Results 641 to 660 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES4 Session 166 June 30, 1965 Philip reorganization John company deluded

I would suggest that our friend with the ulcer read our last two previous sessions, for this will bring home to him the fact that he does indeed, literally, consider his ulcer as much a part of himself as an arm or a leg. [...]

[...] I will now suggest your break, and we will continue with this particular discussion.

[...] I now suggest your break.

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

TES3 Session 129 February 7, 1965 Lee Judy Wright forefinger debts

(In the beginning the four of us sat on the floor, grouped around our coffee table and holding hands as suggested by Seth in the 125th session, and as we had done before. [...]

I realize also that your precious recorder is playing, and I would suggest that now and then it be put to such good use.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

(This material is free-association stuff, following Seth’s suggestion in the private session for Jane on May 15. [...]

[...] If your child believes that a particular illness is caused by a virus, then suggest a game in which the youngster imagines the virus to be a small bug that he or she triumphantly chases away with a broom, or sweeps out the door. [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Session 881, September 25, 1979 billion creationists reptiles ambitious evolutionary

[...] After supper I suggested that if she had a session tonight Seth could comment upon her current series of relaxations. [...]

[...] After the session I suggested that she start reading it also, in order to acquaint herself with theories radically different from the “ordinary” scientific ones espoused by evolutionists. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat


[...] Chapter Three: “Suggestion, Telepathy, and the Grouping of Beliefs.”

TES8 Session 398 March 11, 1968 father rung Ruth boy loaned

I suggest you speak his name, his present name, three times, and touch him. [...]

[...] I followed Seth’s suggestion. [...]

TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

[...] Going over these two sets of material was routine; nothing had to be returned, and in each case Jane called Tam Mossman at Prentice-Hall to give her approval and to make a few suggestions for changes. [...]

TPS4 Session 816 (Deleted Portion) December 26, 1977 conviction wrong delusion rightness seldom

If you have no more questions, I will end the session, and I would respectfully suggest that you take it to heart.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 14, 1971 acceleration crocodile piggyback Gert daydream

[...] I will not tell you ahead of time what experience you can expect but follow through upon the next instance as I suggest. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 630, December 11, 1972 title Seventeen painting Chapter covering

[...] I suggest that you do up a prospectus, an outline, and some few beginning pages — say a chapter or so.

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] I suggest now that we take a brief break. [...]

Now I suggest a brief break and I shall speak to Julie.

TPS3 Deleted Session September 29, 1975 unsafe affiliations safe newly insecurity

Ruburt has recently used the suggestion “Infinite intelligence leads me and guides me in all my ways.” [...]

Now: I have some suggestions for you that should be of considerable help.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 3, 1977 heart liver bodily nap shouted

Such a knowledge as you suggest in actuality would not have added to his comprehension of his body, for he comprehended it very well. [...]

[...] Perhaps this is an odd suggestion from me, perhaps not even practical, but a television set in the bedroom also invites intimacy. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1971 Sumari Lawrence Mu Chet ancient

[...] If you do not feel like doing what seems to be suggested, do not do it. [...]

[...] You can celebrate with a drink or a Mu, and I suggest that you celebrate with a grand Mu, those of you who know what a Mu is. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

[...] Before you begin the experiment, the suggestion should also be given that the physical organism will be well protected and comfortable.

On another occasion, I gave myself suggestions that during the night, I would project to Peg and Bill Gallagher’s house. [...]

[...] I am obviously not suggesting a whole diet of eggs and asparagus. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

I suggest your break.

I suggest a brief break.

I suggest your break.

TES5 Session 239 March 7, 1966 John perfume dominate Philip wife

[...] I had suggested earlier in the day that she skip the session but she declined. [...]

More numbers, and I suggest your break.

I suggest a brief break. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

[...] And as I was to see, even for all of the pessimistic suggestions of medical science itself, in the very middle of crisis there was a certain indisputable sense of cooperation—a “vulgar” physical optimism, and a kind of humor that I had long forgotten existed.

[...] She felt she’d beaten a number of negative suggestions from medical personnel in connection with all of those afflictions.)

[...] I’d never have tried it if you hadn’t suggested it.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

[...] I do not like the term “surface” in this regard, though I have used it to suggest the multitudinous portions of the self that are otherwise engaged — some of them as entranced in their reality as you are in yours.

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