
Results 1041 to 1060 of 1869 for stemmed:all

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

(In fact, she said that for all she knows all of the data given this evening is gibberish. [...]

The beauty of the zero is precisely that all other values in it lie inherent. Now it can gobble up all your (parentheses here, I’m not sure:) integers; and those dissolving values mentioned earlier, dissolving into zero gain new power.

(All of which is not to say that Jane and I haven’t encountered math in some form(s) in our daily lives, probably at times without being conscious of this. [...]

TPS2 Session 654 (Deleted Portion) April 9, 1973 courageous cents ignore brilliance beautifully

Your brilliance (?) in your work, and Ruburt’s in his, partially results from the fact that you ignored the mental reality, the psychic and spiritual reality you saw all about you. [...]

[...] By all means continue your sexual relationship. [...]

TES4 Session 161 June 9, 1965 ulcer ego permanence rejects sham

[...] The inner self however has at its command all these reasonings, and all these causes.

[...] My fondest wishes to you all, but you are all indeed like nervous birds perched on a peaked roof, in the midst of a high wind; at least this evening, and if I treat you with less politeness, it is only because I speak with the license of an old and trusted friend.

[...] The ego in this case, as in many cases, attempts to maintain stability and permanence at all costs.

TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964 sixth sense fifth tissue sensation

[...] It is much better all around if he be kept clear of such knowledge. [...]

[...] That is all I will say about the matter for now. [...]

[...] I hope that this will make up for all the yelling I did earlier.

UR2 Section 5: Session 719 November 11, 1974 snapshots photograph milk camera picture

[...] With the eraser the “evil hand” would try to rub out all of the good, and at the same time the “good hand” would be trying to erase all of the evil. In such a case all of your experience becomes suspect. [...]

[...] You will be so convinced that your projection (onto others) is the enemy that there will be no slack to take up, for all of your feelings of self-hate or self-fear will be directed outward.

If you take your own world view with you all of the time, however, as you travel, even in your own world, then you never see the “naked culture.” [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] When all this began, in fact, I wasn’t at all sure that we survived death once, much less over and over again.

[...] All action is change, for otherwise there would be a static universe, and then indeed death would be the end. [...]

[...] You are as disembodied as I. You have a vehicle to use, a body that you call your own, and that is all. [...]

TES6 Session 255 May 2, 1966 Maxine suitable photo Del identity

[...] This should not be forgotten, and all potential egos have, also, their own possibilities. [...] The inner self is composed of all the potential egos that compose it, but it is more than the sum of these.

[...] The book should make one point plain: Identity, despite all appearances to the contrary, does not reside primarily in the ego. [...]

The four faces of Eve all represented various ego manifestations of one inner identity. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

[...] Primitive peoples use it all unknowing. [...] All methods of gaining and renewing energy are important, in ordinary living and in our sessions.

[...] Since all things have an electrical and chemical reality, the food that you eat is also important, and it is for this reason that I made certain suggestions concerning your diet.

[...] You simply have form without mass, to all practical purposes, and there is no contradiction in that statement.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 932, August 4, 1981 Polly bedroom Peter events unnoticed

Individually and globewide, value fulfillment is in a fashion the purpose of all events. [...] As the origin of your world did indeed emerge from the “world of dreams,” so the true root of all events lie in such subjective activities, and the answers to individual challenges and problems [...]

[...] Then he became aware that those particular thoughts were intrusive, completely out of context with his immediately previous ones, for only a moment or so earlier he had been congratulating himself precisely because he had made no plans for the day or evening at all that would involve guests or other such activities. [...]

[...] Now the visit and Ruburt’s earlier feelings and thoughts were part of the same event, except that his subjective experience gave him clues as to the inner processes by which all events take place. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 29, 1981 Sinful dmso document entire Self

[...] Indeed, they wouldn’t have the time or the talent to make consciously known to themselves all the details of their challenges that had made them ill to begin with. [...]

You do not need to be consciously familiar with all the details connected with Ruburt’s condition in order for him to heal himself. [...]

[...] The Sinful Self did not have a free hand, for example, bringing about physical difficulties all by itself. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 18, 1981 art public celebration subverts responsibility

At its very basis, regardless of all tales to the contrary, art is indeed love’s production. [...]

[...] In the second case the value is first of all to help others by stating as clearly as possible known facts about particular subject matters such as health or what have you. [...]

