Results 61 to 80 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

This could be studied to some degree if proper suggestions were given to the individual that he would awaken at the exact point when a dream ends. [...] Here you are working with the mind itself as your material, and merely suggesting that it operate in a certain fashion. [...]

[...] You can suggest ordinary sleep, and then suggest that the subject, in his sleep and without waking, give a verbal description of his dream or dreams.

I suggest a brief break.

TES7 Session 324 March 6, 1967 resentment excitement misdirected Wollheim symptoms

This has nothing to do with time, but with the intensity of any suggestion, and any countering suggestions. [...]

Now about the time lag on suggestions.

[...] He did not admit his anger, and attempted to soothe himself with other suggestions.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 10, 1982 Dr thyroid dozing Cummins gland

[...] Remembering a few small but potent suggestions will of course be of greatest benefit—particularly to offset any negative hospital suggestions, which do of course exist. On the other hand, in such cases remember that often a doctor’s or a nurse’s negative suggestions or fears, voiced, simply give voice to the individual’s own fears. And if he or she can understand this the individual can then counter such suggestions that seem to come from “outside,” I will indeed, and before too long, begin again some therapeutic material, winding this in with other pertinent data. [...]

[...] I did not suggest that you go to the medical profession, or suggest you stay away from it specifically, knowing that your own beliefs would lead toward the proper decision whichever way it fell. [...]

[...] For several days now, at Dr. Kardon’s suggestion, I’ve been giving Jane only the 50 mcg. [...]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] Be in a drowsy state and suggest, Ruburt, suggest, Joseph; do not attempt to bully or command the subconscious. Suggestions are all that are needed. [...]

[...] And rightly so, since the strong negative suggestions given by her actually represented a turning point, and not a good one. The suggestion acted upon you and Jane, as well as upon the dog.

I would suggest Joseph, and strongly, that you take up the yoga exercises. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] Quite adequate protection here can be given if he gives the daily suggestion that he will only react to constructive suggestions.

[...] The suggestion above should be given daily and as a matter of course.

[...] If the suggestion is given daily as I told you, there will be no great difficulty in any case. [...]

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon

[...] Our friend’s, our dear Ruburt’s, has not yet passed, which is why I am giving the suggestions now. His overall condition, however, is very good, indeed, and if my suggestions are followed I anticipate no difficulty for him. [...]

[...] With the schedule that I have suggested the inner energies are vividly and intensely focused, but for a short period of your time. [...]

[...] In one respect I do agree with Ruburt, in that any future experiments with friends would be of better advantage carried out using chairs at a table, and actually making as few suggestions as possible.

TPS3 Session 742 (Deleted Portion) April 23, 1975 strand debris healthwise untried feeders

[...] The same kind of suggestion applied to the legs with gentle manipulation, and to the arms, would be very effective. [...] His back does not have to bother him in the meantime, as was suggested. He does not have to bend over more at certain stages to maintain balance, as has been suggested, and he has followed those suggestions except for the back. [...]

There is an old suggestion I gave him once: My body can perform better now. [...]

[...] I suggest some version of class—a smaller one, beginning perhaps in June. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

I had also intended, if the suggestion were followed, to add certain suggestions having to do with the necessity of seeing others, and even of some aggressive activities, so to speak, which would have effectively counteracted any possible tendency for withdrawal on his part.

I suggest your break.

[...] I do suggest that on session nights Ruburt find some time to relax. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

[...] As Jane and I have decided to do lately, I began giving myself suggestions about increased sales of her books. [...] As I gave the suggestions I abruptly realized that they seemed to be penetrating—what?—some sort of barrier or limit that I’d usually assumed marked the limits of ordinary conscious awareness. [...] But I knew that the suggestions had penetrated as never before, and I thought they had reached their goal in Framework 2 in a way that I could be aware of. [...]

(Attached to this session [see page 76] is the carbon of the suggestions I wrote up recently about reaching Framework 2 through suggestion and faith.

[...] I understand your concern, and perhaps I should not comment, but if some of my suggestions had been followed, you would have had quicker results with the eyes. I know you both fairly well, however, so I usually give you a number of suggestions toward action, so that at least some of them (dryly) will be followed.

TES5 Session 206 November 8, 1965 record Philip awakening lamp dream

There are some matters that I said we would discuss, concerning experiments in recording dreams via your recorder, using suggestion to awaken you after a dream sequence. [...]

[...] However, very little work, if any, is being carried on along the lines I am about to suggest.

[...] Suggestion will allow him, or will allow you Joseph, to awaken yourself as soon as a dream is completed.

TPS5 Deleted Session March 19, 1979 child healer lamb Bob Enquirer

(As for myself, I have yet to add new questions to the list Seth suggested I make up, concerning his current material. [...]

[...] Here I want to emphasize the importance that telepathy can play, and the vital role of suggestion.

In a way the child allowed itself to be hypnotized into the condition, the symptoms becoming potent physical “posthypnotic” suggestions. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session May 6, 1970 chat resentment pendulum penis straight

[...] This makes you want to isolate yourself, and also prevents you from benefiting from suggestions yourself, and benefiting others through your own suggestions in certain areas. In other areas you accept and utilize the nature of suggestion. [...]

