Results 361 to 380 of 1110 for stemmed:suggest

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

I suggest your break.

I suggest your break.

[...] First I had my usual thrilling sensation at the suggestion of lightness, once I had attained the desired state of light trance. [...]

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] She reminded me of Seth’s suggested phrase to bring her out of the trance state every half-hour, should she show signs of remaining in it for longer periods.

I suggest your break.

I now suggest your break.

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

The dream representing his grandfather symbolically allowed him to go back to the past in this life, to a time of severe shock—his grandfather’s death—which occurred when he was beginning to substitute scientific belief for religious belief, wondering if his grandfather’s consciousness then fell back into a mindless state of being, into chaos, as science would certainly seem to suggest. [...]

[...] His grandfather survived in a suit too large, which means that there was still room for him to grow (as I’d suggested to Jane ). [...]

(I suggested to Jane that she see what she might be able to pick up on her own about the French life. [...]

TES8 Session 346 June 14, 1967 peanuts overproduction sun symptoms apricot

Your suggestion that he arise at once is an excellent one, intuitively received. [...]

[...] These two suggestions had much to do with the early morning symptoms, and these also, you see, are now vanishing.

Your suggestion of time in the sun daily is excellent. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975 heroic Latin Teresa Deus title

[...] There is importance, significance in your suggestion that Ruburt send energy to his body, and in your suggestion that he look for the library, as there is in his new attraction to his painting.

(From 9:00 to 9:30 tonight, at my suggestion, Jane and I sat to see if we could get Jane into her library. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 676, July 9, 1973 unworthy hate inferior older scrawny

[...] It does little good to repeat a suggestion such as, “I am a worthy person. [...]

[...] Then use the positive suggestion in your own worth, backed up by your own personal self-examination. [...]

[...] If you are fifty and are still convinced that the older generations are rigid, fast in the way of growing senile, mentally incompetent and physically deteriorating, then you are holding an old belief in the ineffectiveness of the older generations and setting up negative suggestions for yourself. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

[...] According to Seth’s suggested use of the point of power, and his late deleted material, one isn’t supposed to dwell on the past, but go forward from the present—two major blocks of material, I told Jane this evening, that at first glance seem to contradict each other. [...]

[...] Read this session also over together, and follow all the suggestions I have given you.

Ruburt’s reaction to my following simple suggestions shows how badly they are needed, and you will doubtlessly experience your own weaker version.

TES8 Session 402 April 1, 1968 John chess grab promotion bag

[...] A paper is being drawn up, and I would suggest you hold out.

[...] In other words I would suggest that you play it cagey for now. [...]

[...] If you do not want me to go booming through him for hours then I suggest that you call his name three times. [...]

TPS4 Session 828 (Deleted Portion) March 15, 1978 undreamed anniversary clarified automatically he

[...] I want him to continue helping with “Unknown”—but also to follow the suggestions I gave a while ago, and devote some time each day to free, creative, playful thought. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] You can suggest ordinary sleep and dreaming and then suggest that without awakening, the subject give a verbal description of his dreams as he experiences them. … Another alternative is to suggest that the subject under hypnosis repeat the dreams of the night before.

This could be studied if proper suggestions were given to an individual that he would awaken at the exact point of a dream’s end [as in our own experiments]. [...] Here, you are working with the mind itself and merely suggesting that it operate in a certain fashion. [...]

[...] The particular experiment may seem, then, to suggest conditions which are by no means general, but may appear to be. [...]

TES6 Session 276 August 1, 1966 Masonite lumberyard Wellsburg worker Glen

[...] And I would warn you, though I am aware of the power of suggestion you see, and would be under such circumstances extremely careful less the warning itself act as a negative suggestion.

[...] I suggest your break.

I had intended to begin my practical suggestions this evening, for I will give you a complete set of instructions.

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

I was, I was not here suggesting—far be it from me—to suggest that Ruburt give three sessions a week. [...]

I now suggest your first break.

I now suggest your break, and I thank all of you for both your help and your attention.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] He followed my suggestions several times today, with good results.

[...] If you keep your mind on me when you give your projection suggestions, it will be easier for you to remember our encounters.

TPS3 Session 694 (Deleted Portion) May 1 1974 gullibility monitor spontaneity trusted compromise

[...] The suggestion should be given three times a day, in a series of three.

The suggestion I gave is highly important, with the precise wording. [...]

TMA Appendix C Gramacy magician magic tricks coincidence

[...] It’s not in my bag of tricks,” he went on suggestively. [...]

“Why not catch yourself with knowledge you’re not supposed to have?” I suggested.

TPS3 Session 770 (Deleted Portion) April 5, 1976 hindsight lull plow reactivation fondest

[...] He responded in an excellent manner to my suggestions (last week).

TES5 Session 221 January 10, 1966 test coat Ann momentum Diebler

(Seth has referred to the ability of suggestion to change experience which has already passed. [...]

I suggest your break.

[...] I suggest that the experiments with our Jesuit and cat lover wait for a while yet, though the idea is a sound one, and we shall conduct our experiments later. [...]

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

On the other hand he is too suggestible to other peoples needs, in that your point made earlier is correct; for through the material many more can be helped. [...]

[...] I suggest that this summer Ruburt become much more familiar with the Seth material. [...]

I suggest that he let it go. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 5, 1984 Jeff talent Karder poets fix

(I showed Jane the list of questions I’ve been acquiring, at Seth’s own suggestion, and told her that one of them concerned the insurance situation — that I didn’t want to mess it up by demanding action from our lawyer, say. [...]

[...] At my suggestion Jane began to try writing with one of my pens. [...]

[...] The suggestion is working fairly well. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] I don’t know it well enough to quote it here, but suggest that she write it up and add it to this session, for it sounded very good.)

[...] Once the pendulum shows you that the subconscious does understand, however, it is all right to check now and then,but those statements can act as negative suggestions otherwise. [...]

[...] I am simply asking that you not give the subconscious too many issues to deal with at once, and the last part of each session should always reinforce any positive steps you have made and end with a few, very brief, clear positive suggestions.

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