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TPS7 Deleted Session December 3, 1983 Steve insurance stewing slipshod lunch

[...] We pursue them for many varied reasons—but they are not the end-all or be-all by any means, as we’re so used to regarding them. [...]

By all means, when possible review the sessions. [...]

[...] Of course, there has to be a physical cutting-off point somewhere along the line— but even then, I said, we may move into another life and begin all over in those terms. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 9, 1972 nonevents unbeing nutshell unhappening accomplishment

From these nonevents all events are actualized. [...] No single event actualizes all of its possibilities.

The entire program, all of the suggestions, must automatically become a part of Ruburt’s life. [...]

All of the rest of that session is important, even suggestions that do not seem emphasized. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

(I said that I was quite aware that Seth had recently said that all actions are eventually redeemed—but what about in the meantime? [...] I certainly hadn’t expected him to go into the question tonight; in fact, I’d come very close to not mentioning it at all at this time.)

There were all kinds of aids available: indulgences, litanies, rosaries and so forth. [...]

[...] Science provided no such releases, of course, for it looked upon all such values to begin with as meaningless, including the entire concept of the soul. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 5 Sunday, April 18, 1982 claim integrity gland published rewrote

In fact, all of those topics were so much on Jane’s mind that for the second time in three days she went to “work” right after breakfast. [...]

[...] And even in the most private-type sessions Seth always wound his material into more public areas, so that we have reams of unpublished (and very controversial) material dealing with the connections between one’s illness and other members of the family, community relationships, and with the very belief systems that underlie all of human activity. [...]

In any case, all of those issues weighed upon my mind.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 19, 1978 critical powerlessness bodybuilding determined solve

[...] Fears should not he inhibited, but encountered, and yet behind all of them, in your time at least, lies the feeling that the individual is powerless against the conditions of his body or the events of the world.

[...] Those people were not involved in such a psychic initiation, however, in your time, so they can in your terms afford to use such helpful information, and do not feel any need at all to hold themselves apart from it as Ruburt has.

[...] The source self, sending out all assistance that it can, will still not attempt to override the conscious personality, for such actions would ultimately deny the conscious personality its powers of decision and control.

TPS3 Session 768 (Deleted Portion) March 22, 1976 ence ex peri Wheeler tal

[...] All of that was completely unsuspected by me,” she said groggily. [...] “I can see how it’s all tied up with that stuff I typed this afternoon—on Wheeler’s stuff and that letter I got the other day....”

(Pause.) There are no fu-tile acts, for all of them are val-id, and con-trib-ute to banks of ex-peri-ence and to the birth of cells who are en-dowed with your ex-peri-ence as knowledge.

[...] You triumph because we are, and in our areness is the source of all vitality—(whispering:) a dim trans-la-tion.... [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 528, May 13, 1970 soul ness identity perception translated

[...] The soul is a traveler, as has been said so often; but it is also the creator of all experience, and of all destinations in your terms. [...]

The soul perceives all experience directly. [...]

It regenerates all other portions of itself, and gives you the identity that is your own. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

In a sense, to “give up all effort” is almost blasphemous in the light of predominating beliefs to the contrary. [...] Western religion and science promote the ideas of competition, effort, the emphasis upon the will, divorced from the imagination, so that to “give up all effort” can be read as an abdication of responsibility, an indication of laziness and sloth; or in fundamental Christian terms, the devil finds work for idle hands.

(Tonight Jane said she thought she’d “done a damn good job” of keeping her mind off her condition, especially while painting and writing—all the time except when “something hurt quite a bit.” [...]

[...] I do want to make the point that that state of mind should be applied whenever possible to all areas of your lives. [...]

TSM Chapter Nine Phil illusion Gene dunes Shiva

[...] There is no place to go because you are the place—and all places—in those terms. [...]

“But I can’t leave the system because I am in all systems simultaneously.”

“In all other terms also.”

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

[...] But as a rule any particular dream, although it originates in a particular level, will nevertheless have meaning on all levels. [...]

Without dreams the outer camouflaged self would lose all touch with inner realities, or would be in danger of thus denying its own heritage; and therefore the physical body is so constructed that excess chemicals must be discharged and transformed into human action, or the physical mechanism would be clogged with poisons.

It then constructs its dreams in such a way that the symbols within will sift through all areas that are themselves less able to survey large vistas, but whose energies are focused along specific lines.

