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TPS5 Deleted Session November 21, 1979 account rewards savings bank Framework

Now: How do you get what you want out of Framework 2? You do it by changing over your accounts in whatever areas you are concerned, from the old savings account to the super-account with its nearly double rewards for the same effort. You do not watch for results. You give yourselves, say, six months, and you promise not to withdraw the issue from Framework 2’s account in the meantime. You withdraw the account by worrying about it. You withdraw the account by trying to exert more effort in Framework 1, instead of letting the account take care of itself.

Now: You still have some money in a regular savings account, and that is handy for simple day-to-day expenses, so of course you always have some effort to expend in Framework 1, and some experience with its normal trial-and-error tactics. You would think that it was rather fruitless, now that you have changed over your accounts, to spend any time worrying about all the money in the past still in the old savings account that did not get the superlative interest that these new accounts will enjoy.

Today you changed a bank account over from an ordinary savings account to what you might call a super-account, where the very same amount of money will give you approximately twice as much interest.

TES7 From Session 297 October 26, 1966 Peg sister law lawyers legal

[...] At our first discussion, though, Peg told me that a brother-in-law had just come into a tremendous amount of money as a result of lawyers fees, he is a lawyer, and a rich account. [...]

[...] Again, this could refer to the account mentioned above, which was legal. [...]

[...] This could refer to grab in terms of greed, definitely in Peg’s account of the sister-in-law.)

TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 mirror palm wrist fingers hand

(This account will also draw from the chapter on seances in Jane’s projected book on ESP. [...] And she will check over this account before it goes into the record.

[...] The following pages contain my own account of what happened, written at various times as memory served. [...]

(The following pages of this account will be called A B C D E etc., for insertion into the record after this page. [...]

TES7 Session 288 September 26, 1966 birthday poem cake wavering swirling

(“And a strict accounting.” [...] Penny is mentioned therein and accounting for such would be strict accounting.

[...] Jane has written up an account of her experience, and Peggy took partial notes. Copies of both accounts will be attached to this session. [...]

[...] And a strict accounting. [...]

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

[...] You have thought of your dwindling bank account, and I tell you that this is why your bank account is dwindling. [...] If you must think of your bank account

Whenever you find yourself thinking of your bank account follow the exercise I have just given you. [...]

[...] While you have been imagining the dwindling accounts and pessimistically thinking that after all the book may not sell, and to be practical you cannot be sure that the outline will sell and your efforts therefore have been knocking each other out.

TES8 His Impressions Given, on May 5, 1967 Gallagher Bill filibuster Formica gentleman

Midwest connections with account.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 21, 1984 urine feverish vitamins temperature wouldn

(I finished early so I’d have some extra time to open the account for Jane’s hospital expenses — but wouldn’t you know it, the phone rang at 11:50 a.m. It was someone from social services at the hospital. [...]

(I did stop at the bank and open the account for Jane.

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

Now, there is the impression of a new account. [...]

[...] John said Seth was correct re the impression of a new account. [...]

TPS5 Session 870 (Deleted Portion) August 1, 1979 upcropping bathroom jolted deep rearouse

[...] See the account in my dream notebook.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

[...] I’ve started a detailed account of its use, including times of application, body parts treated, etc. [...] See my records for a complete account of our efforts with DMSO. [...]

[...] When Jane read her material of this afternoon to me, I thought she likened the Sinful Self’s renewal to reincarnation, meaning that she thought this renewal might account for many of our overt ideas of reincarnation—that at least some of our ideas about reincarnation were based upon our intuitive knowledge of the return of portions of one’s self to that earlier state of innocence—a rebirth, in other words, that we might translate into the idea of physical incarnation. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

[...] It simply meant that far more benefits are being added to your account than you imagine — meaning abundance, and not just in financial terms alone.

[...] Jane had a cigarette while I read her the account of my dream that I’d just written for my daily notes, since she didn’t remember the dream all that well.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

(Jane described her altered state of consciousness to me while it was in progress on Monday, of course, then the next morning she wrote as complete an account of it as she could. [...]

[...] We think the cellular memory that Seth describes was also involved, as witness these excerpts from her account:

[...] On Tuesday, then, beside writing about her transcendent episode, she wrote an account of Monday evening’s discussion, and reconstructed her notes and sketches for her own records.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 21, 1984 inferior fortify everywhere environment injustice

[...] I told her I’d deposited $1200 in her hospital-expenses account on my way to 330. [...]

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

(Just before we sat for the session Jane finished reading my account of my “light of the universe” experience of last Sunday evening, September 21, and my account of the experience involving … clairvoyance … precognition … that I’d had at naptime today, involving my idea for a novel and an article in tonight’s Star-Gazette, Elmira’s daily newspaper. [...]

[...] I didn’t have any strong feeling that I had, however, but get a few thrills as I finish this account.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

[...] I made the mistake of asking how her husband was, since I’d thought about asking yesterday, but hadn’t. Shawn launched into a long account of her husband’s latest troubles. [...] With the best intentions, her account reflected all the negative beliefs about illness that Jane and I had come to expect in the hospital setting. [...]

TPS5 Session 857 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1979 suffocation parade fawned cats tabloid

[...] Jane has written her own account of the dream of May 28. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] My own notes say I did not see her again; that is, I did not remember doing so when I awoke and wrote out my account of the dream. [...]

(Seth also notes a few other discrepancies, later in the session, between the actual dream events and my written account.)

(My account of the dream doesn’t mention my actually coming to the surface of the water, but does deal with my holding my breath so that I will automatically rise to the surface; I had no doubt in the dream that I would do so. [...]

TES6 Session 264 June 1, 1966 shack surgeon trails tropics false

(I had my dream on the evening of Tuesday, May 31, then wrote out my account of it the next morning before going to work. This is not the full account reproduced in this session but a summary containing the main points of the dream.

[...] She wrote out the account immediately upon arising:

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

After supper Jane reread my accounts of my dream of last Saturday morning. [...]

[...] Both accounts are revised from my dream notebook:

[...] I can still ‘see’ those dream lights and colors as I write this account several hours later, after describing them to Jane. [...]

TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966 teaching Piccadilly teacher object school

(“A schedule of events, and an accounting.” [...] The object is an accounting of Jane’s earnings, and a schedule of when she earned the money, etc., since it is an employee’s pay record from the Elmira school system.

[...] A schedule of events, and an accounting.

[...] The neighbor is from Ohio, but not Cincinnati, which could account for Seth’s reference to “something like” Cincinnati. [...]

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