
Results 41 to 60 of 149 for stemmed:sue

ECS2 ESP Class Session, September 22, 1970 Rachel love remarriage Ned reawakened

(To Sue.) I gave you more information that you do not remember. [...]

(To Sue:) You have another trip coming. [...]

(To Ned.) This time I will start with you, and it is up to you this time to bring this one (Sue) along. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] She’s worked each day at her third novel on the adventures of Oversoul Seven, and has heard often from Sue Watkins about Sue’s progress with her book on Jane’s ESP class: Conversations With Seth.1 And with all of her other activities, Jane has held four sessions since the 14th: two personal ones, and two [842–43] on matters other than book dictation.

1. Sue has to do a considerable amount of research for Conversations With Seth, incidentally, especially locating, then interviewing — in person, by telephone or by mail, as the case may be — numerous class members. [...] Sue has also devised a questionnaire to be filled out by those cooperating in her study.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 30, 1984 maintenance waft passionately exemption tasty

(I should also add that Sue, one of the aides we’ve become acquainted with, showed us pictures of her two young sons. [...] I told Sue that her children were great, and meant it. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 14, 1971 Sumari Rob language Femtori Grendah

[...] Now there are surprises in store for all of you including you (to Rob) and this one here (to Sue). [...]

(Sue) Oranda

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Friday, August 5, 1977 Kautz oddest Friday Uneven physician
TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

Other than a few close friends — Sue Watkins among them — I saw few people. Sue is mentioned in The Magical Approach. [...]

Sue Watkins, who described Jane’s ESP class so well in her two-volume Conversations with Seth, recently began doing research for Conversations with Jane Roberts: A Multidimensional Memoir.

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

([Sue:] “I’m the one across the field. [...]

(One week later, in class of January 21, Sue told of a recurring dream which she had for some years—a dream in which she had stood in a field of wheat or cornfield was afire and she feared for the safety of the village.)

TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

[...] She’s worked each day at her third novel on The Adventures of Oversoul Seven, and has heard often from Sue Watkins about Sue’s progress with her book on Jane’s ESP class: Conversations with Seth and with all of her other activities. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

(This session was witnessed by Carl and Sue Watkins and their infant son Sean. Carl and Sue are members of Jane’s ESP class.)

(11:08 P.M. Seth’s parting remark was in answer to a question Sue had raised earlier in the evening, about how much revision his book would require. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

[...] Now, it is there, however, underneath the topsoil of your mind and yours (Alison) and this one (a student) and at times, Ruburt, and to some extent, this one (Sue). [...]

([Sue:] “Are you giving Jane and Rob information about the personality characteristics of the probable selves of my dream?”)

([Sue:] “How many sessions have you had?”)

([Sue:] “Is that their dream state I am contacting or their waking state?”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

(Carl and Sue Watkins witnessed the session. Sue brought a list of questions, which we added to others already on hand.)

[...] Break came, to the laughter of Sue and Carl. [...]

[...] I wish my friends over here a hearty good evening; and when you both travel next (Seth has been helping Carl and Sue with astral travel), I hope you bring your memories along with you — and (to me) you too.

[...] Sue brought up the question of overpopulation. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

I expect (to Sue and Ned) some greater performance from you two now. [...]

([Sue:] “I haven’t been remembering my dreams.”)

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

(Now these notes hark back to the end of the 732nd session, when I wrote a paragraph concerning Sue Watkins, our longtime friend who attends class as often as she can these days from the small town where she now lives, some 35 miles north of Elmira. Jane listed Seth’s families of consciousness last month in Session 732, but wound up the evening’s work thinking that several years ago, soon after she’d initiated the Sumari breakthrough, Sue had psychically tuned in on the name of a second family of consciousness — one that Seth didn’t give in the 732nd session. [...] One of the reasons for my failure to settle the matter right away was the lack of any immediate pressure to do so, for we hadn’t seen Sue since before the 729th session was held; that’s over five weeks ago now; newspaper work has often kept her too busy to make the trip to Elmira.

(Sue’s note intrigued me anew: After class I promised her that not only would I search our files about Grunaargh, but that with Seth’s help Jane and I would eventually get more information on that family, and present it somewhere in the notes for “Unknown” Reality. [...] Actually, for whatever reasons, Sue had glimpsed a family other than Sumari before Jane had. [...] Sue had picked up on the Grunaargh1 during the 598th session, which she’d recorded for me the evening after Jane had made the whole Sumari breakthrough in class, on November 23, 1971.

(Sue did attend class last Tuesday evening, however, arriving just in time before it began to read the transcript for the 732nd session. [...]

[...] When Seth came through Sue had time for but one question: Was Grunaargh connected to any of the families of consciousness Seth had named in the 732nd session? [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, October 19, 1971 Dee strangers tosses joy met

(To Sue.) And thank you for all your hard work. [...]

([Sue:] “My pleasure.”)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

(Sue and Ned explained to Jane what Seth had said to them as parents and that Sue was overindulging Sean.)

(To Sue.) Now this one over here. [...]

(To Ned and Sue.) I will have something to say to you, and to you, at another time when class is not involved, but I want you to jump together on the same stick. [...]

(To Ned and Sue.) And these two, back here, should have an experience worth recording. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

[...] Again, two of Sue’s come closest to being representative. [...] The following is from Sue’s notebook.

On January 22, 1971, a few months after the first dream about the York Beach couple, Sue had another. [...]

Sue has had several other short dream encounters with the York Beach couple and in each they seemed more confident and assured. [...]

[...] Seth answered several in a class session held several days after Sue’s last dream. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

(Sue Watkins visited at about 1:50, and we had a good time. Once again, Sue “is sick of Dundee.” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 13, 1983 Magnum Lorrie shoulder artwork p.i

[...] Jane also had a dream involving the death of Sue Watkins that I wanted a word on. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s dream that Sue was dead represented the death of old beliefs about women writers. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] Our friend here can tell you (to Sue), you can be determined to write such an experience down and forget to do so. [...]

(To Sue:) Your dream was quite legitimate. [...]

(To Sue.)Now, our Mathilda over here, you see I am not looking at her, is becoming more and more aware of her nightly adventures. [...]

(To Sue.) There was not a close—this is a PS to a PS—not a close, but a definite relationship between us in the past and it is for that reason that you were brought to Ruburt, to the classes. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

[...] I’m getting conditioned now, I don’t want to say, Sue, what are you getting? Sue, what are you getting?”

([Sue Watkins:] “Writer’s cramp.”

([Jane:] “Sue’s taking notes.”

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