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TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

[...] You did not work with the pendulum however regarding those specific events (since they all took place after our morning pendulum work). [...]

First of all, many of the questions reinforce the idea of fear, for example, or lack of safety, each time they are asked. [...]

[...] All portions of the body are stretching. [...]

TES8 Session 418 June 24, 1968 sounds tumult undirected chaotic Grossman

It would all be done however from my viewpoint.

[...] (Pause.) Your reality cannot include all that I am. [...]

All of this of course would be explained in detail. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

[...] “Sometimes when we’re supposed to have a session I don’t feel him at all,” she said. [...]

[...] I am filing all of the information discussed here. [...]

First of all, some of the ideas in the Magical Child book are excellent, and though he has not read the book thoroughly by any means, some new understandings have been reached through the use of those ideas and his own recent experiences by Ruburt.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 27, 1981 pleasure responsibility irresponsibility frivolous adolescent

[...] That’s all I care about.” [...]

[...] I told her as we waited for the session that I was all for more material on the responsibility question, for I see it as the key to setting her free. [...]

[...] You made it clear to others that while they be free, free on weekends or holidays, you yourselves were still involved with “work” (underlined)—all of this to show that you were responsible persons. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 22, 1973 relaxation parents laxness father mother

[...] They have been accompanied by sensations of heat, sweating, and soreness, though not all of these symptoms were present in each relaxation. [...]

[...] The second part concerned new rooms, all rich avenues open to him, both as a result of the release and yet bringing forth the release. [...]

[...] All of this applied to his mental, psychic, spiritual, and physical life, and his overall purpose.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 835, February 7, 1979 whooosh victims Americans leader Jonestown

[...] It was not a cure-all. [...]

[...] Wars are basically examples of mass suicide — embarked upon, however, with all of the battle’s paraphernalia, carried out through mass suggestion, and through the nation’s greatest resources, by men who are convinced that the universe is unsafe, that the self cannot be trusted, and that strangers are always hostile. [...]

[...] They extended their horizons, pushed beyond the conventional mental landscapes — driven by zest and vitality, by curiosity and love, and not by fear (all of the above with much emphasis).

TES1 Session 24 February 10, 1964 clock duration psychological invention inner

[...] You will discover your whole selves in other worlds, peeping inward and outward at the same time, and finding that all time is one time, and that all divisions are illusion.

[...] The inner senses are not accustomed to operating so freely and this upsets that all-present ego, and would seem sometimes to drive it to distraction.

I’d forgotten, by all means take your break. [...]

TES1 Session 25 February 12, 1964 duality phonograph recorder plane camera

[...] It is so sure of its dominance in all matters. [...]

[...] It is true that I have disrupted your schedule to some degree, but not after all in any great manner. [...]

[...] That is, I speak of the doer, the mover, the breather and the dreamer as all belonging to one whole self.

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

All in all a splendid session. [...]

If you wanted to enter a very small space you would, I presume, get down on all fours, hunch your shoulders and crawl in this imaginary hole headfirst.

Your scientists know that all matter is composed of the same elements. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 665, May 23, 1973 flood riots catastrophes region local

[...] The pool of emotional energy into which your emotions flow is still composed of unalike charges, but generally speaking, the individual contribution of all those participating will fall into a coherent pattern that gives impetus and direction to the storm, providing the charge and the power behind it.

[...] Through various manipulations, all underground, they were kept out of the “better” neighborhoods.

To one extent or another, these same problems existed in all areas (of the East Coast) that were directly involved with that particular flood.

TES5 Session 229 February 2, 1966 landlord cabinet tenants studious plow

(The session is quite unusual, in that all of it is devoted to experimental material of one kind or another. [...]

[...] Finally one of the tenants threatened to move, after feelings had been bruised all around. [...]

[...] Some irregularity in almost all property arrangements. [...]

TES6 Session 246 March 30, 1966 pointer Wyoming Jimmy young Marilyn

[...] This after all presents no difficulties, since they will follow your lead. [...]

[...] You are acting incidentally not as parents in those terms at all, but more as teachers. [...]

[...] It simply means that what you are trying to do, consciously, you have been doing without knowing it all the while.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972 beliefs imagination child punishment parents

Underneath all of this, you carry indelibly within you your own knowledge of your identity, meaning and purpose, but in the early stages of development great care is taken to see that you relate in physical terms. [...]

So one of the most hampering beliefs of all, as earlier mentioned (in the 614th session in Chapter Two, for instance), is the idea that the clues to current behavior are buried and usually inaccessible. [...]

First of all, it is within your conscious mind. [...]

UR1 Appendix 1: (For Session 679) mystical grandfather religious Burdo daemons

[...] After all, our technology is responsible for the very existence of this physical book, thereby making it possible for Seth, Jane, and me to communicate with many others.

[...] I don’t think of myself as one at all — not like those church people.” [...]

[...] I added that within those religious boundaries, mystics across the centuries and throughout the world have given voice to the same ideas in almost the same words, and that as an “independent” mystic Jane was in a position to approach the situation from a freer; more individual standpoint: She would be able to add fresh insights to what is certainly one of the species’ all-pervasive, unifying states. [...]

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

[...] They are not all verbatim, however. [...] She smoked while speaking, and for the most part sat or kneeled on the floor before our long coffee table; these are favorite positions of hers, not at all unusual when we have company.

[...] I cannot make Ruburt find all the words. [...] This larger reality is also a part of our dreams: it is more important and vital than breath, for you are all part of this individually. [...]

[...] We will then assemble all of the data into coherent form and include it in an early future session. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session March 19, 1979 child healer lamb Bob Enquirer

(Yesterday I finished typing up the 841st session, so now I’m all caught up on the sessions that had piled up while Jane and I worked checking the page proofs for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, Psyche, and similar matters. [...]

[...] She was overly fearful, ironically enough, for the child’s safety—and hence he developed a condition that kept him under scrutiny all the while.

The child becomes a teacher for the parents, for the doctors who treated him, for the people who read the Enquirer, and for all the people who will meet the child as he matures. [...]

TMA Session Eleven September 15, 1980 resurrection Christ biblical ascension tomb

(9:25.) These all had to flow into reality, into psychological patterns through man’s own understanding. [...]

In those terms, however, again, the gods of Olympus were as real, for all of men’s riches are representations, psychic dramatizations, standing for an inner reality that cannot be literally expressed or described — but can be creatively expressed or represented.

[...] (repeated at my question) his religions, and in the power of the creative abilities themselves that bring them into birth (all quite intently). [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session May 6, 1970 chat resentment pendulum penis straight

I want first of all Ruburt, quite simply, to imagine your penis straight. [...]

[...] You feel you are helping him sufficiently enough through all your efforts, and withhold this more positive approach out of that resentment. [...]

[...] All of this verifies what I’ve learned on my own, through the pendulum.”

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 660, May 2, 1973 underweight weight eat transference Seventeen

[...] “When I woke up I felt I ‘had’ the whole of four or five chapters ‘all there’ if I could somehow instantly transcribe them,” she wrote the next morning. [...]

(“By the time I got to my desk, all of those fine points and the smooth polished prose had gone. [...]

(“The best thing to do is to stop all such efforts, but instantly begin altering your beliefs as instructed in this chapter.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 23, 1984 bubble laundromat Georgia enthusiastically shaved

[...] I’d often wondered what else I — or anyone else — could do to help Jane, and here a possible solution lay right before us all the time …)

[...] She didn’t look so hot, with her face all screwed up in pain. [...]

(At breakfast Jane said that later today she wanted to have a short session if at all possible. [...]

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