14 results for stemmed:germani

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 852, May 9, 1979 Hitler Aryan Germany Jews grandiose

Hitler preached on the great value of social action as opposed to individual action. He turned children into informers against their own parents. He behaved nationalistically, as any minor cult leader does in a smaller context. The Jews believed in martyrdom. (Pause.) Germany became the new Egypt, in which their people were set upon. I do not want to oversimplify here, and certainly I am nowhere justifying the cruelties the Jews encountered in Germany. You do each create your own reality, however (intently), and en masse you create the realities of your nationalities and your countries — so at that time the Germans saw themselves as victors, and the Jews saw themselves as victims.

In a strange fashion, however, Hitler knew that he was doomed from the very beginning, and so did Germany as far as Hitler’s hopes for it were concerned. He yearned for destruction, for in saner moments even he recognized the twisted distortions of his earlier ideals. This meant that he often sabotaged his own efforts, and several important Allied victories were the result of such sabotaging. In the same way (pause), Germany did not have the [atomic] bomb for the same reasons.

All that was not Aryan, really, became the enemy. The Jews took the brunt largely because of their financial successes and their cohesiveness, their devotion to a culture that was not basically Aryan. They would become the victims of Hitler’s fanatical ideal of Germany’s good.

UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

[...] It’s believed that Johann Gutenberg (1400?–1468) was experimenting with movable metal type in Strasbourg, Germany, before 1448 — but there’s also possible evidence of printing from such type in Holland by 1430, for instance. (And typography itself was known, but not much used, in China and Korea in the 11th century.) In about 1448 Gutenberg became a citizen of Mainz, Germany, where he continued his work. [...]

[...] I know that Gutenberg is credited with this invention, and probably rightly so; but I also feel this as one of those discoveries that appeared in several places at once, and that my beefy fellow’s shop was in the general vicinity of Gutenberg’s — in Germany? [...]

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

431… Germany—the Huns sweep down. [...] A-c-r-i-l-a (spelled out), a descendant of the Roman tribes, brought to Germany by the Romans to secure the Empire.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging

[...] Elisabeth left her some yellow primroses, very nice, and a place mat made by a lady in Germany whom Elisabeth, being German herself, has written to for us.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

(“Jane got her first letter from Germany today.” [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

[...] He was a monk as a young man but, eventually rebelling against the Catholic Church, became the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 10, 1979 Prentice Dutch Hall contracts publishing

(Jane immediately called Tam, to learn that, ironically, all of the bigwigs at Prentice-Hall are in Europe, attending the book fair at Frankfurt, Germany, I believe is where it is. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

You knew him in a past life in Germany, and you have all been males and females so it is quite easily for you to relate in either direction. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

[...] He lived in Germany in his reality. [...]

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

Germany also, 1732, in what is now Cologne; an alchemist. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] The earliest known engravings, printed on paper, date from around 1450; pictorial engraving and etching were evidently developed in Germany in the early 1500s. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

One, however, was as a merchant in Germany in approximately 1830, the area now around Austria. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 flute Louise music tale wink

[...] You gave it everything that you had, and in 18th-century Germany you became a well-known pianist. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session June 27, 1977 expression love verbally stomach unrealistic

[...] Hence, you do not make any simple, joyful remarks, like “The book will be out in England or Germany,” and indeed, you take little pleasure from that, but leap ahead to the imagined threats. [...]