You are also, as you know, relatively (underlined) of a solitary nature, and to some degree, and because of misinterpretation, distrustful and resentful at the thought that suggestion is so important between individuals. You would still like to believe in the importance of suggestion and telepathy, but only when it suits your purposes, and to minimize it in those areas that are somewhat touchy.

For the record, again, I suggest the running and the up and down movements. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

Suggestion, so-called, is little understood. [...] Yet to an important extent your world runs by suggestion. Suggestion is simply an impetus to act in given directions. Your social, political, religious, economic and medical areas of life are all built upon certain assumed suggestions that people agree to accept as standards of behavior. [...]

Those experiences may at times be quite jarring, tragic, frightening, but they will happen within a framework provided by the accepted suggestions of the society. People may question the precepts, but generally speaking they live and work within organizational frameworks, each one ruled by various assumptions or suggestions.

[...] Such suggestions are immensely important. Suggestions are always impetuses toward action, psychological sets that can indeed program your day and set up reminders.

TPS4 Session 814 (Deleted Portion) October 8, 1977 accelerations repeat imperfections grabs stimulus

[...] He did make gains this week in the use of suggestion, so that he understood better how he has been using it to his disadvantage, and how to change that course. [...]

[...] He made the necessary distinctions in that paper, and he should use it as a basis for whatever work he decides to do with suggestion, whether it is alone or with you.

You see from (tonight’s) the session the climate of suggestion that is about you, and that had to be conquered. [...]

TES4 Session 161 June 9, 1965 ulcer ego permanence rejects sham

I will say definitely that if my suggestions are followed faithfully and systematically, both the suggestions which I have given, and those which I will give, then indeed we will find that the problem is no longer a problem.

For in the very quiet and discipline required to follow the problem, those reactions on the part of the personality will set up actions which will of themselves solve the problem; and we will find that also there will be suggestions given, and very important suggestions, whereby a systematic effort will be made on the part of the personality to enlarge the scope of his action, in spite of the ego’s anxiety to limit them, and this itself will seem to work a miracle.

I would suggest for the psychological time experiments, fifteen minutes to begin with, along the lines of the directions which Joseph has given. [...] I would suggest that the directions, Joseph, be more specific. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 22, 1977 Framework dishes stool faith cooking

[...] I think the suggestions about the two frameworks that we’ve worked out are very close to the suggestions that Seth implied we should use in the hypnosis experiments.

[...] Rather to my surprise she suggested having a session tonight, so we thought we’d see how things went.)

Your suggestion about the bathroom (sitting down) is another instance of creative action which takes. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 14, 1982 nurse Upjohn Eleanor Roe visits

[...] We’re always on the watch for negative suggestions, and some of the nurses dispense these very freely. [...] She is a nice person who means well, but who also broadcasts negative suggestions like a radio beacon, quite unwittingly. [...]

[...] The suggestions I have given are all promoters of energy and motion. They are signposts to inner portions of body and mind, deeply reassuring, and can serve to combat the negative suggestions that are often so numerous. [...]

[...] He has been doing his own kind of energy exercises, involving the particular “sore” (the ulcer on her coccyx; it’s slowly closing), but I suggest that he does one of those exercises faithfully every day, and that both of you simply see the area healed. [...]

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

[...] I would, if I may, suggest a reinforcement unfortunately in this sort of expectation. I would suggest on your part a rather illogical but perhaps understandable feeling of guilt, involving your father. I would suggest, indeed, that perhaps you hesitate as the first son, to be more financially solvent than your father is, and therefore in your own eyes symbolically shame him.

I am not as you should know, suggesting an eight-hour job. I am suggesting that you examine as objectively as possible your own basic expectations, for this will help you, and is a basic step in changing them for the better.

I do suggest that with your abilities, if you can straighten out your expectations, that you can be much more comfortably situated, and that you will be if you straighten out your expectations. I also suggest that you subconsciously and consciously knew from the first that Ruburt’s expectations along these lines coincided exactly with your own. [...]

TPS4 Session 813 (Deleted Portion) October 3, 1977 Nebene eclipses path lunar wisdom

[...] That trust can be inserted through suggestion. [...] The suggestions concerning hypnosis, therefore, would be of great help in accelerating Ruburt’s progress, and thereby relieving both of your minds.

[...] I gave suggestions that you creatively plan a vacation trip together. [...]

[...] I suggest therefore that each of you, privately or together, open your pathways to Framework 2, requesting simply that further insights will be given you—and so they will be.

TPS2 Deleted Session September 6, 1972 leadership Macmillan Terry abundance fame

[...] Had he not done so I would have suggested it, but the understanding had to be his. Some recommendations given in that one session still have not been followed, though an effort has been made to follow many suggestions. [...] I suggest you give attention therefore to those still not tried with any perseverance.

I suggest that if possible you sit tight here for six months—unless however something comes to you. [...]

I will have something to say concerning Ruburt’s experience the other evening, but first I suggest your break.

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