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

The camouflage patterns within your own physical universe are coherent enough so that all individuals of a given species appear to perceive more or less the same surroundings. There are groupings of perceptions belonging to various species, but all of these perceptions are not inherent in each species. [...]

[...] All evening she paced back and forth slowly, hands in pockets. [...]

You will remember that we said that atoms and molecules contained consciousness, a generalized consciousness first of all, in which data is suspended in condensed mental genetic code, and also a self-consciousness to some limited degree.

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] It represents the appearance that these abilities of mine take when at all closely connected with the physical plane. This does not necessarily mean that in all planes I have the same image.

[...] All in all, he will do, but it shows what I must put up with.

All in all, I haven’t had such a good time at a session in months.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 3 cobbler Sarah village wires bullets

During all of this time, Rob and I were having our first experiences with mobility of consciousness. [...] The questions filled me with wonder, and we tried all kinds of experiments.

[...] Then the cycle began all over.

[...] Before the eighth session, all replies came through the board. [...]

UR2 Appendix 24: (For Session 725) shit fuck earth shrink soul

[...] His material was hilarious, provocative, and profound — all at once. [...]

[...] And in a true communion, all things of this life return to the earth, and are consumed and rise up again in a new life that is never destroyed or annihilated, though always changing form.

[...] Above all, he’s insisted upon the exuberance and “rightness” of the physical world. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 832, January 29, 1979 copyedited devoid drama equivalents Emir

In your society, it is generally thought that a person must have a decent livelihood, a family or other close relationships, good health, and a sense of belonging if the individual is to be at all productive, happy, or content.

[...] Nature in all of its varieties is so richly encountered by the animals that it becomes their equivalent of your structures of culture and civilization. [...]

[...] An individual can possess wealth and health, can enjoy satisfying relationships, and even fulfilling work, and yet live a life devoid of the kind of drama of which I speak — for unless you feel that life itself has meaning, then each life must necessarily seem meaningless, and all love and beauty end only in decay.

UR1 Section 1: Session 679 February 4, 1974 mystical Linden photograph n.y church

[...] All the beliefs that had once seemed so legitimate were then seen as hampering, and all their defects became plain. [...]

1. Seth tells us that all actions are initially mental in nature. [...] But any motion of ours remains quite valid once it’s conceived, and is carried out in all of its variations by probable selves in other realities. [...]

[...] But what of all the other paths our probable selves had embarked upon since those pictures had been taken? [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 23, 1981 Sinful Catholic pathological grace Venice

All in all, those results are considered by the Sinful Self, now, as regrettable but necessary, as perhaps the use of overly severe discipline, or the use of punishment “for the personality’s own good”—all of which makes perfect sense within the belief structure of the Sinful Self and the larger philosophical structure of Christianity itself. [...]

[...] The noises from the fireplace had been quite loud earlier, but now all was quiet. [...]

[...] Ruburt is working at all angles of the problem at other levels of consciousness now, and the Sinful Self is beginning to feel a new sense of give-and-take. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 3, 1975 contributors frontiers diet psyche Prentice

It is not that we become initiators of some all-powerful movement or organization. Instead, all of those who read the books change themselves to some extent, look upon reality in a different way, and extend the frontiers of the private mind.

[...] It will be a source book for all of those who try to understand the self as it operates consciously and unconsciously. [...]

[...] I am not speaking here of a one-sided expansion, in which so-called occult tendencies are emphasized at all, but in an overall reeducation of consciousness, in which the operational self becomes aware of areas that have been considered taboo.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically

[...] All such methods, however, are useless if your beliefs hold you back, and so the main thrust of all of my books is to increase your own areas of thought and speculation.

(As she enthusiastically noted in her journal recently, Jane has had “loosenings all over” of her physical symptoms. [...]

Some of this may seem quite difficult at first reading, but I know that you are all far more intelligent than you realize you are—far more intuitive. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974 blueprints dynamics Section physician frequencies

[...] There is a difference between this and the “withinness” out of which all matter springs. [...]

[...] So-called objective approaches will only work at all when you are dealing with so-called objective effects — and your physicists are learning that even in that framework many “facts” are facts only within certain frequencies,2 or under certain conditions. [...]

[...] But all of this will do nothing except to allow people to die, perhaps, of other diseases still “unconquered.” [...]

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