Results 1 to 20 of 25 for stemmed:wilbur

TES5 Session 238 March 4, 1966 Peggy Wilburs unscheduled circulation witnesses

(Two sets of witnesses did attend tonight’s unplanned session, the Gallaghers and Marilyn and Don Wilbur. Jane began speaking as Seth at 11:45 PM, continued until about 12:15 AM, took a break during which the Gallaghers left, then resumed briefly, from about 12:30 to 12:45 AM with the Wilburs present. The session might have continued but was interrupted by the visit of a friend who does not know of them. We do not often get visitors after midnight; this friend has visited us perhaps three times in the last year, so we can say his arrival was unexpected.

(Don Wilbur’s parents are against his changing jobs. The Wilburs did not ask Seth for advice, nor did Jane and I. Seth volunteered that it was better for Don to make his own decisions. He did say that Don would leave his present job because it offered no opportunities for advancement, and that he would try three other positions before he settled into one he really liked. But Seth did not say when. Don himself has not decided what to do. The place he visited that matched Seth’s description has made him an offer of employment.

(It can be said that since the Gallaghers and the Wilburs both know of the sessions, and that they visit us regularly, an unscheduled session is hardly unusual with these two sets of witnesses. It can also be said however that we do not easily hold unscheduled sessions, although from the record it might seem they are held rather often. Jane and I usually go out of our way to avoid them because of the extra work involved, etc. Hence the late starting hour for this one.

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

[...] A possible reference: M for Marilyn Wilbur, wife of the young Don Wilbur shown on the object; and G for the Gallaghers. The Wilburs and Gallaghers being present that Friday night, November 25,1966.

[...] It was a joke on Don Wilbur; Don and his wife, Marilyn, visited us that Friday evening and I showed them the sketch. [...]

[...] It is a spoof on Don Wilbur—"Young Donny"—and I showed it to Don and his wife, Marilyn, when they visited us that evening. [...]

TES6 Impressions Attached to Session 268 Friday, June 17, 1966 watch ha stolen wheelchair misplaced

(The following are the impressions Jane received at 10:22 while holding Don Wilbur’s watch:)

[...] This was correct according to the Wilburs on Friday night, June 17, but now I do not recall just how. [...]

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

[...] The picture was taken by Don Wilbur on April 4,1966, as noted on the back. [...] Don left the sealed envelope he had prepared for the session with me, however; I kept it until the Wilburs were able to witness a session. [...]

[...] Even when the Wilburs arrived for the session tonight, Jane did not remember it.

[...] I did not notice, being busy writing, but Don Wilbur said the first knock really jolted Jane out of her trance, or at least the deeper stages of it, even though she continued speaking. [...]

TPS1 Session 223 (Deleted Portion) January 16, 1966 Scotty Marilyn Wellsburg omitted Mihalyk

(Omitted from the regular session copy to avoid any possible embarrassment to the Wilburs, Marilyn and Don, of Wellsburg, NY.

(Jane and I had visited the Wilburs at their trailer in Wellsburg last Friday evening, January 14, 1966, and met for the first time their 2-year old son, Scotty. [...]

TES6 Session 254 April 27, 1966 kettle Lilliard teapot gliddiard looming

[...] The unscheduled 251st session was held on the Friday evening Don Wilbur produced the envelope object, April 15,1965. Present besides Jane and me were five witnesses—the Wilburs, the Gallaghers, and Ann Diebler.

[...] The object was a sheet of yellow paper upon which our young friend Don Wilbur doodled various numbers and words on the evening of Friday, April 15. [...]

(“The word grand… a grandparent?” Our young friend Don Wilbur made the envelope object on his usual Friday night visit here with his wife Marilyn. [...]

TES6 Session 268 June 15, 1966 vertical page cat monogram object

(Marilyn and Don Wilbur witnessed the session.

[...] (Her eyes closed, Jane made a gesture with both arms that the Wilburs and I interpreted like this:

[...] From now on I watched carefully to see that she held the envelope in the same position until the end of the delivery, so that I could mark the top dimension thus, should it be necessary to our interpretation of the data, and the Wilburs verified that the position of the object itself was thus determined by marking in succession both envelopes as they were opened at break, the two pieces of Bristol, and finally the object itself.)

