Results 541 to 560 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES5 Session 224 January 17, 1966 Birch owner trailer past card

[...] I suggest that you take a break, and I shall continue.

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

I would like to suggest that he begin reading again the body of the sessions. [...]

I suggest your first break.

I now suggest your break.

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

[...] I am not suggesting that you take the time out. I am suggesting that you devote the same amount of time constructively that you are now spending destructively, and that the new exercises take the place of the old automatically followed negative exercises that you have indeed been faithfully following.

[...] He was working on hunches, to him, and he always followed whatever suggestions you made. [...]

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 3, 1981 uncertainty certainty Jim uncertain tension

[...] She also tried the library today, as Seth had suggested, but with “nil” results, but didn’t try the energy-healing exercise yet. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) He suggests that others follow their own intuitional material, while at the same time holding on to the established frameworks upon which most people depend. [...]

TES3 Session 96 October 12, 1964 gestalt Trinity unitary primary plane

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

Yet these very terms, all that will ever be known, are distortive, for they suggest an ending of knowledge and experience and there is none.

I suggest your break.

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

[...] We deeply appreciated Seth’s insights and suggestions about Jane’s and my visible and invisible psyches, the challenges we had chosen to create for ourselves in our present lifetimes. [...]

“Now,” I mentally said to my departed loved one in all sincerity, “if we had the chance to do it all over again, I’d suggest that we dispense with all divisions—that we regard the Seth material as a great whole, any part of which, public or private or in between, has the creative power to help not only us but many others. [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

[...] For safety’s sake I would suggest an eight-month period. [...]

[...] Therefore changes in the probabilities alter that particular future, and the change that I suggested completely wipes out the prior, probable accident. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 14, 1972 church prophet intellectual Doran Christs

(9:34.) I suggest you close your window and turn on the fan....

[...] I suggest also that on those occasions how when any frightening feelings begin to arise to call you, to feel free to free-associate with them and let them rise.

TPS2 Session 670 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1973 brakes mobility recommendations acquiesced freely

Now practically I am making some suggestions. [...]

[...] Also a nap in which subjective experience is freely suggested.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

I will have more to say for him to read, but I suggest a short break. [...]

[...] Therefore see that my suggestions are followed.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

(To me at 9:14:) “I will also have comments concerning your own reactions, and I suggest—but only suggest—that again your usual two sessions a week be held, as a framework for the therapeutic endeavors.

[...] In the meantime, on the evening of the 12th, following his suggestion that she resume the sessions on a twice-weekly basis, Jane spoke for Seth in another private session. [...]

[...] In such a manner also dreams suggest nature’s spontaneous order throughout the centuries, and allow you to look at the species in a truer light. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

“You and your suggestions,” I countered. [...] (It wasn’t until much later that I remembered that another of Rob’s suggestions had launched me into fiction in the first place.)

[...] About this time I was also looking for a new book idea, and Rob made the suggestion that was to lead us further and further away from the way of life we’d always known.

[...] I told Rob to ask if one of us alone could work the pointer, and the pointer suggested that we try. [...]

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

Now I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

[...] Chapter five of the dream book contains suggested experiments for the reader to try, involving waking and dreaming states and their interchange, etc. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 21, 1977 faith trembling motor relaxation capillaries

[...] I suggested that she forego the session, but once again she said she wanted to get something on Framework 2, etc. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

[...] I suggest the hot towels be utilized. [...]

Practically speaking now, all of my suggestions should be followed, given in the last sessions, and they should be read again by each of you. [...]

And take my suggestions, both of you, to heart. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

[...] “I’ll bet I can use that, about the resiliency,” she said, meaning that she’d incorporate it in suggestions, attitude, and so forth. [...]

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 30, 1984 hypnosis fatherhood express excommunication afternoon

[...] He should indeed give himself suggestions that the necessary insights will come to him, and that the proper connections be made whether consciously or unconsciously. [...]

[...] “It contains excellent suggestions in itself.” [...]

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