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(Jane and I left F. Fell’s office, where the 360th session had been held, at about 11:45 AM, with an appointment to meet Mr. Van Over at about noon. He had a very few minutes for us before leaving his own office to keep an appointment. At his office Jane was informed that a phone call awaited her from the Alan Burke TV show; a Mr. Shapiro was on the line at that moment. Jane spent some fifteen minutes explaining to him why she did not want to be on the Burke show.
(This is the first time Jane held two sessions in one day, even though both were relatively brief. This second session is also unique in her experience, and promises well for the future. The witness other than myself was Mr. Raymond Van Over, associate editor of the Parapsychology Foundation of 29 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.
(Mr. Van Over appeared to be interested in Jane’s abilities, although he hadn’t read her ESP book. He briefly outlined a business venture he was launching himself in the fall, if possible, and asked if we could meet him in the lobby of our hotel, the Paramount, at 3 PM. This session, the 361st, took place during our meeting in the coffee shop, called Rudd’s, of the Paramount.
(There are no verbatim quotes here from Seth, since Jane obtained her information from him in a different way. The session began after we had had some time for an informative, get-acquainted talk, on parapsychology in general, methods of conducting tests, personalities, Seth’s particular philosophy, etc. Mr. Van Over had much interesting information to impart; and also, much of what he had to say about the way mediums operate struck responsive notes within us, since we had seen the same things transpiring within, and in connection with, Jane.
[...] There are more “coincidences” involved than those Seth described tonight, none of them consciously known to Jane and me before the Sayre adventure: Mr. Markle is in a nursing home but a few miles from where we live in Elmira, and my mother spent her last days in a similar home less than 15 miles away; one of Mr. Markle’s children lives in Elmira, and is connected with a store Jane and I have visited; Mr. [...]
[...] In the recognized reality shared by the Butts family there had been no intimate contact between Joseph’s mother and Mr. [...] Mr. [...]
Joseph felt strong leanings toward Mr. [...] A coincidence — a mere trick of fate that Joseph could be walking through the old man’s home,2 and that Mr. [...]
[...] It would seem as if all of this was dependent upon earlier events: his mother’s prior meeting with Mr. Markle years ago, when both were young; her daydreams and fantasies in later years; her own death; Mr. [...]
(“Well, I know you said in the last session [just before 10:33] that from her nonphysical reality my mother isn’t trying to coerce Jane and me into buying Mr. [...]
5. A note added 10 months later: There were many house ramifications to come, though, concerning not only Mr. [...]
[...] At the Sheraton-Hilton John had several meetings with Searle’s Washington, DC representative to the government, Mr. [...] Mr. [...] John said his own idea of a “fat” man is one who is grossly overweight; this Mr. [...]
(As stated earlier, the sounding out was quite subtle as performed by Mr. [...] John has since written to Mr. [...]
[...] John could offer nothing here at the moment, although there was a good connection, involving the Sheraton-Hilton and Mr. [...]
[...] Mr. [...] Jane’s father would have asked Mr. [...] Midge, I believe that is her name, would have flirted with Mr. [...]
[...] A meeting would have occurred between Ruburt’s Mr. Burrell and Ruburt’s father in a bar in Marathon, in which Mr. [...]
It was for this reason that Jane was antagonistic to Mr. [...] What set her off was not the disappointment over the teaching job, which fell through, but the sequence of events, such as Mr. [...]
(The Mr. [...]
[...] The Johnsons, the husband-and-wife real estate team who had taken us through Mr. [...] I could verify those facts myself, and add a bit to them, for even 43 years later I remembered Mr. [...]
The first (in Sayre), mentioned far earlier in “Unknown” Reality, you thought was definitely sold, and today you discovered that the sale was not that final.10 As you discussed these issues a rather important main point escaped your minds: The man who owned the first house (Mr. [...]
(Considering parallels, here’s another of the many “connections” that Jane and I have become aware of since we began our housing odyssey last year [already we’ve compiled a list of 30 similar relationships]: Three out of the four dwellings that in one way or another we’ve been seriously involved with possess driveways shared by next-door neighbors — Mr. [...]
[...] Then when Debbie Janney arrived Saturday evening, she told me that she had just missed meeting me at Steiner’s photo studio earlier that week; going there to have a portrait taken, she’d seen by accident the enlargements of my parents that Mr. [...] I was due to pick them up the next day, and she asked Mr. [...]
(Two male teachers and a female were involved with Jane while she sought work as a teacher—Mr. Don Hennigen and Mr. [...]