If you are overconcerned with helping others, then you must first of all begin to question whether or not your creative material, still forming, will serve that purpose, and if not, or if there is a question, you give birth to hesitations and doubts that—again—subvert art’s free flow. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

(“All right then,” Jane said finally, “I’ll just tell you this: Our whole idea of reincarnation is all screwed up. [...] The notion of one life at a time, in any time period, is bullshit—the psyche is so rich that it can have more than one life at a time—like your Nabene and Roman lives together, in the first century A.D. But if you tell people that you’ll get them all confused....”

[...] He was after all Ruburt’s mother’s father, and therefore the source out of which Ruburt’s mother came—the higher power, so to speak. [...]

[...] When he became important at all in world terms, he could no longer be a pygmy, and therefore lost a part of that identification that he felt had protected him against his mother and the feared spontaneity or instincts. [...]

TES9 Session 465 February 17, 1969 prophet background painting lips figure

[...] Put yourself in his place, and with all of his capacities, and with his wisdom, and what would you be saying, and what emotion would move the muscles of your face?

(She was on the whole quieter than usual at break, as though not quite all the way out of trance. [...]

[...] All of these issues are a part of your painting, implied in every line of its conception, but I want you to see consciously the implications of the figure, and the overall implications of the figure in context with the background.

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] He is given tasks and each room, again, has been planned so that within it all methods of learning are available that the guest will need to perform his task. On our rather bulky analogy the guests are all portions of the inner self, who is the unseen attendant who maintains the building.

[...] This is possible, feasible, since you are all portions, in our analogy, of this same inner self who maintains all of the rooms. [...]

[...] The hotel is beautifully equipped, and all pains are taken to insure their comfort and survival. [...]

TPS1 Session 393 (Deleted) February 14, 1968 discipline spontaneous integration unreasoning propulsion

[...] The cleavage between discipline and spontaneity had long existed; given the all-or-nothing attitude of the personality, there was bound to be a swing, a complete swing from one to the other until the personality learned to combine the two and become more thoroughly integrated.

[...] When he tried on the other hand to act in a more reasoning and disciplined manner, when he became convinced of the necessity for discipline and this was in Florida, then he attempted to stifle all spontaneity.

[...] Any work of fiction in which his abilities were at all fulfilled would have brought him to this point, and any endeavor such as the psychic work, which was adopted. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

Now I want you all to know, and it will please you no end, that you have an authority present, for I was a pope in 300 AD. [...]

(Ron:] “But in the terms that we are all spirits acting out our own inner drama, the term spirit has some meaning?”)

[...] And I was ambitious, as all intelligent young men of that time were. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

As in the material that Ruburt received ahead of time for his own use, natural aggression is cleansing and highly creative — the thrust behind all emotions.

[...] You think their powers so strong that all reason can be drowned within them.

If you desperately try to remain young, it is usually to hide your own beliefs about age, and to negate all of those emotions connected with it. [...]

TES4 Session 165 June 28, 1965 secondary action ego unifying personality

[...] All basic adjustments to the personality, in a basic manner, must come from within, through regroupings of characteristic actions about unifying principles.

The very nature of the ego and of the personality is formed by the ability to choose between actions or stimuli; but life as it is not connected to a highly differentiated ego, rejoices in all stimuli, as sensation, whether it is pleasurable or painful, for these distinctions do not exist in your terms. [...]

[...] Naturally, all actions are not recognized by the ego, nor is it necessary in any case.

TES4 Session 193 September 27, 1965 label Lorraine Lake test Seneca

[...] The field of reality for any given personality must and does include all these areas of activity, for they give form and dimension to his existence. [...] Again, there are chemical and electromagnetic connections that cannot be severed between all these states of consciousness.

[...] For in the same way that dream images are projected outward from the personality, so also are thoughts projected, and all influences that extend from one personality to another.

All such projections have an electromagnetic and chemical reality that has its origin within the field of the given personality. [...]

TES7 Session 324 March 6, 1967 resentment excitement misdirected Wollheim symptoms

He projected his resentment into the future, and against all other publishers for awhile, anticipating the same sort of response as he felt the ESP book had received. He stopped sending out any material at all, for this reason. [...]

[...] The personal material on his background that I gave you is all part of this, of course. [...]

[...] Again he said nothing and the symptoms grew all the stronger as his desire grew to tell them to leave. [...]

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