TES5 Session 237 March 2, 1966 print handprint Myhalyk ink steeple

[...] On Saturday, February 19, Jane and I met Marilyn and Don Wilbur and some others at Myhalyk’s for an evening of dancing. This was shortly after we had obtained the book on hands, and during the evening Jane asked the Wilburs if they would cooperate in having handprints made. The Wilburs, who have witnessed several unscheduled sessions, consented. [...]

[...] Don Wilbur wears glasses. [...] Don Wilbur wears his all the time, as I do.

TES5 Session 235 February 23, 1966 coaster Hack Terwilliger envelope dancing

(The two young couples, Marilyn and Don Wilbur, and Ann Diebler and Paul Sinderman, witnessed the unscheduled session of November 5,1965. [...] The Wilburs and Ann Diebler also witnessed the unscheduled session for December 3,1965; see the notes for the 214th session.

[...] This is a reference to the Saturday evening of dancing, which was planned in advance by us with the other two couples, Marilyn and Don Wilbur, and Ann Diebler and Paul Sinderman. [...]

[...] I thought this a reference to the fact that Don Wilbur and his wife Marilyn left the dancing establishment somewhat earlier than the rest of us did, because he was very tired after putting many hours of overtime work for the county, in connection with the snow we have been getting this month. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

“In vivid color: I lived in my parents’ house at 704 North Wilbur Avenue, in Sayre, Pennsylvania. [...]

“To reach Wilbur Avenue we cut across the tennis court, of grass, that my father had built for his teen-age sons so long ago. [...]

[...] The store is located a couple of blocks from the Brenner home, and just off North Wilbur Avenue. [...]

TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

[...] Jane met Ella’s husband Wilbur once; he died a few years ago. I remember Wilbur as a small gentle man who was a tailor and who smoked strong cigars. [...] I always liked Wilbur. [...]

[...] He has been institutionalized for many years, and I do not believe Ella and her husband Wilbur saw him for a number of years prior to their deaths.)

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

(Marilyn Wilbur and Peter Murtough were witnesses.)

For our long-haired blonde friend, (Marilyn Wilbur), shortly a new element, another person who will play a significant part in her life, for either a long or brief period. [...]

TES7 Session 293 October 12, 1966 energy October converting maturation demand

[...] Three couples were involved on October 7—Jane and I, the Gallaghers, and Marilyn and Don Wilbur.

[...] Later in the evening we obtained legitimate results with the table; during one of these experiments the table told us that the communicator was Don Wilbur’s grandfather.)

TES7 Session 291 October 5, 1966 generic bull lifelines images cap

[...] One of these from a six pack supplied by Don Wilbur on the evening of Friday, October 7,1966, furnished the cap used as envelope object for the 73rd experiment.)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 29, 1983 diet cream patient cure distress

[...] While we were talking Jane told me that she’s been quite successful at imagining herself back at 704 N. Wilbur Avenue, in Sayre—the home of my parents. [...]

TES6 Session 251 April 15, 1966 Diebler apparition exhibitionism unscheduled Ann

(The witnesses were Ann Diebler, Marilyn and Don Wilbur, and the Gallaghers. [...]

TES5 Session 214 December 6, 1965 discotheque napkin Washington dancers ultraviolet

[...] Bill and Peggy Gallagher were present, and Ann Diebler, and Don and Marilyn Wilbur. [...]

(Seth gave Don Wilbur a few lines of information concerning a job change he was considering, and Don has a copy of this material. [...]

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

(After supper this evening young Don Wilbur informed us that he and his wife would not be able to witness the session as scheduled. The Wilburs are discussed in the 246th session. [...]

TES7 Session 281 August 29, 1966 Barbara Dick Andreano wedding poem

[...] We had company Friday evening—Marilyn and Don Wilbur, Don’s brother and a girl named Pat, whom we do not know.

[...] However I had never reacted to the Wilburs before, so I was still puzzled.

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] In vivid memory is a picture of her attempting to get out of the family car in front of 704 N. Wilbur Avenue, in Sayre, after Fred had driven the family over to see my parents for a visit—probably on a Sunday.

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