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TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

[...] I’ve wanted to try to film Jane reading poetry in the meantime, but each time I think of asking her —usually at night—I can see that she’s so uncomfortable that I let it go.

The information in Mass Events and in our sessions helped him use impulses to a far better degree than he had before, and helped him keep some balance, let him advance in understanding despite the period of difficulty. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

Let us look at a scene from a play called “Getting Up in the Morning.”

[...] And for now (underlined) let the dream book rest. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

[...] However, I see that he let it come through undistorted. [...]

[...] This enthusiasm has caused you difficulties in the past, and I will not be, I simply will not be, the means of allowing you to let it operate without using discipline and discretion.

[...] We invited him to attend future sessions; and it was becoming more and more apparent that we would have to make some kind of arrangement for others to be able to read the material, without letting it out of our hands. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

[...] Instead, during the last week he let his own creative imagination go wherever it might while he held the general idea in his mind. [...]

[...] You cannot let your guard down long enough to discover what it is. [...]

8. I began these notes several weeks after the 732nd session was held, so that I had some camouflage time to sort out events, and to let others happen.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 11, 1983 staff Kleenex fragile healing Cathy

[...] Let the night shift look out for themselves,” Jan said. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 30, 1984 Oh dentist die lunch worsening

[...] I’ve even thought of dying to let you go free.”

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] The large bay window was open, letting in the unusually warm night air. [...]

[...] It served to introduce the students to Seth, and I will let a few excerpts from it serve the same purpose now, introducing Seth to those readers who have not heard of him:

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

[...] Normal aggressiveness is basically a natural kind of communication, particularly in social orders; a way of letting another person know that in your terms they have transgressed, and therefore a method of preventing violence — not of causing it.

Let us take a very simple example involving a kind and good man in a fairly ordinary environment within your society. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] I let myself float along, knowing that if I held my breath I would rise to the surface. [...]

[...] You come to the surface because you realize that you would never in actuality let that kind of a situation keep you under for long. [...]

TMA Session One August 6, 1980 rational assembly magical approach measurements

When you were both intensely involved in your projects, just finished, you let much of your inner experience slide, relatively speaking. [...]

[...] True creativity comes from enjoying the moments, which then fulfill themselves, and a part of the creative process is indeed the art of relaxation, the letting go, for that triggers magical activity, and that is what Ruburt must learn.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 nonintervals nonmoments Arnold spices Rachel

Now, I will let you all take a break and I will return in an unmoment. [...]

Now, you may all rest, but I hope that during your break you try to let the barriers that you have built up within yourselves dissolve for only you form them and only you can dissolve them and what you do now is important, you see, not only for the self you are now, in your terms, but again, in your terms of reference, for the selves that you have been and the selves that you will be. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 587, July 28, 1971 Hebrews god dramas Mohammedanism religion

[...] The earlier beliefs represented a far better representation of inner reality, in which man, observing nature, let nature speak and reveal its secrets.

Let me take this moment to state again that there are no devils or demons, except as you create them out of your belief. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 27, 1983 Surgical nurses Pinnacle atticle ate

I announce my presence simply to let you know that I am here, and have been. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 14, 1984 Babs appointment dentist healing mustard

[...] We can hardly let a “schedule” interfere with such important activity. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 22, 1983 spasms surmised legs houseboat Margaret

[...] I must let the rest of the world go its own way. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 9, 1972 nonevents unbeing nutshell unhappening accomplishment

[...] He is not to let them concern him now. [...]

TES4 Session 181 August 25, 1965 ego absent environment anchorage map

[...] We hope to let you catch yourselves in the act. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1978 Carter God Jews Arabs men

[...] In view of the subject matter that did develop, rather to our surprise, let me note that since late last week President Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and Israel’s Prime Minister Begin have been meeting at Camp David in pursuit of peace for the Middle East. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

There are many things I want to tell you tonight, and I wish to let you know that you have made certain advancements. [...]

[...] It was a necessity for you both in the beginning, however, and do not let it go—that is, do not return it. [...]

[...] Yet the revelation of Seth’s involvement with me produced such a startling and rapid phenomena on Jane’s part that she wanted to let me know when it happened. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

(Whispering:) Let me continue …

[...] That evening, through using what I call interior sound,5 I let Ruburt become acquainted with the power at my disposal so that he could realize that it did, basically now, come from beyond his personality as he understands it.

[...] (Humorously:) Let me give you a brief example that will also show you how well I have learned your culture.

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