundary of that narrow definition, then you become irrational, fanatic, mad, or whatever (all very emphatically).

Now when you understand that intellectually, then the intellect can take it for granted that its own information is not all the information you possess. [...] The intellect can then realize that it does not have to go it all alone: Everything does not have to be reasoned out, even to be understood.

[...] We had a lively and beneficial discussion because of our feelings, though, so all in all the session is a very good one3. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 906, March 6, 1980 viruses indispositions biological immune dog

(Pause at 9:17.) There are all kinds of biological reactions between bodies that go unnoticed, and they are all basically of a social nature, dealing with biological communications. [...] These are natural interactions, and since you live in a world where, overall, people are healthy enough to contribute through labor, energy, and ideas, health is the dominating ingredient—but there are biological interactions between all physical bodies that are the basis for that health, and the mechanisms include the interactions of viruses, and even the periods of indisposition, that are not understood.

[...] Besides, I’m bored, sitting around watching TV all night. [...]

Viruses serve many purposes, as I have said before.1 The body contains all kinds of viruses, including those considered deadly, but those are usually not only harmless, or inactive, but beneficial to the body’s overall balance.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 887, December 5, 1979 library Archives journals unpublished copies

[...] (With many pauses:) When I speak of the dream world, I am not referring to some imaginary realm, but to the kind of world of ideas, of thoughts, of mental actions, out of which all form as you think of it emerges. [...] All possible civilizations exist first in that realm of inner mind.

[...] We have achieved a situation beneficial to all—for Jane’s will and my own each declares that upon the death of the survivor of the two of us, our estate is to be donated to the Manuscripts and Archives division of Yale University Library, in New Haven, Connecticut. [...] But our creative work is everything, and so it, and whatever pertains to it, go to a place where all will be preserved and protected, yet made available for study by researchers and lay people alike as it is transmitted there.

[...] That did not happen to all of the species at once, however. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

You have all been exercising your inner sense to one degree or another. [...] You are afraid of going off into your own realities afar from your fellows ...and yet to a large degree you do so all of the time in the daily life that you know. [...]

[...] Now recognizing these mental limitations will help free your consciousness and this is after all, I hope, what we all want here. [...]

[...] As we peer into your room, so do you peer into other realities all unknowing. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 774, May 3, 1976 love sexual submission devotion glance

The span of a god’s love can perhaps equally hold within its vision the existences of all individuals at one time in an infinite loving glance that beholds each person, seeing each with all his or her peculiar characteristics and tendencies. [...] The emotion of love brings you closest to an understanding of the nature of All That Is. [...] You cannot, therefore, honestly insist that you love humanity and all people equally if you do not love one other person. [...]

[...] The female principle then became connected with the earth and all those elements of its life over which you as a species hoped to gain power.

[...] It is easy to claim an equal love for all members of the species, but love itself requires an understanding that at your level of activity is based upon intimate experience. [...]

TES1 Session 4 December 8, 1963 Gratis wall Watts ha humility

[...] So is time many-levelled, yet all levels are one. [...]

Any action is violence, after all.

(“Is all of this Jane’s subconscious talking?”)

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

[...] She was taking calls from readers in all parts of the country, trying to keep up with the mail, participating in an occasional radio interview, and, for most of that time, conducting her classes. [...] For how could any one event not jostle all of the others in lives so closely bound?

No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he or she combines all of those qualities (as I think Jane does), can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. [...]

But if Seth-Jane are at all right, then consciousness is more than encompassing enough to embrace all that we are, and everything that each of us can even remotely conceive of doing or being. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 852, May 9, 1979 Hitler Aryan Germany Jews grandiose

[...] For all of their idealisms, both basically believed in a pessimistic view of the self. It was because Hitler was so convinced of the existence of evil in the individual psyche, that he set up all of his rules and regulations to build up and preserve “Aryan purity.” [...] And while in the Jewish books [of The Old Testament] Jehovah now and then came through with great majesty to save his chosen people, he also allowed them to suffer great indignities over long periods of time, seeming to save them only at the last moment — and this time, so it seemed, he did not save them at all. [...]

[...] (Pause.) All of the most morbid of nationalistic fantasies that had been growing for centuries, all of the most grandiose celebrations of war as a nation’s inalienable right to seek domination, focused finally in Hitler’s Germany.

[...] The Jews, for various reasons — and again, this is not the full story — the Jews acted as all of the victims of the world, both the Germans and the Jews basically agreeing upon “man’s nefarious nature.” For the first time the modern world realized its vulnerability to political events, and technology and communication accelerated all of war’s dangers. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

(Pause.) Your mail presents you with glimpses of the people who read our books, from all walks of life, in all circumstances. [...]

[...] All of this made him feel that he was not living up to expectations, that he was to some extent a failure for not doing all of those things. [...]

[...] In Ruburt’s case, however, he felt that he should (underlined) act on all the other ways I specified, though he did not want to. [...] He was also afraid that spontaneously he might want to do such things after all, as if his spontaneous self would work against his better interests. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 21, 1971 pyramid Martin Whatever autumn myths

[...] As you are all used to saying, you must do your own thing in your own way. There are distortions in his thought as there are distortions in all of your thoughts. [...] All of the myths should float away, and all the debris. [...]

[...] Be assured of your own vitality and your own confidence to deal with all situations. [...] Let yourself then be flooded with comprehension and with knowledge and let all those intuitive connections be made that need to be made. [...] And let the self that you know realize its potential and part of All That Is. [...]

(After break.) All right now, the experiment that began some time ago is still in operation and the visitors that come here do not come here by chance alone. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

[...] All my hard work has brought me nowhere, and therefore I shall change my tactics and I shall play. [...] So today I shall call up and make an appointment immediately as a teacher and I shall pretend with all my might that I am an excellent teacher. [...] And I will think of all those students that I do not know yet and how I can help them and what fun it shall be! [...]

[...] If I thought you had no abilities of your own, and this applies to all of you, if I did not know that you were multidimensional personalities with all kinds of abilities at your disposal, then I would not tell you to think and feel for yourselves. [...]

[...] And you would think that all you had to do was to solve the problem that had existed in the past... [...] All you have to do is realize that you are free, that you form reality as you know it... [...]

TPS3 Session 770 (Deleted Portion) April 5, 1976 hindsight lull plow reactivation fondest

[...] It’s all there. Maybe I should take a short break and try to plow right through it some night—get all I can get....”)

The right side is being highly activated—areas connecting hip, knee, and ankle are being correlated for necessary motions, all highly related. [...]

(“All right, Seth. [...]

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