
Results 81 to 100 of 149 for stemmed:sue

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

(To Sue.) When you really learn to trust yourself, when you learn emotionally, as well as intellectually, when you learn with your spirit and your gut, then you will learn who you are. [...]

(To Sue.) I scarcely feel the need to speak to you since I have spoken to you so often in the dream state and thankfully, from Ruburt’s standpoint, you remembered at least one occasion when such communications were taking place, and when you both recorded them. [...]

(After the experiment Sue explained the thoughts she had regarding creativity and responsibility.)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

(To Sue.) For this one over here, no probable self is at the mercy of negative thoughts of yours. [...]

([Sue:] “Would an example of a probable reincarnational self be the image of my grandfather I used to see?”)

[Sue:] “Will that particular probable self, in a further probable incarnation, have more to do with me?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated

([Sue:] “Can one entity have two personalities at once in this system of reincarnation?”)

([Sue:] “Is there anybody here who has another personality in this same time?”)

[...] Ned and Sue work them out. [...]

TES9 Seth II diminished Carl Bega human beyond

[...] [On July 16 Carl & Sue Watkins bought the oils of Charlie Painter, the dream hands, & Moses.]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] I arranged that both women would meet here at 4:00 PM to talk with Jane for an hour before supper time; Sue Watkins was also due that afternoon with some typed material for Psyche—which is why I made the arrangement to begin with.

[...] Instead, Jane was counting on being free for the day and didn’t want to see anybody except Sue. [...]

[...] Also: when Sue arrived, she reported that on her visit to the dentist this afternoon a large cavity was discovered that she didn’t know existed. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

(Sumari came through with a chant for class then a message to Rob and Sue, then to Rob, Sue and Bette. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 4, 1972 Sumari proceed Bette gift Richelieu

Now give us a moment so our dear friend here (Sue) can turn on the mechanical gadget and get it right and make sure that all the zeros are where they are supposed to be. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging

[...] We went over parts of a long letter from Sue Watkins, but Jane couldn’t read it. [...]

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

[...] I’d say that her own awareness of multiple channels has grown out of her initial sensing of the channels available from Seth, as described in the 616th session in Chapter 2 of Personal Reality; and that her material on neurological speeds is related to the observations of Jane that were noted by Sue Watkins in Seth Speaks; see the 594th session in the Appendix of that book. [...]

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

[...] Carl and Sue are both in their early twenties. [...] The older adults began complaining about the rioters with some bitterness, however, until Sue said with some heat: “Well, I’m against violence, too. [...]

[...] It is up to you [nodding at Sue and Carl] as to whether or not you will listen.

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

There were several other themes floating about our lives … Sue Watkins’ new book Conversations with Seth about my E.S.P. classes was to appear in the fall. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session February 19, 1975 Foster house hill privacy formality

[...] Now Seth diverged to give perhaps a page of data on the family of consciousness that Sue Watkins came up with in 1971 or ‘72. That material, with Sue’s notes, will go into The “Unknown” Reality, possibly in the notes for the 738th session in Section Six.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

[...] Besides doing all of her own writing and newspaper work, Sue Watkins is close to finishing her part of the typing on the final manuscript for Seth’s Psyche; I still have to spend more time on some of the notes for it. Sue has also agreed that next year she’ll start helping me type my notes and appendix material for Volume 2 of “Unknown.”

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

(And these final notes: We still don’t know whether the Dutch edition of Seth Speaks has been published — but we do know that our good friend Sue Watkins is presently working on Chapter 15 of Conversations With Seth, the book she’s writing about Jane’s ESP classes. Sue has a few chapters to go, plus some appendix material, and Tam is due to receive her manuscript in January 1980. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

Now, I cannot sing along with Mitch, but I do have something to say to this one (Sue) and that one (Joel) and, to some extent, to all of you and it is this. [...]

(To Sue) Only those areas that mean— only those areas that mean to you safe justification have meaning and the others will begin to disappear. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

(Peter’s statement was soon confirmed by another longtime friend of ours, Sue Watkins,12 who also knows Peter well. He’d related the entire affair to her some months ago; his original perceptions had taken place over seven years ago, long before Sue had introduced him to Jane and me in 1973. [...]

12. For some material on Sue Watkins in Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, see the opening notes for Session 692, along with Note 2 for that session.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

 (To Sue.) You are ready for an excursion into another level of probabilities that you have not visited and so our friend, Ruburt, will expect to see the results in black and white before too long. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore

[...] Sumari came through with a  message to Bette and Sue. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

I am talking first of all of Bette and Joel, then I am speaking of you and Sue and then I am speaking of you and Joel. [...]

(To Sue.) There is a particular experience awaiting you when you are ready for it. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 898, January 30, 1980 computer divine unspoken animals inheritors

(On January 23 I mailed to our publisher Jane’s Introduction for Sue Watkins’s Conversations With Seth.

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